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In two studies, this thesis depicts the relationship between minority group status in the United States, perceived discrimination, and coping with stress. Past literature on coping and its types – problem-focused versus emotion-focused –... more
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      PsychologyClinical PsychologyPsychological AssessmentSocial Psychology
In her works, Beloved and A Mercy , Toni Morrison considers both pre-slavery and post -slavery African-American community in which people suffer physically and psychologically from the dominant culture; especially women, who learn to heal... more
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      Gender StudiesEnglishRacial and ethnic discriminationToni Morrison
In her works, Beloved and A Mercy, Toni Morrison considers both pre-slavery and post-slavery African-American community in which people suffer physically and psychologically from the dominant culture; especially women, who learn to heal... more
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      Gender StudiesRacial and ethnic discriminationToni MorrisonToni Morrison (Literature)
Building upon prior research on intergenerational income mobility, we assess class effects versus racial effects on the probability of becoming a poor adult broken down by gender. We define the class effect (for each race and gender... more
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      Ethnic and Racial StudiesGender and racial inequalitiesIntergenerational Transmission of PovertyIntergenerational Income Distribution
This article presents distributed leadership as a framework for analysis, showing how the phenomenon complements formal higher education structures by mobilizing leadership from various sources, formal and informal. This perspective more... more
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      Educational LeadershipHigher EducationAsian American StudiesLeadership and Mentoring
Binationale eheschliessungen in WolfsBurg nach 1945 Christoph Lorke Das Wolfsburger Standesamt im Jahr 1964: Unter den insgesamt 662 Eheschließungen des Jahres werden auch 37 gezählt, bei denen ein Partner die deutsche Staatsangehörigkeit... more
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      Social HistoryHistory of the Federal Republic of GermanyGender inequalityFamily and Intimacy
This chapter seeks to disentangle some of the many inequality issues in the realms of gender, ‘race’ and social class in education. The opening discussion sets the scene by using constructivist theory to offer a critique of education and... more
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      Sociology of EducationHistory of EducationSocial InequalitiesSociology of Education, Social Stratification and Inequality