Recent papers in Hazards
Use of InSAR techniques in the study of unstable slopes has been suggested in recent works. However, in the ease of mass movements, which typically occur in high-relief terrain and are of limited areal extent, the detection of ground... more
Interdisciplinary field studies and remote sensing techniques were used to delineate mountain areas in Colorado subject to such natural hazards as snow avalanches, mudflows, rockfalls, and landslides. The old mining townsite of Ophir in... more
Elicitation of requirements for safety critical aeroengine control systems is dependent on the capture of core design intent and the systematic derivation of requirements addressing hazardous deviations from that intent. Derivation of... more
In order to motivate flood insurance purchase and promote flood hazard awareness and mitigation, the Community Rating System (CRS) of National Flood Insurance Program (NFIP), credits floodplain management activities and awards premium... more
Copyright 2009, Society of Petroleum Engineers This paper was prepared for presentation at the 2009 SPE/EAGE Reservoir Characterization and Simulation Conference held in Abu Dhabi, UAE, 1921 October 2009. This paper was selected for... more
This paper reviews the history of risk analysis and risk management, giving special emphasis to the neglected period prior to the 20th century. The overall objective of the paper is to: (1) dampen the prevailing tendency to view... more
Almost every night, lasers pointed at an aircraft/ATC tower can lead to hazards. Especially, during critical phases of flight such as approach, landing and takeoff. Laser beam can cause distraction, or glare or temporary flash... more
Sewage treatment plant (STP) operators are exposed to variety of hazard during wastewater processing. The aim of this study is to identify and manage these hazards, particularly in a local STP in Malaysia, through Occupational Health and... more
This paper defines and compares fault tolerances of a triple flight control architecture to a quadruple type, and investigates the impact of worst case failures on transient response of an aircraft. New insight in computing fault coverage... more
: This paper provides a generic approach to estimating the probability that an industrial site of specific dimensions and location will be struck by an aircraft. This generic method might be helpful to those charged with siting industrial... more
When an accident happens, it is obviously important to understand what caused it in order to take effective preventive measures. Accident analysis always implies an accident model, i.e., a set of assumptions of what the underlying... more
A knowtedge of the average electrical impedance of the human body is essentiat for the anafysis of electromagnetic harards in the VLF to MF band. The purpose of our measurements was to determine the average body impedance of severaf human... more
For 12 year the University of Wollongong landslide research team has been developing a Geographic Information System based Landslide Inventory of the Wollongong Local Government Area and surrounding areas. This inventory can now provide... more
We analyze microblog posts generated during two recent, concurrent emergency events in North America via Twitter, a popular microblogging service. We focus on communications broadcast by people who were "on the ground" during the Oklahoma... more
This paper reviews historical methods for estimating surge hazards and concludes that the class of solutions produced with Joint Probability Method (JPM) solutions provides a much more stable estimate of hazard levels than alternative... more
Numerous accidents have happened in all types of moored units, permanent and mobile. The problems related to mooring system failures are collision, abrasion, anchors etc. These problems have impact on people, environment, assets and... more
8-1 Safety CultureTheory and Practice Patrick Hudson Centre for Safety Science Universiteit Leiden PO Box 9555 2300 RB Leiden The Netherlands Hudson@ fsw. LeidenUniv. nl Abstract Safety Culture is seen as a way of ensuring high levels of... more
Computerized evaluation of Vibroseis similarity test data is the logical consequence of the increasing quality requirements for signal reproducibility and for synchronization of vibrators. The differences in start time and phase as well... more
Tower cranes are the centerpiece of production on today's typical building construction sites. Tower cranes hoist and transport a variety of loads near and above people, working under crowded conditions, occasionally with overlapping work... more
For 12 year the University of Wollongong landslide research team has been developing a Geographic Information System based Landslide Inventory of the Wollongong Local Government Area and surrounding areas. This inventory can now provide... more
Seu conteúdo foi revisado pelo Comitê Técnico do IV SimBGf, mas não necessariamente representa a opinião da SBGf ou de seus associados. É proibida a reprodução total ou parcial deste material para propósitos comerciais sem prévia... more
Nigeria, one of the world's largest oil exporters, has a coastline of approximately 853km facing the Atlantic Ocean. This coastline lies between latitude 4 o 10' to 6 o 20' N and longitude 2 o 45' to 8 o 35' E. The Nigerian coast is... more
The Human Factor in System Reliability Is Human Performance Predictable? [les Facteurs humains et la fiabilite des systemes-Les performances humaines, sont-elles previsibles?] To order the complete compilation report, use: ADA388027 The... more
The findings, interpretations, and conclusions expressed herein are those of the author(s) and do not necessarily reflect the views of the Board of Executive Directors of the World Bank or the governments they represent. The World Bank... more
The breakdown of a medical equipment in service is of particular concern because of its possible use in critical conditions. This may be a direct life support situation as therapy or an indirect effect such as providing information on the... more
The management of clinical solid waste (CSW) continues to be a major challenge, particularly, in most healthcare facilities of the developing world. Poor conduct and inappropriate disposal methods exercised during handling and disposal of... more
This work proposes a 2.5D modeling for a section crossing a segment of the Transbrasiliano Lineament in the southern part of Parnaiba Basin, NE Brazil-based on joint inversion of magnetic and gravimetric data. This study points out that... more
This article is for the awareness of the readers about the ill-effects of Microwave cooking, causes especially the non-thermal effects. Potentially increases the production of carcinogens or mutagens in foods. Minerals, Vitamins, and... more
This paper provides an outline of the technical solution to be adopted when integrating the Hazard Prediction and Assessment Capability (HPAC) with DSTO's Joint Seminar Wargaming Adjudication Tool (jSWAT). Opportunities to conduct "least... more
Experiments were conducted on the rapid depressurization of large pressure vessels. Measurements taken included the pressure, temperatures at a large number of positions both within the fluid phase(s) and on the wall of the vessel, and... more
Over the recent years, lives and property worth millions of shillings have been destroyed in fire disasters in secondary schools in the world. Cases of fire disasters in Kenyan secondary schools have been experienced in the last decade... more
On average more than 1000 tornado touchdowns hit the continental U.S. every year causing significant human and economic losses. In order to manage tornado risk, we need to assess tornado hazard, the subsequent damage, and the resulting... more
Shoreline and shelf-edge trajectories describe the migration through time of sedimentary systems, using geomorphological breaks-in-slope that are associated with key changes in depositional processes and products. Analysis of these... more
Karst environments are characterized by distinctive landforms related to dissolution and a dominant subsurface drainage. The direct connection between the surface and the underlying high permeability aquifers makes karst aquifers... more
"500 kilometers from the lunar base, astronauts make quick work of a rare service call on one of the exploration-class teleoperated rovers. Drawing by Paul Hudson. Vehicle and suit design by Brand Griffin. Copyright 1993."
The problem of removing directional trends frequently occurs in the processing of magnetic data and also in the subsequent steps of data interpretation. The so-called corrugations are typical directional trends occurring in levelled data,... more
The first paper to report new phytotoxic effects of a liquid detergent. Before this paper, no phytotoxic effects of liquid detergents were known. The following new phytotoxic effects of the liquid detergent "Vilva" on the seedlings of the... more