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The rise of pictograms in the 1960s is usually associated with the Olympic games (Tokyo 1964, Mexico City 1968, München 1972 or world exhibitions (Montréal 1967). It is often suggested that the designers of the symbols for these events,... more
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      SemioticsDesignFashion designArt
A common goal of multivariate visualization is to enable data inspection at discrete points, while also illustrating larger-scale continuous structures. In diffusion tensor visualization, glyphs are typically used to meet the first goal,... more
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      Image ProcessingDiffusion Tensor ImagingInteracting Particle SystemsGlyphs
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      Semitic languagesComparative Semitic LinguisticsEgyptian ArchaeologyGlyphs
In this article, see pages 164, 166-168 for Stuart's discussion of the Grolier Codex. It is highly significant that the Mexican State of Chiapas and the Universidad Autonoma de Chiapas chose to include the Grolier Codex as an authentic... more
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      ReligionNative American ReligionsComparative ReligionMythology And Folklore
The fourth known pre-Columbian Maya codex—the only one discovered in the 20th century—was found by looters in the mid-1960s. First exhibited in New York in 1971, what has come to be known as the Grolier Codex is half of a hybrid-style... more
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      ReligionComparative ReligionMythology And FolkloreHistory
The fourth known pre-Columbian Maya codex, the only one discovered in the twentieth century, was found by looters in the mid-1960s. First exhibited in New York in 1971, what has come to be known as the Grolier Codex is half of a 20-page,... more
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      ReligionNative American ReligionsComparative ReligionMythology And Folklore
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      Maya ArchaeologyMaya EpigraphyAncient MayaMaya hieroglyphic writing
A fines del siglo XIX, en un predio ubicado al este de la Calzada de los Muertos, entre los restos de un antiguo edificio teotihuacano, se descubrieron los fragmentos de una pintura mural. El hallazgo motivó las excavaciones arqueológicas... more
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      TeotihuacanArtes plásticasEscrituraGlyphs
"‘Asemic writing’ is defined by Tim Gaze as a collection of forms ‘which appears to be writing’, while ‘having no worded meaning’. Asemic forms may bear the hallmarks of writing, either through their shape or organization, but have no... more
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      CommunicationComics StudiesWritingComics and Graphic Novels
In the analysis of spatially-referenced timedependent data, gaining an understanding of the spatiotemporal distributions and relationships among the attributes in the data can be quite difficult. We present a visualization technique that... more
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      CartographyVisualizationInformation VisualizationTime Series
Tesis doctoral acerca de los jeroglíficos que se encuentran en los conjuntos arquitectónbicos teotihuacanos. Interpretación  semiótica de su ubicación y de la relación entre signos de escritura no descifrados y la iconografía teotihuacana
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Intisari--- Lampung memiliki bahasa daerah Lampung, disesuaikan dengan wilayah keadatannya, yang digunakan sehari-hari sebagai sarana komunikasi dan interaksi antar anggota masyarakat dari suku-suku atau kelompok-kelompok etnis di... more
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      Computer ScienceMobile TechnologyWeb ApplicationsDictionary
A new Dutch course for the typedesign application Glyphs  • written for PXL-MAD • read and approved by the developers of Glyphs themselves.
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      Typeface DesignType designGlyphsopentype
This state of the art report focuses on glyph-based visualization, a common form of visual design where a data set is depicted by a collection of visual objects referred to as glyphs. Its major strength is that patterns of multivariate... more
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      VisualizationState of the artGlyphs
We describe a graphical system developed for researchers in materials science for extracting information from data obtained by atomic force microscopy. In particular, we consider the problem of computing surface orientations from data... more
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      Materials ScienceMicroscopyAtomic Force MicroscopyValue
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Contextualization of the Teotihuacan glyphs in the architectural ensembles and the imagery that contain them. Interpretation of the relationship between architectural space, figurative imagery, and untranslated glyphs. Includes the... more
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Intisari-Lampung memiliki bahasa daerah Lampung, disesuaikan dengan wilayah keadatannya, yang digunakan sehari-hari sebagai sarana komunikasi dan interaksi antar anggota masyarakat dari suku-suku atau kelompok-kelompok etnis di... more
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      Mobile TechnologyWeb ApplicationsDictionaryLampung
The Nasca Candelabra is not just a glyph; its design and geometry encode the earth's atmospheric chemistry. Along with the main element's electron configurations their principal quantum numbers are also embedded in the design.
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      ArchaeologyNazcaNazca archaeologyGlyphs
Symmetric second-order tensor fields play a central role in scientific and biomedical studies as well as in image analysis and feature-extraction methods. The utility of displaying tensor field samples has driven the development of... more
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      Tensor field visualizationGlyphsTensor Matrices
In this paper, we present a user-centered design study on poetry visualization. We develop a rule-based solution to address the conflicting needs for maintaining the flexibility of visualizing a large set of poetic variables and for... more
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Glyph-based visualization can offer elegant and concise presentation of multivariate information while enhancing speed and ease in visual search experienced by users. As with icon designs, glyphs are usually created based on the... more
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      VisualizationBiologyDesign MethodologiesTaxonomies
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Volume visualization techniques typically provide support for visual exploration of data, however additional information can be conveyed by allowing a user to see as well as feel virtual objects. In this paper we present a haptic... more
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Glyphs have been successfully used in poetry visualization for depicting the characteristics and positions of each phonetic articulation in relation to the human vocal system. While existing glyph designs provide visual representations... more
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    • Glyphs
: A) A 'traditional' sequence logo from [Bio13] showing: top -the consensus across 1809 protein sequences; middle -gram negative bacteria; and bottom -gram positive bacteria. B) Our sequence logo visualizing the same data as in A. This... more
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    • Glyphs
Evaluating and comparing the quality of surface interpolants is an important problem in computer graphics, computer aided geometric design and scienti c visualization. We introduce geometric uncertainty as a measure of interpolation... more
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      Scientific VisualizationVisualizationGeometryUncertainty
This article presents a review of glyph-based techniques for engineering visualization as well as practical application for the multivariate visualization process. Two glyph techniques, Chernoff faces and star glyphs, uncommonly used in... more
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      Scientific VisualizationHeat TransferOptimizationGlyphs
This compilation presents the paleographic material from the "Encyclopedia of the Belarusian Language" (Minsk 1994) in a convenient way.
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      Belarusian StudiesPaleographyTypographyLetters
We present a user study quantifying the effectiveness of Scaled Data-Driven Spheres (SDDS), a multivariate three-dimensional data set visualization technique. The user study compares SDDS, which uses separate sets of colored sphere glyphs... more
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      Three DimensionalGlyphs
Document binary images, created by different algorithms, are commonly evaluated based on a pre-existing ground truth. Previous research found several pitfalls in this methodology and suggested various approaches addressing the issue. This... more
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      Binarization AlgorithmsComputerized PaleographyGlyphsImage Quality Assessment
The porject was started in Kyiv (Ukraine) for the National Museum of Ukrainian History. The database of all known signs (aka tocapu and others) of pre-Columbian Andean region. Every culture, every chronological era. More than 1000... more
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      Latin American StudiesAndean ArchaeologyWriting Systems & DeciphermentBolivian studies
Document binary images, created by different algorithms, are commonly evaluated based on a pre-existing ground truth. Previous research found several pitfalls in this methodology and suggested various approaches addressing the issue. This... more
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      Binarization AlgorithmsComputerized PaleographyGlyphsImage Quality Assessment