Recent papers in Geoparks
The Vikos-Aoos Geopark is located at the northwestern part of the Pindus Mountain Range at the Region of Epirus, northwest Greece. Since 2010, it is part of the European and Global Geopark Networks of UNESCO. The Geopark extends in an... more
Presentazione in occasione del wetland's day 2021 della ipotesi di ricostituzione di alcune zone umide nell'area del Rocca di Cerere UNESCO Global Geopark.
Guía ilustrada de los geositios del Geoparque Mundial UNESCO Comarca Minera. 31 geositios.
Ciletuh National Geopark region which administratively located in the District of Ciemas and Ciracap, Sukabumi, West Java province has a unique geodiversity and showed the oldest rocks in West Java. This area is the result of a collision... more
Brief and concise guide to the geology of Rocca di Cerere UNESCO Global Geopark. Designed for visitors who are not necessarily connoisseurs of the geology of this part of the island of Sicily.
This paper reports the perceptions and ideas expressed by students about geological heritage and geoparks and learning results within the framework of a research in science education focussed on students from two classes of 11th grade... more
Cursul Descoperirea Naturii îşi propune ca obiectiv major familiarizarea elevilor cu resursele şi patrimoniul specific. Elevii au posibilitatea să conştientizeze particularităţile şi valorile locale, precum şi modul în care pot contribui... more
The subject of this paper is to determine the geotourism potential in Ardahan, Kars, Ağrı, and Iğdır Provinces. Geotourism has defined as a sustainable tourism with geological and geomorphology heritages and cultural values based on... more
Quantitative assessment of geodiversity: development of methodological tools applied to territorial management The assessment of geodiversity is a recent issue concerning the evaluation of natural diversity. In the first approaches... more
Geological mapping of old underground mining workings increase the geodiversity of a region. Such studies document the geological phenomena and structures not avalaible on the surface area. It can be very well illustrated by the example... more
Madagascar natural heritage is known primarily for its outstanding biodiversity that are mainly protected by diverse natural conservation programs, which are predominantly restricted to the protection of fauna and flora. Recently,... more
The continuous and cooperative work of specialists and enthusiasts from universities, research institutions and non-governmental bodies has for more than 60 years allowed identification and formal recognition of protected areas for 200... more
Geoconservation evolved very rapidly in the last decade and now its basic concepts, structure, tools and activities are well defined. Main areas of activity are focused around few basic concepts like: geodiversity, geological heritage,... more
Kula Volcanic Geopark is the one of the areas that are rarely seen in Turkey’s young volcanics. Kula Volcanic Geopark is distinguished from other areas in the geopark nature in Turkey with its membership of the Global Geoparks Network.... more
Bu çalışmanın amacı, bir jeopark düzenlemesi kapsamında kalan doğal ve kültürel varlıkların belirli standartlarda gösterimi için öneriler geliştirmektir. İçinde jeositlerin de bulunduğu doğal varlıklar ile kültürel varlıkların bulunduğu... more
Geological heritage inventory procedures and templates have been principally emerged from Eu-ropean countries. Each of these countries has developed its proper method of inventory based on its natural heritage, recognized on local and/or... more
"Evangelia Kyriazi and Nickolas Zouros from the Natural History Museum of the Lesvos Petrified Forest explain how getting volunteers involved has helped them in the task of conserving Lesvos’ vast petrified forest, as well as assisting... more
Percorsi nel territorio dell´Emilia Romagna Apennine Geopark project
This contribution aims to communicate how the Emilia Romagna Apennine Geopark application has been produced by Gal BolognAppennino supported by the Earth Science Department of the University of Modena and Reggio Emilia. The article... more
The administrative management of Sobrarbe Geopark in the Spanish Pyrenees, which is comprised of only one municipality, is examined and compared with that of Japanese geoparks, most of which are overseen by municipalities. The results... more
El patrimonio geológico es una parte importante del patrimonio natural y posee valor por sí mismo, por lo que debe ser conservado. Muchos elementos geológicos poseen interés científico y/o didácti-co, que los hace singulares y destacar... more
El Geopark Naturtejo, desde 2006, miembro de las Redes Europea (REG) y Global de Geoparks (RGG) de la UNESCO se localiza en la zona central de Portugal, limitado al Este por la frontera con España. Ocupa un territorio de 4.617 km2, que... more
Studiul de faţă urmăreşte identificarea arealelor naturale şi analizarea aspectelor socio-culturale şi economice din Obcina Mestecăniş, pentru constituirea unui geoparc în Bucovina. Obiectivele studiului constau în: analiza... more
RESUMO -A criação de Geoparks é uma estratégia de proteção dos recursos naturais adotada pela UNESCO. Seus objetivos permitem compatibilizar a conservação do patrimônio natural, notadamente o geológico, e cultural do seu território, ao... more
Apesar da crescente popularidade no Brasil e na Espanha, o desenvolvimento do Geoturismo ainda está numa fase incipiente. Enquanto a preocupação com o Patrimônio Natural na sociedade tem experimentado um crescimento significativo nos... more
Altai republic is a small piece of multinational Russia where one can still find living culture that has been saved for centuries thanks to remote location and mountainous landscape. Today social anthropologists note that Altai woman has... more
Over the last decades, Costa Rica became established as a world-leading ecotourism destination due to its environmental policies and environmental awareness. The country is located in a dynamic region where the combination of tectonics... more
Geodiversitatea unui teritoriu, reprezentată în principal prin tipurile de roci, resursele minerale, sol şi caracteristicile morfologice ale reliefului, a jucat un rol important în dezvoltarea socială şi economică a comunitatilor umane... more
En el estado de Hidalgo se ubica la Comarca Minera, región geográfica de gran importancia social y cultural, célebre por su riqueza geológica, minera y belleza natural que, desde por lo menos hace cuatro siglos, ha cautivado a sus... more
El presente artículo es el inicio de una serie de documentos en los que se describe las características geológicas y culturales de diferentes áreas geográficas ubicadas en la Región La Libertad, las cuales poseen las condiciones naturales... more
The article presents the character of the city of Enna, a city more than "in the mountains" "on the mountains". The narration describes the landscape of one of the most particular cities of the Mediterranean, important in ancient and... more
Sicilian geodiversity is a natural wealth that is almost legendary among insiders. On a single island you can find extremely different aspects, volcanoes, sedimentary masses, Permian rocks, vast deposits of evaporites, other rare... more