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      FilosofíaAristotelesHenry E. Allison
Kant attempts to establish a correlation between the unity of self-consciousness and the experience of an objectively valid world in the “Transcendental Deduction” of the Critique of Pure Reason. For this purpose, he plots a sophisticated... more
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      Philosophy of MindImmanuel KantUnity of ConsciousnessTranscendental Idealism
Nosso principal objetivo consiste em resgatar a polêmica entre Max Weber e seus contemporâneos acerca da ética kantiana e, ao mesmo tempo, desenvolver uma revisão crítica do capítulo de W. Schluchter: “Isenção dos juízos de valor e... more
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      Kant's Practical PhilosophyImmanuel KantMax Weber (Philosophy)Hans Kelsen
There has been a real Kant-Renaissance starting from the 1960s, especially regarding Kant's ethics. In particular, a raised interest in Kant's normative ethics , rather than just in the foundations, has generated not only a number of... more
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      EthicsNormative EthicsNormativityImmanuel Kant
The Prussian philosopher Immanuel Kant (d. 1804) delved into the freedom and determinism debate by offering a distinct and highly idiosyncratic approach to the issue. Kant’s approach is integrated with views on epistemology, the limits... more
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      MetaphysicsEpistemologyImmanuel KantGottfried Wilhelm Leibniz
Este artículo, en un primer momento, expone el problema de las dos partes de la ‘Deducción’ de Kant; luego de esto, se muestra cómo Allison interpreta el problema en cuestión y, de paso, da su interpretación sobre la ‘validez objetiva’ de... more
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      EpistemologyKantEmmanuel KantImmanuel Kant
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      EpistemologyGerman IdealismImmanuel KantHenry E. Allison
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      AestheticsImmanuel KantHenry E. Allison
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      Immanuel KantHenry E. Allison
course paper written February 24, 2010
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      PhilosophyKantSelf and IdentitySelf-Determination Theory