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In this lavishly illustrated work, Zeina Maasri tells the tumultuous story of the struggle for Lebanon through the poster wars which raged on its streets. From 1975 to 1990, different factions in Lebanon's civil conflict flooded the... more
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      Middle East StudiesVisual CultureNationalismLebanon
Este trabalho investiga a produção imagética recente de design ativista no Brasil. Para compreender o fenômeno, são apresentados os principais fatores socioeconômicos em torno da economia da atenção, forma de geração de valor que... more
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      Latin American StudiesDesignPolitical CampaignsSocial Activism
Este artigo contempla a ação do design contemporâneo, no qual novas práticas são associadas ou retomadas, como a preocupação social e política, por meio do ativismo e da cidadania. A leitura do contemporâneo exige do design novas... more
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    • Graphic Design Activism
Sustainability is the wicked problem of design in the 21st century.1 —D.C. Wahl As a design professor with a Masters Degree in Environmental Studies, I am keenly aware of the role design can and must play in moving toward a more... more
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      Sustainable Production and ConsumptionCurriculum DesignDesign educationInteraction Design