Fractional crystallization
Recent papers in Fractional crystallization
The felsic lavas of the Bamenda Mountains, in the main part of the Cameroon Volcanic Line, are mainly represented by trachytes, with subordinated benmoreites and alkaline to peralkaline rhyolites. New K–Ar geochronological data define two... more
New petrographic and chemical data from Upper Palaeozoic-Triassic granitoids from the Frontal Cordillera of Argentina (33"lO to 33"45) are presented. Five stocks with ages from Early Carboniferous to Late Permian were sampled. The rocks... more
White Island volcano comprises three main lava types: (1) silicic andesite, forming Western Cone and a tholoid at Troup Head, (2) dacite forming the Central Cone, and (3) mafic-silicic andesite erupted in March 1977 from the currently... more
The origin of igneous FeTi oxide ores associated with massif-type anorthosites is investigated through a detailed study of the world-class Tellnes ilmenite deposit, part of the late-Proterozoic (930920 Ma) AMC series of the Rogaland... more
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The Whabouchi pegmatite is within a transpressional high-strain zone of a metamorphosed volcano-sedimentary belt. A well-developed subvertical transposition foliation and a subvertical stretching lineation are present in this zone. The... more
This publication summarizes the results of petrologic studies aimed at the development and appli- cation of computer models simulating equilibrium and fractional crystallization in igneous systems of mafic to intermediate composition. The... more
The Canary plume is one of the few plumes that can be traced to the core-mantle boundary, making it an excellent location for studying mantle melting dynamics. We performed a comprehensive study of the subaerial shield stage lavas erupted... more
... determine the possible origin of the thermal anomaly that allows for partial melting of the ... after Turonian based on the timing of ophiolite obduction along the collision zone. ... Their differences are explained by a combination... more
AssrRAcr In the northern sector of tle western Bushveld Complex, toward the top of tle upper Critical Zone, magnssian sli- vine is an unusually abundant cumulus phase in the cyclic units between tle UG-l chromitite layer and the Bastard... more
The Puy Beaunit maar presents a large variety of mantle xenoliths (spinel peridotites, pyroxenites and layered rocks). A detailed study of the textures and mineral equilibria shows the unusual character of this occurrence and the local... more
Magmas erupted at the Kane Springs Wash volcanic center record the buildup and decay of a silicic magma chamber within the upper crust between 14.1 and 13.2 Ma ago. Intrusion of a variety of mantle-derived basaltic magmas into the crust... more
A late-stage rift-related tholeiite-alkalic suite of igneous intrusions cut the Deccan Traps lavas at the western Indian continental margin. The suite comprises intrusives that can be grouped into ten lithotypes on the basis of their... more
ABSTRACT The major and trace elements and Sr–Nd–Pb isotopes of the host rocks and the mafic microgranular enclaves (MME) gathered from the Dölek and Sariçiçek plutons, Eastern Turkey, were studied to understand the underlying petrogenesis... more
The 14 Ma caldera-forming composite ignimbrite PI on Gran Canaria (Canary Islands) represents the first voluminous eruption of highly differentiated magmas on top of the basaltic Miocene shield volcano. Compositional zonation of the... more
The Oregon Coast Range underwent extension and basaltic magmatism accompanying tectonic rotation during the Tertiary. Basaltic magmatism was expressed initially in submarine eruptions, but mostly in younger subaerial flows. A tholeiitic... more
Eighteen basic rocks from Ascension Island (South Atlantic) give a mean S7Sr/86 Sr ratio of 0.70311 + 17 for both volcanics and plutonic inclusions. The late-stage differentiated rocks (rhyolites and granitic inclusions) have much higher... more
One object of our study was to design a continuous slurry reactor capable of operating at high pressures (up to 5,000 psig and to determine the feasibility of its operation. At 180 C, 1,100 psigand 0.5 L/hr oil flow, the IV dropped 6 and... more
Melting experiments carried out at 1-atm and at 2 kbar on mid-ocean ridge basalts dredged from the mid-Atlantic ridge near the Kane Fracture Zone (KFZ, 22 ~ to 25 ~ N. latitude) provide a basis for evaluating the role of crystal... more
The Miocene magmatism of the Apuseni Mountains in the Carpatho-Pannonian area hosts some of Europe's largest porphyry epithermal Cu-Au ore systems associated with shallow subvolcanic intrusions. Detailed field observations combined with... more
Holocene Pelado, Guespalapa and Chichinautzin monogenetic scoria cones and associated lava flows located within the Sierra del Chichinautzin Volcanic Field (SCVF) at the southern margin of Mexico City were mapped and sampled for... more
At 39.5 ~ S in the southern volcanic zone of the Andes three Pleistocene-recent stratovolcanoes, Villarrica, Quetrupillan and Lanin, form a trend perpendicular to the strike of the Andes, 275 to 325 km from the Peru-Chile trench. Basalts... more
