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Safepoints are a virtual machine mechanism that allows one thread to suspend other threads in a known state so that runtime actions can be performed without interruption and with data structures in a consistent state. Many virtual... more
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      Computer ScienceRubyJavaOPERATING SYSTEM
Object colocation is an optimization that reduces memory access costs by grouping together heap objects so that their order in memory matches their access order in the program. We implemented this optimization for Sun Microsystems' Java... more
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      Computer ScienceJavaOptimizationCompiler
Array inlining expands the concepts of object inlining to arrays. Groups of objects and arrays that reference each other are placed consecutively in memory so that their relative offsets are fixed, i.e. they are colocated. This allows... more
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      LanguagesComputer SciencePerformanceMemory Management
Dynamic code evolution is a technique to update a program while it is running. In an object-oriented language such as Java, this can be seen as replacing a set of classes by new versions. We modified an existing high-performance virtual... more
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      LanguagesComputer ScienceJava ProgrammingJava
This paper discusses the development of a device to objectively measure knee joint stiffness. It was presented at the International Society of Biomechanics, XXII World congress, in 2009.
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      Computer ScienceTa
Smart Cities' Systems are the main elements as systematic for the development of smart cities in targeting the most updating system ever. Now adays, many countries around the world have been spared and no effort in indorsing smart cities... more
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    • Knowledge Management
The traditional waste management technique often results in inadequate and ecologically harmful activities in urban settings, similar to daily mail deliveries to an empty mailbox. Regardless matter whether trash cans are full or... more
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      Internet of Things (IoT)smart waste management
We present a bottom-up copying garbage collector for WAM based Prolog. In contrast to the top-down copying garbage collector of Bevemyr and Lindgren, it preserves the order of the heap segments in the WAM like sliding collectors do, so... more
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      Computer ScienceMemory ManagementPrologGarbage Collection
Multiversioning is widely used in databases, transactional memory, and concurrent data structures. It can be used to support read-only transactions that appear atomic in the presence of concurrent update operations. Any system that... more
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      Computer ScienceGarbage Collection
Despite the fact that Solid State Disk (SSD) data storage media had offered a revolutionary property storages community, but the unavailability of a comprehensive allocation strategy in SSDs storage media, leads to consuming the available... more
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      Computer ScienceAlgorithmGarbage CollectionData storage
I. PROBLEMATIQUE DE LA RECHERCHE p.3 A. La grande vine africaine, la mal-aimee p. 4 De l'incarnation du mal-developpement a celle de la crise p. 6 La presomption d'echec des politiques publiques urbaines p. 8 L'inconnue pendante du... more
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      HumanitiesUrban managementPolitical ScienceAfrica
A Universidade do Estado de Mato Grosso (UNEMAT) possui 13 campi distribuidos em todo o estado, tendo como principal missao a de levar o ensino publico de qualidade, o conhecimento cientifico e tecnologico para o interior de Mato Grosso.... more
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Automatic Design of Trash Cans in the Arduino Uno R3 System is designed for waste management which is often a problem in many cities. Waste management is currently one of the factors that always influences the creation of a clean and... more
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      Computer ScienceArduinoOPERATING SYSTEMGarbage Collection
Implementing a concurrent programming language such as Java by means of a translator to an existing language is attractive as it provides portability over all platforms supported by the host language and reduces development time—as many... more
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      Computer ScienceDistributed ComputingProgramming LanguagesCompilers
Bank sampah adalah sebuah sistem pengelolaan sampah berbasis masyarakat yang bertujuan untuk mengurangi jumlah sampah yang berakhir di tempat pembuangan akhir (TPA) dan meningkatkan kesadaran lingkungan. Dalam sistem ini, masyarakat dapat... more
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      Hukum LingkunganHukum LingkunganPencemaran LingkunganBANK SAMPAH
Systems integrating heterogeneous processors with unified memory provide seamless integration among these processors with minimal development complexity. These systems integrate accelerators such as GPUs on the same die with CPU cores to... more
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      Computer ScienceGarbage CollectionGarbageProgrammer
The growing gap between processor and memory speeds is motivating the need for optimization strategies that improve data locality. A major challenge is to devise techniques suitable for pointer-intensive applications. This paper presents... more
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      Computer ScienceParallel ComputingMemory ManagementSynchronization
The empowerment of homemakers has a significant effect on the Implementation of Extermination Transport Collection in handling solid waste to improve the cleanliness of the residential environment. The problem in this study is the low... more
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      EmpowermentMunicipal Solid WastePopulationGarbage Collection
In the realm of e-commerce, efficient data storage and retrieval mechanisms are imperative for ensuring seamless user experiences and robust backend operations. This paper explores advanced data storage techniques tailored to the unique... more
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      Data storageDistributed Storage System
Garbage accumulation certainly has a negative impact on the surrounding environment so that an adequate waste management system is needed. Poor waste management will cause disease, flooding and reduce environmental beauty. In addition to... more
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      Environmental ScienceWaste ManagementGarbage CollectionGarbage
School of Computrer Scienice n L-T cr p;'v(artiegie Mellon ('niversitv yP ittsburgh. PA 1521:1 3)S ubmitted for publication. This paper is also p~ublished as Fox XMemorandum(M-SF-93-07. A paper containing some of the results presented in... more
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      Information SystemsComputer ScienceAlgorithmsParallel Computing
for their contributions to the implementation of JaphaVM. It was great belonging to this team. I owe a great debt to Pedro Garcez Monteiro, for his valuable contributions to JaphaVM, first at the LIS lab, and later as an HP colleague.... more
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      Computer ScienceGarbage CollectionPersistent Data StructurePontifícia Universidade Católica Do Rio Grande Do Sul
