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In an industrial gas-phase polyethylene reactor, the safe operating range of temperature is rather narrow. Even within this temperature range, temperature excursions must be avoided because they can result in low catalyst productivity and... more
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      Chemical EngineeringProcess ControlStabilityProcess
This paper describes the design and implementation of digital controllers for a flywheel energy storage device that incorporates a radial flux hybrid permanent magnetic bearing. Although the uncontrolled device is asymptotically stable,... more
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      Applied MathematicsOptimal Controldigital PID controllerActive Control
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      System IdentificationOptimal ControlControlNeural Networks
The quality of generated electricity in power systems is dependent on the system output, which has to be of constant frequency and must maintain the scheduled power and voltage. Therefore, load frequency control, LFC, is very important... more
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      Power SystemsFuzzy LogicPower SystemComparative Study
Adaptive techniques such as gain scheduling, automatic tuning and continuous adaptation have been used in industrial single-loop controllers for about ten years. This paper gives a survey of the different adaptive techniques, the... more
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      Mechanical EngineeringApplied MathematicsAdaptive ControlPid Controller
This paper is concerned with the synthesis of a robust gain-scheduled H∞ MIMO VDSC (Vehicle Dynamic Stability Controller), involving the steering and braking actuators. This VDSC aims at improving automotive vehicle yaw stability and... more
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      EngineeringVehicle DynamicsRobust controlMathematical Sciences
Functional electrical stimulation (FES) is the most commonly used technology for improving motor function in individuals who have spinal cord injury. Despite the wide range of FES applications reported in the literature, few electrical... more
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      AlgorithmsBiomedical EngineeringBiomechanicsSkeletal muscle biology
A simple well-performing adaptive control technique for pH control in fermentations of recombinant protein production processes is described and its design procedure is explained. First, the entire control algorithm was simulated and... more
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      AlgorithmsCarbon DioxideAdaptive ControlMultidisciplinary
In this paper, the problem of comfort and handling improvements of a ground vehicle is treated through the joint control of the suspension and braking systems. Two H∞ gain-scheduled controllers are synthesized to achieve, attitude and yaw... more
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      Mechanical EngineeringApplied MathematicsControl EngineeringModel validation
Adaptive techniques such as gain scheduling, automatic tuning and continuous adaptation have been used in industrial single-loop controllers for about ten years. This paper gives a survey of the different adaptive techniques, the... more
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      Mechanical EngineeringApplied MathematicsAdaptive ControlPid Controller
In this paper a coordinated master control for a solid fuel power plant has been developed and the performance evaluated in terms of tracking capability, stability and robustness. The control strategy has been model-based predictive... more
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    • Gain Scheduling
Brazil faces a continuous increase of energy demand and a decrease of available resources to expand the generation system. Residential buildings are responsible for 23% of the national electricity demand. Thus, it is necessary to search... more
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      EngineeringEnergy Efficiency BuildingsBuilding Energy SimulationSite Investigation
Abstrak-Quadcopter diharapkan dapat bergerak secara lincah dan efektif menyusuri lintasan horisontal. Berdasar hukum fisisnya, gerak lateral dapat terjadi karena adanya daya angkat dan terjadinya perubahan sudut dari quadcopter tersebut.... more
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      PidGain Scheduling
This paper deals with the design of a control scheme that integrates braking and front steering to enhance the vehicle yaw stability and the lateral vehicle dynamics. The proposed VDSC (Vehicle Dynamic Stability Controller) allows control... more
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      Vehicle DynamicsStabilityControl systemLinear Matrix Inequalities
This paper presents a novel algorithm for the induction motor torque control in field weakening region. Proposed method insures maximum DC bus utilization and offers DTC performance through the stator voltage angle control. The algorithm... more
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      Vector controlDynamic ResponseInduction MotorGain Scheduling
We consider the application of a conditional integrator based sliding mode control design for robust regulation of minimum-phase nonlinear systems to the control of the longitudinal flight dynamics of an F-16 aircraft. The design exploits... more
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      Approximation TheoryRobust controlControl SystemsMIMO
In this paper, a road adaptive modified skyhook control for the semi-active Macpherson strut suspension system of hydraulic type is investigated. A new control-oriented model, which incorporates the rotational motion of the unsprung mass,... more
