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Heinz Kohut is a key figure for transpersonal psychology. Learning from the treatment of patients who suffered from pathological narcissism in his psychotherapy practice, Kohut developed a theoretical model of the self in which the... more
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      Transpersonal PsychologyThe SelfNarcissistic Personality DisorderSelf psychology
Deriving from the myth of Narcissus, in which a beautiful youth falls in love with his own reflection, the concept of narcissism was given its first systematic treatment in Sigmund Freud's 1914 essay “On Narcissism.” Since Freud's account... more
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      PsychologyEthicsAristotleLuce Irigaray
Tom is a 32-year-old single man who works as a lawyer in a competitive law firm. He holds a PhD from an Ivy League University. Tom decided to seek therapy in order to address his professional future. Tom describes his work environment as... more
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      PsychoanalysisSigmund FreudCase StudySelf psychology
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      Self and IdentitySelf-Determination TheoryThe SelfKaren Horney
This article examines the experience of being seen and analyzes its central role in the formation of a coherent sense of self. Tove Jansson's short story from 1962, 'The Invisible Child', serves as the red thread of the article, and the... more
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В психологии самости считается, что неспособность родителей выстроить должные эмпатические взаимоотношения со своими детьми приводит к вышеупомянутым неудачам родительства. Хотя родители обычно непреднамеренны в своей неотзывчивости,... more
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      PsychoanalysisPsychotherapyPsychotherapy and CounselingPsychodynamic Psychotherapy
In Psychotherapy Reflections a psychoanalytically-informed patient describes his feelings about his therapeutic relationship and critically examines selected therapy sessions from a nine-month course of treatment. Many texts about... more
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      Creative WritingPsychoanalysisCreativityPsychotherapy and Counseling
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      Donald W. WinnicottPsicologia dello sviluppoPsicologia Clinica Dello SviluppoPsicoanalisi
Narsizm ve borderline gibi kişilik yapılarının etiyolojisinde Bilişsel Davranışçı Terapi (BDT) gibi modeller yetersiz kalabilmektedir. Bu sebeple narsizmi anlamak için psikanalitik kuramda Kendilik Psikolojisini (Self Psychology)... more
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      PsychoanalysisSelf psychologyHeinz KohutNarsizim
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      PsychoanalysisHistory Of PsychoanalysisNarcissism (Psychology)Narcissism
I hereby grant to Simon Fraser University the right to lend my thesis, project or extended essay (the titIe of which is shown below) to users of the Simon Fraser University Library, and to make partial or single copies only for such users... more
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      Narcissism (Psychology)Self psychologyHeinz Kohut
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    • Heinz Kohut
Перевод фрагментов из статьи психотерапевта Роберта Салцмана «Хайнц Кохут и изобретение психоаналитической психологии самости», вошедшей в качестве главы в неопубликованную книгу автора «Психотерапия как личная исповедь» (Psychotherapy as... more
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      PsychoanalysisPsychotherapy and CounselingObject RelationsAttachment Theory
En esta investigación psicodinamica encontré que dentro de la envidia existe un rol fundamental de origen biológico. En este sistema envidioso también están en movimiento funciones neurológicas, estas mismas permiten que florezcan los... more
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      Borderline Personality DisorderSigmund FreudWilfred BionDonald W. Winnicott
Bu çalışmanın iki amacı bulunmaktadır; İlki, direnç ve bu terimi ilk kez kullanan Freud’dan günümüze ‘direnç’ terimi hakkındaki teorilerin, psikanalitik ve psikodinamik terapiler açısından psikoloji tarihi boyunca nasıl geliştiği ve... more
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      PsychologyPsychoanalysisResistance (Social)Sigmund Freud
shared roles as psychoanalytic theorists who built vital epistemological challenges to the psychoanalytic mainstream into their metapsychological and developmental theories. Their radical emendations were born from their respective... more
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      PsychoanalysisJacques LacanLacanian theoryLacanian psychoanalysis
Artikkeli käsittelee nähdyksi tulemisen kokemusta ja sen keskeistä asemaa itseyden muodostumisessa. Artikkelin punaisena lankana toimii Tove Janssonin tarina ”Näkymätön lapsi” (1962), ja sitä lähestytään filosofian, kehityspsykologian ja... more
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      Edmund HusserlDonald W. WinnicottTove JanssonThe Moomins
