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      Jewish StudiesMedieval HistoryMedieval StudiesMedieval Jewish Philosophy
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      Jewish StudiesMedieval HistoryMedieval StudiesMedieval Jewish Philosophy
Introduction and annotated Italian translation from the Hebrew of "Sod ma'asseh be-reshit" by El'azar from Worms
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      Jewish MysticismHasidei Ashkenaz
This article discusses various rabbinic approaches to the story of Elisha and Gehazi (recorded in the Book of Kings), in which the former sends the latter with his staff to resurrect the Shunammite woman's dead child. Gehazi proves... more
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      PhenomenologyMidrashRabbinic LiteratureAnimals in Culture
On Sefer haMaskil (sefer Hasidim) by Rabbi Moshe ben Elazar haCohen
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      Ashkenazic JudaismHalachaMedival HistoryMedieval Ashkenaz
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      Jewish StudiesManuscript StudiesRabbinic LiteratureHebrew Manuscripts
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      Media StudiesJewish StudiesMedieval HistoryMedieval Studies
SUMMARY – This paper explores the notion of divine sonship in both Eckhart and the Askhenazi Hasidim. Though we ignore if there was any intellectual interaction between them, it remains interesting that in both the motif of sonship plays... more
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      MysticismMeister EckhartLogosLogos Christology
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      Jewish StudiesJewish MysticismJewish HistoryHasidei Ashkenaz
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      Jewish StudiesMedieval HistoryMedieval StudiesMedieval Hebrew Literature
This article examines the role of gematria in the commentary of R. Eleazar of Worms to the Book of Esther. Gematria is one of many hermeneutical tools, known as the “50 Gates of Understanding” that R. Eleazar applies to the biblical text... more
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      Jewish MysticismGematriaMedieval Jewish biblical exegesisHasidei Ashkenaz
This paper attempts to trace a legend of medieval surgery in the writings of the Hasidei Ashkenaz, as well as its persistence in later medical and rabbinic works. My thanks and appreciation to Professor Ephraim Kanarfogel for the basis... more
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      Jewish StudiesJewish HistoryRabbinic LiteratureMedieval Jewish History
In the blood libel – especially in non-Jewish sources – myth and history are dangerously intertwined. There have been countless studies on the subject in the fields of history, an- thropology and literature. In addition to “external... more
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      Yiddish LiteratureThe Tristan legendBlood libelHasidei Ashkenaz
This article examines several medieval pietistic works in northern France and Germany that shed light on the influence of Hasidei Ashkenaz. It also considers recent scholarship by Israel Ta-Shma, Ephraim Kanarfogel, Haym Soloveitchik, and... more
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      Jewish ThoughtSephardic StudiesManuscripts (Medieval Studies)Medieval Ashkenaz
table of contents of Chitzai Giborim - Plaitas Sofrim, 10 (Spring 2017), Journal inprint
חצי גבורים - פליטת סופרים, י (ניסן תשע"ז) , תוכן הענינים
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      Jewish StudiesBibliographyBiblical StudiesJewish History
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      Hebrew ManuscriptsMedieval MagicJewish MagicHasidei Ashkenaz
The final chapter of Sefer haMiddot—a popular ethical work by an anonymous late medieval author, entitled Orchot Tzaddikim in its printed versions—is Sha’ar Yir’at Shamayim. An early manuscript restores the original conclusion to the... more
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      Jewish EthicsJewish PhilosophyHasidei Ashkenaz
in: Metatexte. Erzählungen von schrifttragenden Artefakten in der alttestamentlichen und mittelalterlichen Literatur (hg. v. Friedrich-Emanuel Focken und Michael Ott, Materiale Textkulturen 15), Berlin: De Gruyter, 2016, 299–334 (Open... more
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      Codicology and Palaeography of Medieval Hebrew ManuscriptsHasidei AshkenazMedieval Hebrew Manuscripts
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      Jewish StudiesMedieval StudiesJewish MysticismPrayer
Review of David Shyovitz' "A Remembrance of His Wonders," on nature and the miraculous in the literature of Hasidei Ashkenaz.