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      EngineeringDynamic systemsModel developmentHardware In The Loop
In this paper, a scheduled-gain SG-PID controller using LabVIEW-based scheduling technique, which consists of a set of virtual instruments, has been designed and experimentally tested for heating process. Gain scheduling is realized by... more
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      Control Systems EngineeringArtificial IntelligenceControl SystemsPID controller design
In this work software-based PID controller with gain scheduling is implemented to drive a DC motor. LabVIEW PID controller tool with its associated gain scheduling VI was used. Motor start up interval was experimentally analyzed and... more
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      PWMPID controlGain Scheduling
We consider the application of a conditional integrator based sliding mode control design for robust regulation of minimum-phase nonlinear systems to the control of the longitudinal flight dynamics of an F-16 aircraft. The design exploits... more
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      Approximation TheoryRobust controlControl SystemsMIMO
The design of inexpensive multi-sensor attitude determination systems is discussed. The systems discussed fuse information from a triad of solid state rate gyros with an aiding system mechanized using GPS or magnetometers and... more
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      Aerospace EngineeringSensor FusionGeomatic EngineeringPole placement
Narrow Tilting Vehicles (NTVs) are the convergence of a car and a motorcycle. They are expected to be the new generation of city cars considering their practical dimensions and lower energy consumption. However, due to their height to... more
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      Civil EngineeringVehicle DynamicsSchedulingRobust control
En el artículo se aborda la automatización de una autoclave utilizada en el proceso de esterilización. Se diseñaron algoritmos de control para la temperatura, la presión y el nivel del agua. Para realizar el control de la misma se trabajó... more
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      SterilizationAutoclaveGain SchedulingAutomatización
In this paper, an intelligent automated lane-keeping system is proposed and implemented on our vehicle platform, i.e., TAIWAN iTS-1. This system challenges the online integrating heterogeneous systems such as a real-time vision system, a... more
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      Civil EngineeringArtificial IntelligenceComputer VisionFuzzy Logic
The inverse definite minimum time relay has been used in the power distribution system in order to protect the system from power system faults.
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      Electrical EngineeringComputer ScienceWireless CommunicationsPid Controller
In this paper we present the integration of a Linear-Time-Varying Model-Predictive-Control (LTV-MPC), designed to stabilize a vehicle during sudden lane change or excessive speed-entry in curve, with a slip controller that converts the... more
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      Model Predictive ControlVehicle DynamicsStabilityLinear Systems
This paper addresses the path-following problem of steering an autonomous airplane along a predefined 3-D path, while performing a coordinated turn maneuver. The presented solution relies on the definition of a path-dependent error space... more
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      Control TheoryController DesignPath DependenceLinear Parameter Varying Systems
Abstruct-A new adaptive control system for dc motor drive with field weakening is proposed. The adaptation mechanism is based on the gain scheduling. A deep knowledge of the phenomena in the drive was necessary to define the scheduled... more
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      EngineeringAdaptive ControlSchedulingA Priori Knowledge
Abstract: A rotorcraft-based unmanned aerial vehicle exhibits more complex properties compared to its full-size counterparts due to its increased sensitivity to control inputs and disturbances and higher bandwidth of its dynamics. As an... more
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      Control Systems EngineeringVehicle DynamicsUavSystem Dynamics Modeling
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      Mechanical EngineeringApplied MathematicsOptimal ControlRobust control
Bu makalede akış kontrolü problemlerinin modellemesi için yeni bir yöntem geliştirilmiştir. Bu yöntemde akışın hesaplamalı akışkanlar dinamiği (HAD) benzetimleri ile elde edilen anlık görüntülerden bir uygun dikgen ayrışımı (UDA) elde... more
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      Active Control of Fluid FlowsNonlinear System Identification and ControlComputational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) modelling and simulationPID controller design
The area of the analysis and control of linear parameter-varying (LPV) systems has received much recent attention because of its importance in developing systematic techniques for gain-scheduling. An LPV system resembles a linear system... more
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      Convex OptimizationLinear SystemLyapunov functionGain Scheduling
Robotic helicopters have attracted a great deal of interest from the university, the industry, and the military world. They are versatile machines and there is a large number of important missions that they could accomplish. Nonetheless,... more
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      Dynamic CapabilitiesRobust controlControl systemMultivariable Control
