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      Carbon SequestrationGas HydrateDeep Carbon CycleCO2 capture and storage
Eclogites from the Earth's mantle found in kimberlites provide important information on craton formation and ancient geodynamic processes because such eclogites are mostly Archean in age. They have equilibrated over a range of... more
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      EclogitesDeep Carbon CycleDiamondsMantle Geochemistry
Sea Research Society's poster "Looking At The Forward Running Clocks' - Carbon Cycles and Time From Pleistocene to Present" was presented at a major international conference organised by Royal Anthropological Institute (RAI):... more
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      Climate ChangeSiberiaArctic ArchaeologyARTIC SEA ICE MELTING
Microdiamonds in garnet of graphite-free ultrahigh pressure metamorphic (UHPM) rocks from Lago di Cignana (western Alps, Italy) represent the first occurrence of diamond in a low-temperature subduction complex of oceanic origin (T =... more
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      Earth SciencesDeep Carbon Cycle
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      Carbon SequestrationDeep Carbon CycleMicrobubbleCCS
Diamonds from high- and low-MgO groups of eclogite xenoliths from the Jericho kimberlite, Slave Craton, Canada were analyzed for carbon isotope compositions and nitrogen contents. Diamonds extracted from the two groups show remarkably... more
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      Deep Carbon CycleMantle metasomatismCratonic Mantle LithosphereMantle Redox
Although many sources of atmospheric CO 2 have been estimated, the major sinks are poorly understood in a deep-time context. Here we combine plate reconstructions, the eruption ages and outlines of Large Igneous Provinces (LIPs), and the... more
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      Earth SciencesClimate ChangeClimatologyTectonics
Coal is generally used as solid fuel on the surface after open cut mining or underground mining. However, the coal seam mined economically is limited by the geological and technological conditions. In situ method is a promising method,... more
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      CoalClean Coal TechnologiesCarbon SequestrationDeep Carbon Cycle
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      GeologyGeochemistryDeep Carbon CycleMantle metasomatism
The subduction of upper oceanic lithosphere acts as a primary driver of Earth's deep carbon and water cycles, providing a key transportation mechanism between surface systems and the deep Earth. Carbon and water are stored and transported... more
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      OceanographyTectonicsGeodynamicsDeep Carbon Cycle
The world aquifers are estimated to have total storage capacity larger than three trillion tons of carbon dioxide. Systematic drilling survey for oil exploration suggests that the annual 70 million tons carbon dioxide injection is... more
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      CO2 StorageDeep Carbon CycleCarbon dioxide removalTerrestrial Carbon Cycle
Diamonds from high-and low-MgO groups of eclogite xenoliths from the Jericho kimberlite, Slave Craton, Canada were analyzed for carbon isotope compositions and nitrogen contents. Diamonds extracted from the two groups show remarkably... more
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      GeologyGeochemistryDeep Carbon CycleMantle metasomatism
Diamonds from high-and low-MgO groups of eclogite xenoliths from the Jericho kimberlite, Slave Craton, Canada were analyzed for carbon isotope compositions and nitrogen contents. Diamonds extracted from the two groups show remarkably... more
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      GeologyGeochemistryDeep Carbon CycleMantle metasomatism