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      Poesía española del siglo XXSpanish poetryHaiku PoetryPoetas españoles contemporáneos
This inquiry builds on the work of such thinkers as David Abram and Maurice Merleau- Ponty; like their work, it addresses the fact that people in the Western developed world, through their acculturations, sacrifice intimacy with the... more
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      Japanese StudiesJapanese Language And CultureTranspersonal PsychologyComparative Mysticism
Una virtud del símbolo en la poesía es poder trazar una línea parabólica que en su curva aprehende una cierta condición del objeto que de otra manera escaparía al
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      Zen BuddhismHaikú
late evening a vase of red tulips on the kitchen table “This collection was born on Epiphany. For three days, snow has been lighting roofs and resting on branches. Ontario is in the middle of lockdown, and I have time to sit by my... more
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      Memory (Cognitive Psychology)ConnectionismGap JunctionsContemporary Poetry
“rainy day on the floor a puzzle piece of blue sky Today a puzzle piece takes over. It’s the perfect poem for today as the sun has relented a little and we are not sweltering, but upon my opening Taj’s ... rendering of Grant’s poem, the... more
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      Contemporary ArtPoetryModern ArtMetaphor
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      PoetryPoeticsTwentieth-Century and Contemporary PoetryIndian English Literature
Book Review
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      HaikuHaiku PoetryHaikú
Es el haiku un arte literario de gran importancia que mantiene al ser humano impresionado a pesar de vivir en un mundo moderno, sea esto por su muy reducida estructura silábica y el poder místico que mantiene en su fondo sin importar la... more
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I've been invited by a publisher to contribute a very short article (mid-December deadline) about my writing practice. Along with it, I am invited to send a recently published haibun. I post both here for reaction before I submit.
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      Creative WritingShort story (Literature)Narrative poetryHaiku
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      Creative WritingAmerican LiteratureAmerican HistorySociology
While the Spanish language had already been engaged with brief forms such as couplets, proverbs and aphorisms prior to the explosion of modernity and its artistic avant-garde “isms” throughout the first few decades of the 20th century, it... more
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      PoetryMinimalismPoesía de las vanguardias hispánicasMinimalism (Languages and Linguistics)