A new set of tools, including controller scaling, controller parameterization and practical optimization, is presented to standardize controller tuning. Controller scaling is used to frequency-scale an existing controller for a large... more
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      EngineeringComputer ScienceControl TheoryController Design
We consider the application of a conditional integrator based sliding mode control design for robust regulation of minimum-phase nonlinear systems to the control of the longitudinal flight dynamics of an F-16 aircraft. The design exploits... more
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      Approximation TheoryRobust controlControl SystemsMIMO
The design problem of mixed L 2 , H 2 gain scheduling nonlinear state feedback controller for Linear Parameter Varying (LPV) systems subjected to actuator saturations and L 2 bounded disturbances is considered. First, a new formulation of... more
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      Linear Parameter Varying SystemsGain Scheduling
A microgrid is an integration of distributed energy sources, loads and energy storage systems. Indeed, energy storage systems are required in order to ensure reliability and power quality because of the intermittent nature of renewable... more
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      Fuzzy LogicSchedulingFuzzy ControlSystem on Chip
In web transport systems, the main problem is to control the web velocity and tensions independently, to prevent web breaks, folding, or damage. Interesting results have been obtained using multi-variable control strategies.... more
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      Mechanical EngineeringApplied MathematicsSystem DynamicsRobust control
In this chapter a gain scheduled optimal controller is designed to solve the path-tracking problem of an airship. The control law is obtained from a coupled linear model of the airship that allows to control the longitudinal and lateral... more
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      Optimal ControlLinear ModelPath TrackingGain Scheduling
In this paper, an adaptive fuzzy controller gain scheduling scheme for power system load-frequency control is designed tu damp the frequency oscillations and to track its error to zero at steady state, A Sugeno type inference system is... more
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      Fuzzy LogicPower SystemNeural NetworkOscillations
Reductions in building peak electrical demand can be achieved by incorporating building-specific models of thermal dynamics into controllers that will implement short-term peakperiod curtailment of HVAC capacity or pre-cool the building... more
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      Mechanical EngineeringSeasonalityEnergy SavingFeedback Control
Thermostatic Radiator Valves (TRV) have proved their significant contribution in energy savings for several years. However, at low heat demands, an unstable oscillatory behavior is usually observed and well known for these devices. This... more
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      Partial Differential EquationsNonlinear dynamicsHeat TransferOscillations
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      EngineeringComputer ScienceTechnologyPure Mathematics
This paper considers the optimal design of mechatronic systems with configuration-dependent dynamics. An optimal mechatronic design requires that, among the structural and control parameters, an optimal choice has to be made with respect... more
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      Mechanical EngineeringMechatronicsMotion controlNon-convex optimization
engines have the benefit of high efficiency with low emissions of NO and particulates. These benefits are due to the autoignition process of the dilute mixture of fuel and air during compression. However, because there is no... more
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      Applied MathematicsCombustionControl SystemsInternal Combustion Engine
This paper presents the analysis and the design of the servo-controller for an electronic throttle body (ETB) designed for ride-by-wire applications in racing motorcycles.
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      Pid ControllerCcaGain Scheduling
This paper presents a technique to identify an affine parameter-dependent model based on a set of Linear-Time-Invariant (LTI) models that are identified in local operating points of the varying system. The systems under investigation are... more
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      Mechanical EngineeringApplied MathematicsMotion controlDynamic behaviour of materials
We propose a method of interpolating linear time-invariant controllers with observer state feedback structure in order to generate a continuously-varying family of controllers that stabilizes a family of linear plants. Gain scheduling is... more
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      Mechanical EngineeringApplied MathematicsRobust controlStability
This paper addresses the path-following problem of steering an autonomous air vehicle along a predefined 3-D path, while tracking a desired velocity profile. The presented solution relies on the definition of a path-dependent error space... more
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      Control TheoryPath DependenceAutonomous Underwater VehicleLinear Parameter Varying Systems
An industrial weigh belt feeder is used to transport solid materials into a manufacturing process at a constant feedrate. It exhibits nonlinear behavior because of motor friction, saturation, and quantization noise in the sensors, which... more
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      Applied MathematicsFuzzy Logic ControlFuzzy InferenceFuzzy Logic Controller