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I kødet ligger de største tabuer i antropologien: man må ikke ligge med sit eget kød (incestforbud), og man må ikke spise sit eget kød (kannibalisme). Navnkundige tænkere i antropologien som Claude Lévi-Strauss og Marshall Sahlins anfører... more
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      AnthropologyRitualHunter-Gatherers (Anthropology)Cosmology
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      African StudiesAnthropologyEthnomusicologyEthnography
The Hadza are one of the last true hunter-gatherers in the world, and there is a great deal we can learn about early human behavior and culture by studying their modern-day ways of life. In this brief paper, we will look at an overview of... more
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      AnthropologyCultureAfrican Indigenous CulturesAfrican languages
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      ConservationTanzaniaAfrican Traditional MedicinesGlass Beads
All rights reserved. Except for the quotation of short passages for the purpose of criticism and review, no part of this book may be reproduced in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, or... more
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      Cosmology (Anthropology)RitualHunter-Gatherers (Anthropology)Hadza
We review the history of rock art research in Kondoa District, Tanzania, specifically the area covered by the ‘Kondoa Rock Art Sites UNESCO World Heritage Site’. We examine why, after nearly a century of research, there is neither a... more
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      ArchaeologyRock Art (Archaeology)East AfricaEast Africa (History)
The transition to farming is often written in the language of progress. The search has been for the oldest sedentary farming settlements, the processes of plant and animals domestication and the profound societal alterations that... more
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      Archaeology Of ChinaChina (Archaeology)Hunter-Gatherers (Anthropology)Ancient Agriculture & Farming (Archaeology)
Thea Skaanes worked with Hadza in northern Tanzania. She takes us to three specific material objects – what she calls power objects – belonging to individual Hadza women. She argues that these objects cannot be assessed adequately within... more
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      Human EcologyCartographyAnthropologyCosmology (Anthropology)
This new four-volume collection from Routledge brings together the major works of scholarship concerned with the ‘language isolates’ of the world. ‘Isolated’ languages are languages without any known relatives, languages which are not... more
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Through human microbiome sequencing, we can better understand how host evolutionary and ontogenetic history is reflected in the microbial function. However, there has been no information on the gut metagenome configuration in... more
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      Hunter-Gatherers (Anthropology)Gut MicrobiomeHadza
The Cascade Wildlife Monitoring Project uses trained volunteers to monitor the location and movement of wildlife, through snow tracking surveys, in the vicinity of proposed wildlife crossing structures along Interstate-90 in the... more
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      EcopsychologyWilderness therapyHunter-Gatherers (Anthropology)Rites of Passage
Back to Kinship III is the third Special Issue of the e-journal, Structure and Dynamics sponsored by the group, Kinship Circle. Each issue is dedicated to current kinship research. The first two issues have both been very successful, as... more
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    •   8  
      Kinship (History)Anthropology of KinshipKinship and Relatedness (Anthropology)Bedouins
It is widely believed that there is strong association between physiological stress and an individual's social status in their social hierarchy. This has been claimed for all humans cross-culturally, as well as in non-human animals living... more
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      EgalitarianismBehavioral PrimatologyWomenSocial status
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      AnthropologyLanguages and LinguisticsHunters, Fishers and Gatherers' ArchaeologyEthnozoology
*** Access presentation manuscript in notes: download and view notes *** Hunted meat is a cherished food for both bellies and thought among the hunting and gathering Hadza. It is festive, celebrated, and in poetics, it is metaphorically... more
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      Future StudiesRegenerationRitualIndigenous Peoples
Aninvestigation of the impact of change innatural resource use inHadza livelihood:a case of Eyasi basinThomas Reuben MollelMaster of Science (NaturalResources Assessment and Management)University of Dar es Salaam, Institute of Resources... more
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      WaterNatural ResourcesTanzanian StudiesFood Security
The MIRC is a miniaturized multimodal interaction recorder for children which has been designed for a research project on communication development in Hadza hunter-gatherer infants in Tanzania. It records physiological arousal, the... more
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      Cultural PsychologyHuman DevelopmentTanzaniaInfancy
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      Rock Art (Archaeology)Hunters, Fishers and Gatherers' ArchaeologyEast AfricaEast Africa (History)
We are not a classic pair-bonded species. We are not a polygamous, tournament species either…. What we are, officially, … is a tragically confused species. (Robert Sapolsky) Robert Sapolsky is spot on with his observations. Studies show... more
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      Evolutionary BiologyEvolutionary PsychologyHuman EvolutionForagers
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      Museum StudiesMaterial Culture StudiesIndigenous ReligionsHistory of Collections
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      AnthropologyHuman EvolutionHunter-Gatherers (Anthropology)Biological Sciences
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      GeneticsRock Art (Archaeology)Hunters, Fishers and Gatherers' ArchaeologyArchaeology of ethnicity
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      EthnoarchaeologyEast AfricaHadzaForager Archaeology
This paper is distributed under a Creative Commons CC-BY-ND license.
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      GeographyLanguage and Social InteractionLanguage EvolutionLanguage Development
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Back to Kinship III is the third Special Issue of the e-journal, Structure and Dynamics sponsored by the group, Kinship Circle. Each issue is dedicated to current kinship research. There are 5 articles in this Special Issue, covering a... more
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    •   7  
      Kinship (History)Anthropology of KinshipKinship and Relatedness (Anthropology)Bedouins
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      African StudiesArt HistoryRock Art (Archaeology)Tanzania
It is widely believed that there is strong association between physiological stress and an individual's social status in their social hierarchy. This has been claimed for all humans cross-culturally, as well as in nonhuman animals living... more
    • by 
    •   13  
      EgalitarianismBehavioral PrimatologyWomenSocial status