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      ReligionJewish MysticismMedieval Jewish HistoryJudaism
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      Jewish StudiesPolish HistoryPolish StudiesPietism
פירוש ע' שמות למטטרון, המיוחס לר' נחמיה בן שלמה הנביא מארפורט, מתאפיין במתודה פרשנית יוצאת דופן, שהיחידה הלשונית "שם" היא בו בזמן נקודת המוצא שלה ויעדה. לאור זאת, נראה כי הניסיון לפענח את תפיסתו הלשונית של ר' נחמיה עשוי לתרום תרומה... more
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      Jewish MysticismJewish PhilosophyJewish MagicMedieval Ashkenaz
The present study interprets and frames a long-standing question concerning Judah he-H. asid's motivations in migrating to Regensburg against the social and geographical contexts of the Jews of Ashkenaz. By examining the use of Hebrew... more
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      Medieval HistoryMedieval GermanyMedieval settlementRegensburg
the last decades, the Pietists of medieval Germany (Ashkenazi Hasidim), who set their stamp on German Judaism for a little more than one hundred years, are still an undefined mass on the landscape of the history of Jewish ideas and... more
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      Jewish StudiesRabbinicsRabbinic LiteratureAshkenazic Judaism
The story of Elisha and the Shunammite woman reaches its dramatic climax when the woman's son dies and her impassioned plea to Elisha is heard. Elisha responds by dispatching Gehazi, his faithful acolyte, to perform a miracle and... more
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      HistoryHebrew BiblePhenomenologyMidrash
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      Jewish StudiesMedieval HistoryMedieval StudiesMedieval Jewish Philosophy
This article discusses various rabbinic approaches to the story of Elisha and Gehazi (recorded in the Book of Kings), in which the former sends the latter with his staff to resurrect the Shunammite woman's dead child. Gehazi proves... more
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      Hebrew BibleRabbinic LiteratureLiterary study of the BibleBible
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      Jewish StudiesMedieval HistoryMedieval StudiesJewish History
The Michael Mahzor, produced in Germany in 1258, one of the earliest illuminated Mahzorim, is a two-volume prayer book containing liturgical poems for the Holy Days and the 'four special Sabbaths,' when liturgical additions are... more
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      Medieval Hebrew Illuminated manuscriptsHasidei Ashkenaz
Piece from a new manuscript with the Tzavaa of Rebbe Yehuda HaChassid. Discusses the implications of the Tzavaa and raising dogs in Judaism (and in Ashkenaz).
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      DogsHasidei Ashkenaz
In and Out, Between and Beyond: Jewish Daily Life in Medieval Europe The exhibition In and Out, Between and Beyond: Jewish Daily Life in Medieval Europe is among the final fruits of the European Research Council research group Beyond the... more
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      Art HistoryJewish StudiesMedieval LiteratureJewish History
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      Jewish MysticismHebrew ManuscriptsKabbalahSefer Hasidim
Joint lecture at the Faculty of Arts, Charles University in Prague.
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      Jewish - Christian RelationsJewish-Christian PolemicsHussite revolution (Bohemia)Regensburg
Short remarks concerning theodicy in the context of the Crusades, the Medieval Pietists (Hasidei Ashkenaz) and the theme of the suffering Messiah in Midrash and Sefer Hazohar (Book of Splendor). The Hebrew source material is on a separate... more
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      CrusadesMessianic Jewish TheologyZoharMedieval Judaism :
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      Jewish MysticismJewish LiturgyHasidei AshkenazJewish Mysticism/Kababalah
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      Jewish StudiesMedieval Jewish PhilosophyMedieval Jewish HistoryKabbalah
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      Jewish StudiesMedieval HistoryMedieval StudiesPietism
Paper discusses Moses de León's efforts to construct a kabbalistic form of penitential pietism, focusing on evidence from his still unpublished "unnamed composition," and considers its importance in relation to contemporary developments... more
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      Franciscan StudiesJewish - Christian RelationsPietismKabbalah
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      Medieval PhilosophyJewish StudiesMedieval HistoryMedieval Studies
The seminar will survey the central stages in the development of Jewish hagiographic literature from the German pietists of (Hasidei Ashkenaz), the sixteenth century Kabbalists in Tzfat and Sabbatean texts to works written by the Hasidic... more
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      HistoryIntellectual HistoryHebrew LiteratureYiddish Literature