A study was conducted to understand the Avian diversity at Pampadum Shola National Park, which is located on the Eastern portion of the High Ranges of Southern Western Ghats of Kerala. The study period was from 13th to 28th February... more
All diploid sexual organisms have two distinct haploid genomes, one from each parent. There is the male derived haploid genome and the female derived haploid genome. Each genome contains a distinct developmental control network that... more
L'epochè fenomenologica va radicalmente ripensata: non è una messa fra parentesi del mondo ma un esercizio di trasformazione che porta a superare un posizionamento egocentrico nel mondo. Maggiore è la capacità di superare la prospettiva... more
Advances in developmental genetics and evo-devo in the last several decades have enabled the growth of novel developmental approaches to the classic theme of homology. These approaches depart from the more standard phylogenetic view by... more
The concept of health has been mainly interpreted from the pharmacological point of view of «cure», so far. In this paper I consider the concept of health from the viewpoint of «care». This allows to think the health with reference to the... more
Chapter 1: Five Arguments for a New Theory of Biological Individuation 1.1 Ontophylogenesis 1.2 Random man 1.3 The same kind of laws govern biology and physics 1.4 The first principle of biology 1.5 Man lost in the Amazonian forest... more
"Siamo come lucciole che hanno disimparato a illuminare e che prima si sono messe a girare attorno alla lanterna magica dell'ideale ascetico e ora attorno alle insegne pubblicitarie al neon. Lucciole che hanno scordato d’avere una... more
Ventral folding morphogenesis (VFM), a vital morphogenetic process in amniotes, mediates gut endoderm internalization, linear heart tube formation, ventral body wall closure and encasement of the fetus in extraembryonic membranes.... more
The third edition of Edmund Beecher WILSON’s The Cell in Development and Inheritance was not only the last textbook, written by one single author, that united cytology, developmental biology and inheritance, probably it was likewise the... more
Protein Coding-Gen DIO1 (Iodothyronine deiodinase 1) Sebagai Gen Pengkode Hormon Tiroid ARTIKEL Disusun untuk memenuhi salah satu tugas mata kuliah Genetika Perkembangan dengan dosen pengampu Dr. Soni Heru Sumarsono Oleh: Istikoyah... more
During ventral spinal cord (vSC) development, the p3 and pMN progenitor domain boundary is thought to be maintained by cross-repressive interactions between NKX2.2 and PAX6. Using loss-of-function analysis during the neuron-glial fate... more
We have used a gene trap (GT) vector and embryonic stem (ES) cell chimeras to screen for insertions of the /acZ reporter gene into transcription units that are spatially and temporally regulated during early mouse embryogenesis. GT... more
Currently, evolutionary research focuses on phenomena that go beyond the traditional genetic paradigm. The paradox of excess DNA for coding significant elements of the genome has been known for a long time, but only in recent years it was... more
The neural crest (NC) is a transient multipotent cell population that originates in the dorsal neural tube. Cells of the NC are highly migratory, as they travel considerable distances through the body to reach their final sites.... more
Serpins constitute the largest family of peptidase inhibitors in plants, animals and microbes. Genomic studies of Drosophila melanogaster have indicated the presence of 29 genes encoding proteins with a putative serpin domain. Little is... more
The T-box transcription factor Tbx3 plays multiple roles in normal development and disease. In order to function in different tissues and on different target genes, Tbx3 binds transcription factors or other cofactors specific to temporal... more