The average chemical compositions of the continental crust and the oceanic crust (represented by MORB), normalized to primitive mantle values and plotted as functions of the apparent bulk partition coefficient of each element, form... more
The Sr, Nd and Pb isotope compositions of ash-flow tuffs and lavas from the central caldera cluster of the San Juan volcanic field, Colorado, suggest that the silicic magmas were derived by fractional crystallization of mantle-derived... more
Spectral interpretation that silicic rocks are widespread on Mars implies that Earth's differentiated crust is not unique. Evaluation of observations bearing on the composition of the Martian crust (Martian meteorite petrology and a... more
During its 1800-year-long persistent activity the Stromboli volcano has erupted a highly porphyritic (HP) volatile-poor scoriaceous magma and a low porphyritic (LP) volatile-rich pumiceous magma. The HP magma is erupted during normal... more
Upper Triassic volcanic and sedimentary rocks of the Mamonia Complex in southwestern Cyprus are exposed in erosional windows through the post-Cretaceous cover, where the Mamonia Complex is tectonically imbricated with the Troodos and... more
Archean migmatites in the vicinity of Gwenoro Dam in Zimbabwe-Rhodesia are composed chiefly of trondhjemite gneiss (TR), mafic tonalite (MT), amphibolite (AM), leuco-trondhjemite veins (LTR), and pegmatites. The gneiss is intruded in... more
The Late Palaeozoic voluminous magmatism in Transbaikalia, Russia (a territory of N 600,000 km 2 to the east of Lake Baikal) is highly diverse and complex. Of special interest are (1) the significant overlap in time between magmatic... more
The study of the distribution of PCE, Au, Ni, Cu, Co, and S in the Proterozoic NiquelAndia mafic-ultramafic layered intru- sion (Brazil), 65 km long and 35 km wide, shows the existence of two distinct stratigraphic zones of contrasting... more
Petrographic and structural observations on the calc-alkalic plutonism of western Corsica revealed the existence of several successively emplaced units associated with large basic bodies. The present mineralogical and geochemical study... more
The Ivrea-Verbano and adjacent Strona-Ceneri zones have been described collectively as a section through the continental crust. While resident in the lower crust, amphibolite-to granulite-facies paragneiss of the Ivrea-Verbano Zone was... more
ABSTRACT Plagioclase phenocryts in volcanic rocks commonly record various differentiation processes in their magma chambers. A fundamental assumption is that the normal zoning followed by a reverse zoning or oscillatory zoning are either... more
Northwest Africa 479 (NWA 479) is a lunar meteorite recovered in 2000 from Morocco. This unbrecciated low-Ti basalt is paired with NWA 032. The texture of NWA 032/479 indicates a simple crystallization history and a fast cooling, followed... more
Lavas from Akutan Island, located in the eastern Aleutian arc at the transition between continental and oceanic crust, show a gradual change in their petrologic and chemical characteristics over the last 4 million years. The oldest lavas... more
Lower Jurassic volcanic-sedimentary successions of the Algarve Basin (∼198 Ma) are associated with the Central Atlantic Magmatic Province (CAMP), that was one aspect of Pangean intracontinental rifting. Volcanic products of the Algarve... more
The Izera Block in the West Sudetes, which is composed of granites, gneisses (and transitional granitegneisses) and minor mica schists, is one of the largest outcrops of Early Palaeozoic (ca. 500 Ma) metagranitoid rocks in the basement... more
The Shillong Plateau of northeastern India hosts four Early Cretaceous (105-107 Ma) ultramafic-alkaline-carbonatite complexes (UACC), which have been associated with the Kerguelen plume igneous activity. Petrological and geochemical... more
We present a new dataset for whole-rock major, trace, isotopic, and phenocryst compositions indicating a genetic link between andesites of the Holocene eruptions of the Bezymianny stratovolcano (the Bezymianny stage), the andesitic to... more
Subduction-related volcanism in the Nevados de Payachata region of the Central Andes at 18 °S comprises two temporally and geochemically distinct phases. An older period of
The analysis of micro-inclusions in fibrous diamonds from the Diavik mine, Canada revealed the presence of high density fluids (HDFs) that span a continuous compositional range between carbonatitic and saline end-members. The carbonatitic... more
The magma generation at Unzen volcano may be considered as the product of crustal material mixed with mantle magma Ž. accompanied by fractional crystallization AFC. The magma in the Unzen volcano is estimated to consist of about 50-80% Ž.... more
Along-axis variations for 70 km from the northern propagating tip at Wadi Fizh to the southern margin of the Hilti block in the northern Oman ophiolite are studied on the basis of bulk rock and pyroxene compositions of the sheeted dike... more