General Chemistry
Recent papers in General Chemistry
En este experimento se prepararán soluciones amortiguadoras de pH conocido y se estudiará la capacidad amortiguadora de estas en comparación con la de agua. Además se estudiará la capacidad amortiguadora de un producto comercial de uso... more
A Nature Masterclasses online course Powered by TCPDF (
This is to certify that Cristian-Catalin Gavat has successfully completed Focus on Peer Review A Nature Masterclasses online course
This is to certify that Cristian-Catalin Gavat has successfully completed Focus on Peer Review A Nature Masterclasses online course
To demonstrate the formation of an alkyl halide, tert-butyl alcohol was reacted with cold, concentrated HCl to form tert-butyl chloride. The tert-butyl chloride was then dried with anhydrous CaCl2 and decanted to a 25-mL round-bottom... more
El propósito del experimento es identificar un desconocido mediante una reacción química. En este caso, la meta fue identificar un bicarbonato desconocido. Los posibles bicarbonatos fueron los de Sodio, Potasio y Cesio. Estos compuestos... more
The Chemistry Laboratory: Overview of the Three Courses in the Study…………………………………………………………………... Study Participants……………………………………………………. Data Collection………………………………………………………………... Data Analysis………………………………………………………………….. vi Hoyo... more
Lecture notes in General and Inorganic Chemistry provides an introduction to the chemistry of inorganic molecules. The emphasis is on basic principles of atomic and molecular structure, thermodynamics, chemical kinetics and catalysis,... more
Methyl benzoate is an ester compound; an organic functional group that has an oxygen atom connected to two carbons with one of these carbons is doubly-bonded to another oxygen atom. The methyl benzoate can be synthesized by esterification... more
Investigación sobre las aplicaciones industriales de termodinámica química, equilibrios ácidos-bases y de precipitación. Dentro del equilibrio acido-base tenemos distintos sistemas que representan este tipo de equilibrios como soluciones... more
Materi Kimia Organik FST Unair Semester 2
Materi Kimia Organik FST Unair Semester 2
The study programs for scientific and technical degrees include classroom theoretical teaching, analysis and resolution of real exercises, and some more practical teaching in the laboratory. The laboratory teaching focuses on the... more
Kimya bilimi fizik, biyoloji, matematik gibi temel bilimlerle birlikte çevremizi, do¤ay› ve kendimizi tan›mam›z› sa¤layan bilim dallar›ndan biridir. Bu nedenle; temel bilimler, mühendislik, t›p, çevre ve yaflam bilimleri gibi pek çok... more
this is a practical write up for sterilization by autoclave. it deals mainly with the steam autoclave and preparation of nutrient broth.
ບົດທົດລອງເຄມີມໍ 7 (Lab M7):
1. ອັດຕາການເກີດປະຕິກິລິຍາເຄມີ ແລະ ປັຈໄຈຕ່າງໆ (Rate of Reaction and Rate Factors),
2. ອາຊິດ-ບາເຊີ ແລະ ທາດອິນດີເຄເຕີຈາກທໍາມະຊາດ ( Acid-Base, Natural Indicator),
3. ໄຟຟ້າເຄມີ (Electrochemistry)
1. ອັດຕາການເກີດປະຕິກິລິຍາເຄມີ ແລະ ປັຈໄຈຕ່າງໆ (Rate of Reaction and Rate Factors),
2. ອາຊິດ-ບາເຊີ ແລະ ທາດອິນດີເຄເຕີຈາກທໍາມະຊາດ ( Acid-Base, Natural Indicator),
3. ໄຟຟ້າເຄມີ (Electrochemistry)
Materi Kimia Organik FST Unair Semester 2
It is important to enable the students to have the scientific skills and attitudes which are well developed in order that students can be competitive in the global society, however, it appears that many students are lacking these required... more
Rumusan Masalah: Untuk meningkatkan daya hantar semikonduktor Si, kepadanya didoping dengan arsenik atau boron. Apa dasarnya? Pokok Bahasan: orbital atom, konfigurasi elektron dalam atom, jejari atom, elektronegativitas dan potensial... more
Generally Chemical Homework 1. ໃຫ້ທາດອາຍປະສົ ມໄ ຮໂດດຄາາຄບ ອອ (hydrocarbon: HC) 60.0mL ເກີ ດປ/ຍເຜົ າຮໝ້ພໍ ດີ ກັ ອທາດອາຍອົ ກຊີ ແຊ ຈ/ ໄ 390.0mL ເມ ື່ ອປ/ຍຈົ ອສາມາດວັ ດແທກທາດອາຍໄ CO2 ທີ ື່ ເກີ ດຮດ້ ໄ 240.0mL,ໄ ຈົ ື່ ງຊອກຫາສູ ດດມເລກູ... more
In this paper, data on the electron configuration of atoms was used to predict the reactivity of chemical elements belonging to different blocks, S, P, D, F and DF. The study of elements of S-block and some elements of P-and D-blocks... more
This paper describes an expanded framework to aid chemical educators in constructing exams for their courses. The framework has three primary levels: definition, algorithmic, and conceptual. These primary levels have often been used in... more
A book review on the "ELECTROCHEMISTRY, A GUIDE FOR NEWCOMERS" by Helmut Baumgärtel.
Membrane engineering is one of the disciplines most involved in the technological innovations necessary to face the problems characterizing the world today and in future such as water shortage, raw material depletion, and energy... more
Numerous non-ferrous metallurgy wastes are known (dumps, slags, sludge, dust, clinker, etc.), which, from an economic as well as an environmental point of view, are beneficial and must be disposed of. This book provides an analysis of... more
The flipped classroom is a blended, constructivist learning environment that reverses where students gain and apply knowledge. Instructors from K-12 to college level are excited about the prospect of flipping their classes, but are... more
Avogadro's number is not a constant. Employing the equations for the molar mass of a proton, Avogadro's number was redefined as a variable dependent on ratio of proton mass at rest and its mass in motion. This paper investigates the Lower... more
• All matter is composed of particles. • The structure of the particles that compose matter determines the properties of matter. • Chemistry is the science that investigates the properties of matter by examining the atoms and molecules... more
Resumen. Este estudio tiene como objetivo analizar la incorrecta representación de la energía libre por los libros de química general. El trabajo informa acerca de cómo manejan estos libros el criterio de espontaneidad y el de equilibrio... more
The effect of molecular weight of pure substances on its rate of diffusion was determined using a petri dish of agar-water gel with three wells. One drop of the prepared solution of each pure substance (KMnO 4 , K 2 Cr 2 O 7 , C 16 H 18 N... more
Resumen. Este estudio tiene como objetivo analizar la incorrecta representación de la energía libre por los libros de química general. El trabajo informa acerca de cómo manejan estos libros el criterio de espontaneidad y el de equilibrio... more