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Modern biocatalysis is developing new and precise tools to improve a wide range of production processes, which reduce energy and raw material consumption and generate less waste and toxic side-products. Biocatalysis is also achieving new... more
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      EngineeringTechnologyEnvironmental microbiologyEnvironmental Remediation
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      Environmental ScienceIndian OceanAir SamplingAerosol
Large resources and growing markets are the salient prospects of natural gas for the coming decades. The greater impact of natural gas on the worldwide energy market can become a reality if several scientific disciplines can be mobilized... more
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      Chemical EngineeringInformation Technology
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A novel technology to upgrade low rank coal into steam coal has been developed in Institut Teknologi Bandung, namely Coal Upgrading Technology (CUT). The product from this process is in dry powder form; therefore, additional... more
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Knowledge about the nutrient and carbon budgets in forest soils is essential to maintain sustainable production, but also in several environmental issues, such as acidification, eutrophication and climate change. The budgets are strongly... more
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      Environmental ScienceChemistryForestryClimate Change
The International Maritime Organization adopted in April 2018 an emission target for shipping, which seeks to achieve reductions by at least 50 percent from 2008 levels by mid-century. Given shipping is outside of the framework of UNFCCC,... more
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      Climate ChangeMarine EcologyFossil FuelsGreenhouse Gas Emissions
High Temperature Gas-cooled Reactors (HTGRs) can be used for the generation of electricity and their process heat can be used to improve the efficiency of chemical processes such as hydrogen production. The JAEA-operated High-Temperature... more
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    • Economic Model
The aim of this study is to shed light on the importance of biofuels as an alternative to conventional energy, in addition to the importance of preserving agricultural crops, which are the main source of this fuel, to maintain food... more
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A Grand Solar Minimum, which is a period of reduced solar activity, could cool the planet.However, this would not reverse the effects of human-caused global warming,given current trends,as many researchers feel. But a few hold that global... more
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      Climate ChangeGlobal WarmingIce Ages
The remarkable growth in global energy consumption has been accompanied by increasingly urgent questions about which energy sources ought to fuel the spiraling demand. Witness the recent controversy surrounding the North Dakota Access... more
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      AnthropologyEthicsSocial AnthropologySocial Sciences
The purpose of this project was to determine the impact of plant size on the profitability of second generation biorefineries using cellulosic biomass commonly available in Minnesota. The two feedstocks selected were corn stover for... more
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      Environmental ScienceEnergy EconomicsAgricultural EconomicsHardwood
Mezquital Valley (MV), a Mexican wastewater-based agricultural and industrial region, is a "hot spot" of regulated air pollutants emissions, but the concurrent unregulated ones, like hazardous metals and polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons... more
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      Environmental ScienceEnvironmental ChemistryAtmospheric sciencesFactor analysis
Conifer forest resilience may be threatened by increasing wildfire activity and compound disturbances in western North America. Fire refugia enhance forest resilience, yet may decline over time due to delayed mortality-a process that... more
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Gerhard P. Hancke (M'88) received the B.Sc., B.Eng., and M.Eng. degrees from the University of Stellenbosch in 1970 and 1973, respectively, and the D.Eng. degree from the University of Pretoria, South Africa, in 1983. After a period of... more
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      Computer ScienceModal AnalysisVibrationNeural Network
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      GeologyChemistryRemote SensingNatural Gas
Basing on results of previous studies, the efficiency of a Brayton/Hirn combined cycle, fuelled with a clean syngas produced by means of biomass gasification and equipped with CO 2 removal by chemical absorption, resulted 33.94%,... more
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      EngineeringEnvironmental ScienceCarbonBiomass
Fran Barns, retired aerospace Engineer, and self trained geologist, studied and wrote about the area, was the guide for Gene Shoemaker when he came to the area. Note the "No temporal linkage has been the impact and rifting event." Let's... more
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      CometsShock Waves
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to sequester 1.5-2.0 MT/ha carbon per year over a 20-year period. The concept could be used to meet a portion of the timber industry's needs while simultaneously sequestering carbon in lands which would otherwise remain non-productive.... more
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      Environmental ScienceCarbonEnergy ConservationCoal
The International Institute for Applied Systems Analysis has undertaken a study of the use of risk analysis in siting liquefied energy gas facilities in four countries: the Federal Republic of Germany, the Netherlands, the United Kingdom,... more
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      EngineeringEconomicsDecision MakingEnergy
Problems related to increases of green house gases in the atmosphere and the. It of fossil fuels have made the conversion of C02 into useful chemicals and fuels an important area of research. However, C02 reduction poses many scientific... more
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      ChemistryCarbon DioxideKineticsPhotochemistry
The concept of waste biorefinery is known as one of the several energy recovery technologies capable of producing multi products in the form of biofuels and value-added products treating different fractions of municipal solid waste (MSW).... more
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      EngineeringRenewable EnergyEnergyRecycling
In the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia (KSA), millions of Muslims come to perform Pilgrimage every year. Around one million ton of municipal solid waste (MSW) is generated in Makkah city annually. The collected MSW is disposed of in the landfills... more
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      Environmental ScienceEnergyBiorefineryBiodiesel
