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In recent years, carbon emission from land use change have become major global issues. How land use and land cover change affect carbon sequestration is important for carbon neutrality and climate change mitigation. This study evaluated... more
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In recent decades, there has been growing interest among farming and scientific communities toward integrated crop–range–livestock farming because of evidence of increased crop production, soil health, environmental services and... more
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      Environmental ScienceMultivariate StatisticsOrganic agricultureAgroforestry
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This study employs qualitative fieldwork experiences to assess the role of Native American princess pageants in maintaining tribal cultures and Native American identity. We first defined and described the term “princess” and the... more
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      Native American StudiesGreat Plains StudiesTribal studiesNative American history
El Palacio. ISSN: 0031-0158 Parker, Quanah (Comanche Chief) (Quahadi Comanche), 1845?-1911. United States. Office of Indian Affairs. Kiowa Agency Comanche Indians -- Biography Comanche Indians -- Politics and government Comanche... more
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      Indian TerritoryOklahoma historyComancheComanche Studies
The feminist movement in the United States like other countries has tried to establish equality for women. From the first attempts to gain constitutional right for vote, up to the current radical demands, feminists have struggled to make... more
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      Political SciencePoliticsFeminismAbortion
The volume of proceedings entitled “Climatic Constraints and Human Activities” contains a summary essay and seven invited papers from the Task Force meeting on the Nature of Climate Society Research convened in February 1980 at the... more
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      Great Plains StudiesDroughtsClimate Model
Garment buttons and other artefacts incorporating mother-of-pearl (nacre) are significant items of material culture frequently found on archaeological sites and in museum collections. From around 1860 until the end of the Second World... more
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      ProvenancePearlIsotope analysisTrace element
This is the French translation of the paper "Red Cloud, Dog Child, and the “Long Knife” of the Samurai in Indian Country" (Tribal Art, 2019), published in the French edition of that journal: "Art Tribal" 91:106-123 (Printemps 2019).... more
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      Native American StudiesJapanese StudiesAnthropologyVisual Anthropology
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    • Geography
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      Environmental ScienceWaterWater qualityEnvironmental Management
Sustainable intensification is an emerging model for agriculture designed to reconcile accelerating global demand for agricultural products with long-term environmental stewardship. Defined here as increasing agricultural production while... more
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      BusinessAgricultureSocial Ecological SystemsMultidisciplinary
Agriculture in the United States must respond to escalating demands for productivity and efficiency, as well as pressures to improve its stewardship of natural resources. Growing global population and changing diets, combined with a... more
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      BusinessEarth SciencesAgricultureMedicine
Compiling rarely-seen stories from the renowned author's first years as a writer -- including some previously out of print for decades-this annotated collection brings together thirty of Willa Cather's earliest published pieces, from the... more
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      American LiteratureWilla CatherGreat Plains StudiesQueer Literature
We propose to investigate factors that support sustainability in sugar beet production on farms in the Big Horn Basin, Northwestern Wyoming. Increasing costs, changing markets, and off-site environmental concerns interact to create a need... more
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      Environmental ScienceSustainabilityCropping
Balancing weed suppression, beneficial insect conservation, soil quality and profitability is challenging in organic cropping systems due to reliance on soil disturbance for weed control. We hypothesized that the benefits of tillage can... more
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      Environmental ScienceAgronomyEnvironmental SciencesSoil Carbon
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      HistoryEthnohistoryArchaeologyUnited States History
Sustainable intensification is an emerging model for agriculture designed to reconcile accelerating global demand for agricultural products with long-term environmental stewardship. Defined here as increasing agricultural production while... more
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      BusinessAgricultureSocial Ecological SystemsMultidisciplinary
This volume presents the results of several decades of archaeological research in the Sheyenne Bend region of southeastern North Dakota. Piecing together evidence from disparate field projects, along with the work done by previous... more
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    • Archaeology
Rare and often questionable occurrences of southwestern pottery and turquoise artifacts have been reported in northeastern Texas. These artifacts may mark major interaction networks. Both southwestern pottery and turquoise artifacts have... more
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      HistoryMathematicsAmerican StudiesArchaeology
Hybridization between endangered species and more common species is a significant problem in conservation biology because it may result in extinction or loss of adaptation. The historical reduction in abundance and geographic distribution... more
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      Conservation BiologyBiologyBiometryEndangered Species
This paper summarizes research related to the 2012 record drought in the central United States conducted by members of the NASA Energy and Water cycle Study (NEWS) Working Group. Past drought patterns were analyzed for signal coherency... more
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      GeographyEnvironmental ScienceClimatologyPredictability
Integrated crop–livestock systems (ICLSs) can help increase food production while benefiting soils and the environment. This review summarizes recent impacts of ICLSs on crop and livestock production and rural economics and discusses... more