Using a brief psychodynamic framework, I propose that the use of in-session therapist drawings or " sketches " that support verbal communication is a meaningful activity in the therapist–patient dyad. I argue that the creation of visual... more
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      Clinical PsychologyBrief PsychotherapyHIV/AIDSPsychoanalytic Theory
Auf der Grundlage einer empirischen Studie über spirituelle Heiler und ihre Klienten wird ein Beitrag zur religionswissenschaftlichen Religionspsychologie geleistet. Im Sinne des methodologischen Ludismus wird mit psychoanalytischen... more
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      PsychoanalysisPsychological AnthropologyMedical AnthropologyEmpathy (Psychology)
Das narzisstische Gleichgewicht entsteht durch wechselseitige Anerkennung - Das Gleichgewicht des Narzissmus und die Relationale Psychotherapie - Materialien zur Intersubjektiven Wende in der Psychotherapie narzisstischer Störungen -... more
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      Self and IdentityGestalt TherapySelf RegulationEmotion Regulation
Ovaj članak daje mogući odgovor na pitanje -možemo li dominantne teorije ličnosti, jed nako kao i dominantne psihoterapije dvadesetog i dvadeset i prvog stoljeća, podije liti prema tumačenju organizacije ljudskih iskustava u smislenu... more
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In Psychotherapy Reflections a psychoanalytically-informed patient describes his feelings about his therapeutic relationship and critically examines selected therapy sessions from a nine-month course of treatment. Many texts about... more
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      Creativity studiesPsychotherapy and CounselingNarcissism (Psychology)Sigmund Freud
Bullying is very common, even by a church's most dedicated volunteers. The gospel teaches respect and attentive listening. Jesus on reformers being treated “without honor.” Cases where Jesus defends the vulnerable against bullying.... more
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      Early ChristianityBiblical StudiesNarcissism (Psychology)Anti Bullying
En este artículo me centro en informar y discutir acerca de las tensiones que existen entre Kohut y otros autores, como Freud, los post‐kleinianos, Mahler, y autores del psicoanálisis relacional. Estas tensiones las conceptualizo como... more
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      Sigmund FreudRelational PsychoanalysisKleinian Psychoanalysis / Melanie KleinParadox
Heinz Kohut continúa el desarrollo teórico acerca del narcisismo realizado por el movimiento que puede llamarse Teoría de las relaciones objetales. El autor otorga mayor coherencia filosófica a una serie de observaciones de Freud, que se... more
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      PsychoanalysisSigmund FreudPhilosophy of LovePost-Freudian Psychoanalysis
This talk takes its start from a single line in Heinz Kohut and a single line in Heidegger. Kohut says that when an individual loses the other and thereby loses the other's empathy, the individual is left apathetic, lethargic, depresses,... more
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      PsychoanalysisEmpathy (Psychology)HermeneuticsMartin Heidegger
1 Introduction 2 Totem and Taboo 3 The Future of An... more
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      ReligionPsychologyPsychology of ReligionSigmund Freud
Genesis and development of "making special": Is the concept relevant to aesthetic philosophy? Rivista di Estetica.
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      Psychoanalysis and artHeinz Kohut
This study emphasizes the shallow connection that has been overshadowed between metafiction and self-reflective literature (also called 'narcissist narratives') and the psychological and cultural aspects of the phenomena of Narcissism.... more
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      Comparative LiteratureFredric JamesonSelf-Reference, Reflexivity, ReflectionMetafiction
Drawing on foundational works by Husserl and Stein, Throop and Zahavi present a somewhat counterintuitive understanding of empathy, one far removed from our everyday use of the term. In this comment, I briefly explore an alternative... more
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      Psychological AnthropologySocial and Cultural AnthropologyPhenomenologyEmpathy
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      PsychoanalysisHistory Of PsychoanalysisJacques LacanSigmund Freud
Il decennio che va dal 1970 al 1980 vede la Psicoanalisi continuare ad interrogarsi sul problema del Transfert e la sua declinazione nelle differenti scuole psicoanalitiche: la psicoanalisi ortodossa, l'Ego-psychology, la psicoanalisi... more
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      Clinical PsychologySigmund FreudMelanie KleinPsicología
In social media, a popular yet disturbing trend is occurring: there is an attack on “narcissists.” The thousands who demonize them through posts, images, and blogs are demonstrating the very lack of empathy this narcissistic population is... more
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      Narcissism (Psychology)Social MediaHeinz Kohut
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      MarihuanaPSIQUIATRIA INFANTILHeinz KohutAlicia En El Pais De Las Maravillas