The energy consumption in Saudi Arabia has increased significantly in recent years due to a rapidly growing population and economic development. The current peak demand of electrcity is 55 GW and it is projected to become 120 GW in the... more
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      Materials ScienceRenewable EnergyEnergyCatalysts
At the conclusion of flooding in an oil-or gas-bearing reservoir, a significant fraction of the original hydrocarbon in place remains in the swept region as trapped residual phase. In addition to the amount of trapped phase, its... more
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      GeologyMaterials SciencePetrophysicsEnhanced Oil Recovery
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      GeologyEconomicsEnergy PolicyFossil Fuels
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      Environmental ScienceClimate ChangeSoil ChemistryEnvironmental Chemistry
Tree species as a function of area (a) and as a function of annual empower (b) for high-elevation (>1200m) forest in the Wine Spring Creek watershed .........46 3-7\\\\\\Energy systems diagrams of EMERGYDYN used to simulate dynamics of... more
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      Environmental ScienceEmergy AnalysisEnergyDissertation
A laboratory-scale system incorporating a high temperature furnace has been utilized to study the reaction of heavy metal species and sorbents. The interaction between heavy metal species (cadmium and lead) and sorbents for different... more
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      Chemical EngineeringChemistryIndustrialNucleation
Energy and environmental issues, such as fossil fuel shortage and climate change are global challenges that need to be addressed. Research and innovation in sustainable energy-related functional materials, produced by environmentally... more
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      Materials ScienceChemical Vapor DepositionAerosolFossil Fuels
Abstract: A laboratory-scale system incorporating a high temperature furnace has been utilized to study the reaction of heavy metal species and sorbents. The interaction between heavy metal species (cadmium and lead) and sorbents for... more
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      Chemical EngineeringChemistryIndustrialNucleation
Carbon terrestrial sinks are seen as a low-cost alternative to fuel switching and reduced fossil fuel use for lowering atmospheric CO 2. In this study, we review issues related to the use of terrestrial forestry activities to create CO 2... more
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      BusinessClimate ChangeEcosystem ServicesCarbon Sequestration
The polluting gas flow and emission levels emitted from Al-Khums electric power generating plant as well as material and energy balance were estimated using Aspen HYSYS V9.0 simulator. These model simulations were performed under the... more
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      CombustionEnvironmental PollutionDispersionPower Generation
A Geographical Information System (GIS) supported methodology has been developed in order to assess the technical and economic potential of biomass exploitation for energy production in Sicily. The methodology was based on the use of... more
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      EngineeringEnvironmental ScienceTechnologyBiomass
Adsorption and absorption were effective in G/P partitioning and equilibrium was not reached. • The pp-LFER, mp-pp-LFER and QSPR models were evaluated for the first time for PCDD/Fs. • The performance of the G/P partitioning models in the... more
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      Atmospheric ScienceAtmospheric ModelingConcentrationAtmosphere
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      EngineeringChemistryCoalWaste Management
The search for the exploitation of renewable and environmental benign energy resources increase globally due to increasing prices and uncertainties in the availability of conventional energy resources such as mineral fuels. Biofuels are... more
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      ChemistryBiochemical EngineeringDeveloping CountryFossil Fuels
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      EngineeringRenewable EnergyEnergy SystemEnergy transition
Abstract:-Concerns over the impact of the environment on the massive usage of fossil fuels, combined with soaring energy prices, triggered increased interest in the use of solar energy. Solar energy is abundant, provides an important... more
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      EngineeringEnvironmental ScienceWaste ManagementSolar Energy
Field trial was conducted under low fertile sand soil conditions to follow up the role of organic additives with presence and absence of compatible bacterial inoculum in enhancement of peanut growth and yield. Bradyrhizobium spp. (foreign... more
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      ChemistryAgronomyStrawOrganic Fertilizer
Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs), dioxins (PCDD/Fs and dioxin-like PCBs) and trace metals have been assessed in sediment samples from the Yser and the Upper-Scheldt rivers. The contamination level in the sediments of the... more
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      Environmental ScienceCoalEnvironmental MonitoringRivers
Although cellulases have generally been reported to be produced by microbes including bacteria and fungi, their activity has been detected in the whole body saline extracts of some insects. In this paper, the cellulase activity is being... more
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This study explores a large set of OC and EC measurements in PM(10) and PM(2.5) aerosol samples, undertaken with a long term constant analytical methodology, to evaluate the capability of the OC/EC minimum ratio to represent the ratio... more
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      Environmental EngineeringEnvironmental ScienceChemistryAtmospheric Science
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      Environmental ScienceCatalysisTransportationEnvironmental Monitoring
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      Environmental ScienceHydrogeologyCatalysisGroundwater
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      GeologyPaleontologyStratigraphyOil Shale
The extent to which humans are modifying Earth's surface chemistry can be quantified by comparing total anthropogenic element fluxes with their natural counterparts (Klee & Graedel, 2004). We quantify anthropogenic mass transfer of 77... more
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      Evolutionary BiologyMarine BiologySociologyEnvironmental Science
A dynamic simulation of coupled supply and demand of energy, resources and nuclear reactors is done with the global model Prospective Outlook for Long Term Energy Supply (POLES) over this century. In this model, both electricity demand... more
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      EngineeringComputer ScienceUraniumScenario
The Economist tarafından yapılan analiz, kömür santrallerini kapatmanın karbon emisyonu ton başına sadece 34 dolar gibi bir maliyetle karbon emisyonlarını büyük ölçüde azaltabileceğini ortaya koyuyor. İklim değişikliğinin ekonomik... more
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      Veri MadenciliğiMadencilikKömür