Despite its widespread use in consumer devices and enterprise storage systems, NAND flash faces a growing number of challenges. While technology advances have helped to increase the storage density and reduce costs, they have also led to... more
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      Computer ScienceGarbage CollectionFlash memoryEmbedded System
Synthesizing I/O requests that can accurately capture workload behavior is extremely valuable for the design, implementation and optimization of disk subsystems. This paper presents a synthetic workload generator for TPC-H, an important... more
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      Computer ScienceDecision SupportWorkloadExploit
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      EngineeringComputer SciencePersistent Data StructureIBM
Diarrhea is one of the main causes of illness and even death associated with waste management. This study aims to analyze the relationship of waste management with the incidence of diarrhea in the slums of District Lima Puluh of Pekanbaru... more
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      Incidence GeometryEnvironmental HealthDiarrheaGarbage Collection
This paper presents a new Java oriented monitoring infrastructure that enables tools to observe, analyze and manipulate the execution of distributed Java applications independent of implementation details like instrumentation of monitored... more
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      Computer ScienceJavaOPERATING SYSTEMGarbage Collection
Large object-oriented applications may occupy hundreds of megabytes or even gigabytes of memory. During program execution, a large graph of objects is created and constantly changed. Most object runtimes support some kind of automatic... more
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      Computer ScienceObject Oriented ProgrammingSerializationGarbage Collection
This is to certify that the research work described in this thesis is the original work of the author and has been carried out under my direct supervision. I have personally gone through all the data/results/materials reported in the... more
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      Computer ScienceEnvironmental SustainabilityRoute PlanningGarbage Collection
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      MicrobiologyGeographyIncidence GeometryMedical Microbiology
The large number of sociopreneurship in Indonesia is still felt to be insufficient to fulfill government programs. Nara Synergy is here to be part of sociopreneurship in Indonesia. This study uses a qualitative research method, which is... more
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      BusinessPathologySociologyComputer Science
In human life, garbage becomes a phenomenon that will always exist as long as humans live and move, therefore garbage needs to be handled seriously and intersively. Garbage in people's lives can have negative and positive consequences,... more
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With the development of parallel computing, distributed computing, grid computing, a new computing model appeared. The concept of computing comes from grid, public computing and SaaS. The vision of cloud computing is to reduce the cost of... more
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      Computer ScienceDistributed ComputingGrid ComputingCloud Computing
This paper explores the methods, tools, and best practices involved in Java Virtual Machine (JVM) dump analysis, specifically focusing on thread, heap, and core dumps. The goal is to provide a comprehensive understanding of how these... more
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    • JVM processes
O objetivo principal do trabalho é o de mostrar como o desafio da sustentabilidade não tem como ser enfrentado a partir de uma perspectiva teórica que desconsidera as dimensões culturais e éticas no processo de tomada de decisão o qual,... more
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      EconomicsWelfare EconomicsPrecautionary PrincipleSustainability
In the present day scenario, many times we see that the Garbage bins or Dust bins placed at public places in the cities are overflowing due to increase in the waste every day. It creates unhygienic condition for the people and bad odour... more
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      Computer ScienceEngineering ApplicationsInternet of ThingsGarbage Collection
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      Computer ScienceInformation TechnologyGarbage CollectionGarbage
Sheer increase in volume of data over the last decade has triggered research in cluster computing frameworks that enable web enterprises to extract big insights from big data. While Apache Spark is gaining popularity for exhibiting... more
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      Computer ScienceComputer ArchitectureHigh Performance ComputingPerformance Measurement
In this paper, we describe an efficie nt and flexible generation scavenging garbage collector toolkit. Our methodology exceeds in systems where the cost associated with any single operation is bounded by small time constant. The collector... more
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      Computer ScienceGarbage CollectionKey wordsGarbage
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      Computer ScienceComputer HardwareGarbage CollectionElectrical And Electronic Engineering
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      Computer ScienceParallel ComputingHaskellGarbage Collection
Half the world's population is expected to live in urban areas by 2020. The high human density and changes in peoples' consumption habits result in an everincreasing amount of trash that must be handled by governing bodies. Problems... more
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      BusinessComputer ScienceHuman Factors in Computing SystemsProduction economics
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      Computer ScienceParallel ComputingJavaOPERATING SYSTEM
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      Computer SciencePersistenceGrasshopperBoolean Satisfiability
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      Computer ScienceMemory ManagementVirtual MachinesControl system
I would not have been able to provide and complete this Thesis without the sincere support and help of many people. Foremost, I would like to thank my supervisor Dr. Steve Counsell for his patience, motivation, advice, and continuous help... more
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      Computer ScienceDesign PatternsJavaSafety Critical Systems
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      Computer ScienceMemory ManagementJavaComputer Software
Eq hash tables, which support arbitrary objects as keys, distinguish keys via pointer comparison and often employ hash functions that utilize the address of the object. When compacting garbage collectors move garbage collected objects,... more
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      Computer ScienceHash TableGarbage CollectionGarbage
Eq hash tables, which support arbitrary objects as keys, distinguish keys via pointer comparison and often employ hash functions that utilize the address of the object. When compacting garbage collec- tors move garbage collected objects,... more
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      Computer ScienceHash TableGarbage CollectionGarbage
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      EngineeringComputer ScienceMachine LearningWaste Management