Teksten følger den psykoanalytiske diskussion af relationer fra Sigmund Freud over den nyere psykoanalytiske skoler inden for den angelsaksiske og amerikanske psykoanalyse
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      SociologyPsychologyPsychoanalysisSelf and Identity
In this chapter, we present the theories of Sidney Blatt and Heinz Kohut regarding normal and abnormal psychological development, the clinical implications of those theories, and links between them. We begin by describing Blatt's model.... more
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    • Heinz Kohut
Nancy Chase (1999) in her Burdened Children tells us about a Time Magazine issue (April 1996) where on the cover photo we find the picture of Jessica, a seven year old girl, who died in the crash of her small plane facing a storm, while... more
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      Child Clinical PsychologyParent Child RelationshipsParental Involvement in EducationChild Psychology
Gregory Rizzolo’s “act of translation” between Levinasian ethics and Kohut’s self psychology focuses on the question of narcissism. He argues that what ethics requires is not what he calls “moral masochism,” but instead a healthy sense of... more
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      Émmanuel LévinasRelational PsychoanalysisTraumaNarcissism
We have focused on the transmission of the field of awareness and on the extension of the field into the present, the past and the future. We have focused on cutting through methods which are forms of the methodology of the ancient... more
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      Critical TheoryReligionBuddhismSociology
Algunos artistas de humor gráfico representan relaciones asimétricas. En ellas, un personaje se siente y actúa como si experimentara inferioridad frente a otro. Esta inferioridad se manifestaría de maneras variadas: por la necesidad del... more
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      Hannah SegalMelanie KleinHeinz KohutAutoestima Y Depresión
El personaje narcisista constituye una suerte de disociación del yo de evidente carácter defensivo que, en su origen, cumple con una función adaptativa pero que, con la evolución y el desarrollo del individuo, este fenómeno sufre un... more
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      Self and IdentityJungian psychologyJacques LacanSigmund Freud
Introduzione Trauma, sopravvivenza, ricerca del sé Lo sforzo più grande della vita è di non abituarsi alla morte.
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      Trauma StudiesSigmund FreudAby WarburgBenedetto Croce
This is a stand alone peer reviewed article and the sixth chapter of "The Whole Child: Selected Papers on Existential-Humanistic Child Psychology." In this article, qualitative, case-based research findings from the works of D. W.... more
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      Positive PsychologySubjective Well-BeingChild DevelopmentExistential Psychology
This article tracks the course of chronic loneliness from its roots in impoverished regulatory twinship selfobject experiences in infancy to its emergence as a serious health concern, and discusses clinical implications. Incorporating... more
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      PsychologySocial PsychologyNarcissism (Psychology)Loneliness
Empathy is one of the most consistent outcome predictors in contemporary psychotherapy research. The function of empathy is particularly important for the development of a positive therapeutic relationship: patients report positive... more
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      PsychoanalysisPhilosophy of SciencePsychotherapySigmund Freud
Heinza Kohuta, psihoanalitičara i utemeljitelja psihologije sebstva otkrio sam još prije tridesetak godina, a toliko je otprilike i prošlo godina od njegove smrti. U međuvremenu, sve ovo vrijeme, ja pokušavam naći njegovog nasljednika, a... more
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      PsychoanalysisPhenomenologyÉmmanuel LévinasIntersubjectivity
This essay explores a parish-based pastoral counseling case with a terminally ill woman suffering from crippling memories of childhood trauma. The analysis of the case focuses on the mutual influence arising within relational field, the... more
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      PsychologyJungian psychologyTraumaPastoral Psychology
Resumo: O presente artigo busca estabelecer uma relação entre o filme O Apartamento, de Asghar Farhadi, e a peça de Arthur Miller, A morte de um caixeiro-viajante. Tendo por fundamento a noção psicanalítica de narcisismo e a teoria do "... more
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      Iranian CinemaArthur MillerCinema E PsicanáliseLiteratura E Psicanálise
This paper focuses on the literary theme of the double (doppelgänger) as an artistic attempt at endowing suffering protagonists with a chance for redemption. Doppelgänger works feature a protagonist who encounters his or her double, or... more
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      PsychologyPsychoanalysis And LiteratureMedicineDoppelgänger