Fundamental Constants
Recent papers in Fundamental Constants
Atomic mass measurements are essential for obtaining several of the fundamental constants. The most precise atomic mass measurements, at the 10 −10 level of precision or better, employ measurements of cyclotron frequencies of single ions... more
We show how removing faith-based beliefs in current philosophies of classical and constructive mathematics admits formal, evidence-based, definitions of constructive mathematics; of a constructively well-defined logic of a formal... more
Quantum Queries explores a variety of issues involving some of the puzzles and prospects associated with important topics in physics such as: Constants, antimatter asymmetries, neutrinos, entanglement, Bohr-Einstein debates, quantum... more
My use of the term, thermodynamic properties, refers to those for which we may make macroscopic measurements. Pressure and temperature are representative of this definition. There is one further general requirement. The measurement of... more
Table of Content of Vol I - Revision I (2017) of this Title A vast program of axiomatization of physics in direct response to David Hilbert's 6th Problem with tangible and verifiable numeric results. A resolution of long-time search for... more
Research into ancient physical structures, some having been known as the seven wonders of the ancient world, inspired new developments in the early history of mathematics. At the other end of this spectrum of inquiry the research is... more
Using a long-range polarization potential for HeH+, we can obtain an empirical value for the Boltzmann constant kB with an order of magnitude greater precision than the previous best experimental value based on the dipole polarizability... more
This academic paper is a collection of notes I created while taking an online Calculus course. To assist much of my self-taught knowledge, I wrote these notes in a handheld notebook. This notebook would serve as the foundation for what... more
This paper will present some time dependent relations among fundamental constants which are presented as being novel. They are derived from the Expansion Field Equation which was presented in my paper entitled " Expansion Field Theory as... more
The vacuum catastrophe results from the disagreement between the theoretical value of the energy density of the vacuum in quantum field theory and the estimated one observed in cosmology. In a similar attempt in which the ultraviolet... more
A new cosmological paradigm based upon global discrete scale invariance proposes a radical revision in our understanding of atomic scale dynamics. The discrete fractal scaling of this paradigm predicts a very large and discrete... more
In my articles of 1992-1996 it was demonstrated that size of elements of matter (particles, DNA molecule...) are whole integer numbers since it is related with their wave nature. The size (curvature) is wave number. The wave number is... more
We constrain the deviation of adiabatic evolution of the Universe using the data on the Cosmic Microwave Background (CMB) temperature anisotropies measured by the {\it Planck} satellite and a sample of 481 X-ray selected clusters with... more
I find a non-Gravitational equation for the Planck length and also a new formula for the Fine Structure Constant using a similar process to previous works.
Robert Brandom holds that what we mean is best understood in terms of what inferences we are prepared to defend, and that such a defence is best understood in terms of rule-governed social interactions. This manages to explain quite a... more
This paper presents work extracted from a more complete unified theory. It is abbreviated and introduces changes to fundamental properties as if they are curiosities. The results are hoped to demonstrate that the changes must be more... more
This academic paper is a collection of notes I created while taking an online Calculus course. To assist much of my self-taught knowledge, I wrote these notes in a handheld notebook. This notebook would serve as the foundation for what... more
The luminosity of fading type Ia supernovae is governed by radioactive decays of 56 Ni and 56 Co. The decay rates are proportional to the Fermi coupling constant G F and, therefore, are determined by the vacuum expectation value v of the... more
Rather than attempting to fit gravitation into the quantum format, quanta are derived from gravitation, i.e. electron mass, m^3 = k^2 (H/G) (e/c)^4; light quark mass mass, m^3 = (H/G) (h/c)^2; relativity/quantum bridge, γ^2 = (n/2) (α... more
Atomic mass measurements are essential for obtaining several of the fundamental constants. The most precise atomic mass measurements, at the 10 −10 level of precision or better, employ measurements of cyclotron frequencies of single ions... more
In 2018 the units of the International System are expected to be redefined by fixing the numerical values of seven constants. In addition to specifying units, these definitions will implicitly specify a set of metric conventions – namely,... more
We propose an improved methodology to constrain spatial variations of the fine structure constant using clusters of galaxies. We use the Planck 2013 data to measure the thermal Sunyaev-Zeldovich effect at the location of 618 X-ray... more