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      Environmental ScienceAgronomyAgroforestryLivestock
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      Metis StudiesGreat Plains StudiesFur Trade StudiesMetis identity
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      Environmental ScienceWaterWater qualityEnvironmental Management
Catalog essay for the exhibition "Invisible Prairie" (July 7 - Oct 14, 2023) Tinworks Art, Bozeman, MT The show included work by A.K. Burns, Abigail Flanagan, Suzanne Kite, Tracy Linder, Julie Ann Nagle, Layli Long Soldier, Laurel... more
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      Environmental AestheticsArt And EcologySound ArtGreat Plains Studies
Many Indigenous groups in North America have long-held practices of using migration and movement in response to environmental and social changes. Diasporic communities, composed of migrants maintaining significant connections to their... more
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The Carragana birch bark scroll is clearly an Anishinaabe conjuring scroll. It conforms in its iconography and set-up to these scrolls as recorded among the Anishinaabe of northern Minnesota and adjacent northwestern Ontario. Such... more
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      Great Plains StudiesNorthern Great PlainsBirch bark inscriptionsAnishinaabe
Here, we consider the last decades of ceramic manufacture among the Pawnee in the Central Great Plains, using petrographic analysis to explore raw material availability and use at the Kitkahahki Town site (14RP1). Historical documents... more
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      Art HistoryArtVisionProcession
With the rise of organic farming worldwide, researchers are being presented with new opportunities to study organic systems and also to compare them to their conventional counterparts. This paper focuses on farming systems research... more
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      BusinessEnvironmental ScienceSustainable agricultureAgriculture
Keys to Willet (Tringa semipalmata inornata) management include providing large expanses of native grasslands and wetland complexes. Wetland complexes should contain a diversity of wetland sizes and classes, such as ephemeral, temporary,... more
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      Natural Resources ManagementGrassland bird
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Paul Kane’s Wanderings of an Artist among the Indians of North America is a work in which Kane draws illustrative pictures of North American Indians and writes his experiences he had during the time span of a four year that he spent... more
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Paul Kane's Wanderings of an Artist among the Indians of North America is a work in which Kane draws illustrative pictures of North American Indians and writes his experiences he had during the time span of a four year that he spent... more
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      HistoryPhilosophy of AgencyArtIdeology
The style, once dismissed for being culturally appropriative and meathead-y, is back.
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      AnthropologySocial AnthropologyThe TattooVisual Communication
Agriculture in the United States must respond to escalating demands for productivity and efficiency, as well as pressures to improve its stewardship of natural resources. Growing global population and changing diets, combined with a... more
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      BusinessEarth SciencesAgricultureMedicine
Willa Cather's distinctive plain style is generally understood in terms of the Modernist movement towards simplicity. Her aesthetic desire to "throw the furniture out of the window" resonates not just with Modernist aesthetics, however,... more
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      ArtWilla CatherProtestantismModernism
Modifications to continuous corn production systems can reduce environmental impacts and soil degradation, yet the social viability of these modifications is linked to the degree to which they also influence yields and crop quality. In... more
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      Environmental ScienceAgronomySoil organic matterSoil Quality
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      GeographyPublic sectorEndangered SpeciesEcological restoration
Soil microbial activity is important for crop production. Soil microbes are involved in nutrient and water cycling within the soil, and interact with crop plants to provide the basic nutrient and water resources needed for crop... more
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      MicrobiologyEnvironmental ScienceSoil ScienceAgronomy
After I recovered the lost history of Blackdom Oil Company, the utility of the Afro-Frontier thesis helped me reimagine the history of Black Peoples across time and space. Employing the Afro-Frontier thesis humanized Blackdomites, bridged... more
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Wheat (Triticum spp.) dominates dryland grain crop production in the North American Great Plains and other regions with semi-arid steppe climates. A common practice is to alternate winter or spring wheat with a 14-to 21-mo fallow period... more
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      GeographyEnvironmental ScienceAgronomyAgroforestry
Balancing weed suppression, beneficial insect conservation, soil quality and profitability is challenging in organic cropping systems due to reliance on soil disturbance for weed control. We hypothesized that the benefits of tillage can... more
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      Environmental ScienceEnvironmental SciencesForageCropping
Analysis of the ceramics from the Pammel Creek site examined decorative styles for chronological refinement, and other characteristics for method of manufacture, primary and secondary function, and patterns of deposition. Distinctive... more
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      Upper Mississippian Societies (Archaeology)Oneota (Archaeology)Ceramics (Archaeology)
Lester Brown\u27s edited volume acquaints social workers with two spirits, that is, those Native Americans who are gay, lesbian, or who may adopt mixed-gender practices and roles. Although well-intended, the attempts to sensitize social... more
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      HistoryGender StudiesLesbian
Anderson ed., 1992). 11. Many property law scholars and social scientists have recognized, in other contexts, the importance of carefully designing default rules for jointly owned property to promote co-owner cooperation and achieve the... more
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      LawPolitical ScienceLand tenureProperty