Force Sensor
Recent papers in Force Sensor
The principal concerns in driving safety with standard vehicles or cybercars are understanding and preventing risky situations. A close examination of accident data reveals that losing control of the vehicle is the main reason for most... more
Measurements of the net forces acting on a structure can provide information necessary to determine the location of contacts through which the external forces act, under appropriate assumptions. One practical application of this idea... more
This paper describes the vanous design aspects for rmcromechatucal sensors consutmg of a structure with encapsulated budt-m resonant strain gauges Analytical models are used to investigate the effect of device parameters on the behavlour... more
Conventional force sensors are overdesigned for use in measuring human force inputs, such as is needed in research and application of human/robot interaction. A new type of force sensor is introduced that is suited to human-robot... more
A Venturi-type flow sensor has been designed and fabricated for neonatal respiratory assistance to control airway pressure and tidal volume. As the low flow range and sensing principle require the measurement of correspondingly very low... more
We demonstrate the measurement of optical frequency differences between Q-switched laser pulses by using photo-electromotive-force (photo-EMF) optical frequency sensors. The presence of high-peak-power laser pulses affords the photo-EMF... more
Wide range compact sensor is preferably sought for force sensing in testing of micro objects or local area of macro objects with the observation of high resolution microscope. This paper presents the design and development of an... more
The aim of this work is to show, to which the swings of arms are applied, is effective to perform vertical jumping movements by using a dynamometric platform. The force plate's analog to digital convector and range amplifier was... more
This paper describes the development of piezoresistive MEMS force sensors constructed using paper as the structural material. The sensing principle of the paper-based sensor is based on the piezoresistive effect of conductive materials... more
Different heat treatment processes can be applied on the spring element of a force transducer in order to obtain good and satisfactory performance. The study covers the attempts of different heat treatments on spring element using 17-4PH... more
The vein that carries the deoxygenated blood gets nodule and thick due to defect in their valve which becomes varicose veins. These are most common in legs. These varicose veins are caused by damaged or weak valves of veins that facade to... more
We describe a wireless wearable system that was developed to provide quantitative gait analysis outside the confines of the traditional motion laboratory. The sensor suite includes three orthogonal accelerometers, three orthogonal... more
A low-cost computer-based tensile testing apparatus is described that allows a graphical display of force-extension curves during the stretching of specimens in real time. The experiment is based on a graphics tablet combined with a force... more
We have developed a novel technique for fabricating high-aspect-ratio sidewall-implanted microstructures, and have used it to fabricate a dual-axis piezoresistive cantilever for atomic force microscope (AFM) data storage. The device... more
Diverse image-based tracking schemes of robot moving in free motion have been proposed, and experimentally validated, whose position and velocity image tracking errors converge to zero. However, visual servoing for constrained motion... more
The groundwork for a contact calibration methodology using a touch probe is developed for an articulated robot arm. This solution is framed within current calibration and metrology issues in robotics based upon the kinematical mechanical... more
The paper reviews the state-of-the-art in the field of CMOS-based microelectromechanical systems (MEMS). The different CMOS MEMS fabrication approaches, pre-CMOS, intermediate-CMOS, and post-CMOS, are summarized and examples are given.... more
Force Sensing Resistors (FSR) are ultra-thin, low-cost, pressure sensors, which exhibit change in their electrical resistance when force is applied on their surface. The FSR has been used in wide ranging applications in the automotive... more
The University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee, 2012 Under the Supervision of Professor Brooke A Slavens This study investigated the effects of slight changes in the alignment of the artificial limb of trans-tibial amputees on the walking pattern... more
Lateral displacement MEMS sensor with sidewall embedded piezoresistors has been designed and manufactured. Experimental data confirm lateral displacement sensitivity of 2.32 mV/ m.V. Besides high sensitivity, lateral actuated MEMS sensor... more
d e n t a l m a t e r i a l s 2 7 ( 2 0 1 1 ) e10-e19 a v a i l a b l e a t w w w . s c i e n c e d i r e c t . c o m j o u r n a l h o m e p a g e : w w w . i n t l . e l s e v i e r h e a l t h . c o m / j o u r n a l s / d e m a... more
It has been concluded from numerous neurophysiological studies that humans rely on detecting discrete mechanical events that occur when grasping, lifting and replacing an object, i.e., during a prototypical manipulation task. Such events... more
A cutaneous force-frequency relation recording system based on first heart sound amplitude vibrations has been recently validated. Second heart sound can be simultaneously recorded in order to quantify both systole and diastole duration.
A novel method of Zero-Moment-Point (ZMP) compensation is proposed to improve the stability of locomotion of a biped, which is subjected to disturbances. A compensating torque is injected into the ankle-joint of the foot of the robot to... more
and in many other medical research domains aiming at the understanding of physiological motor and cognitive basic mechanisms. The systematic application of robotic and mechatronic technologies to realize new tools and measurement methods... more
Recent research in prosthetic hands aims at developing innovative cybernetic systems able to allow users to feel an artificial hand as part of their bodies by providing the tactile sensation of a natural hand. Such prostheses must be... more
This paper reports an electrostatic microelectromechanical systems (MEMS) gripper with an integrated capacitive force sensor. The sensitivity is more than three orders of magnitude higher than other monolithically fabricated MEMS grippers... more
This paper studies the balance of a humanoid robot carrying a heavy object. Without knowing the mass and the position of the center of gravity of the object, the humanoid robot carries a heavy object stably by using the force sensor... more
In this paper, we analyze the physical basis for elasticity imaging of the breast by measuring breast skin stress patterns that result from a force sensor array pressed against the breast tissue. Temporal and spatial changes in the stress... more
This study aimed to provide a description of the continuous recording of the true load regime experienced during daily living by the abutment of a transfemoral amputee fitted with an osseointegrated fixation. The specific objectives were... more
Minimally invasive surgery (MIS) challenges the surgeon's skills due to his/her separation from the operation area, which can be reached with long instruments only. Therefore, the surgeon looses access to the manipulation forces inside... more
This paper describes an algorithm about online gait trajectory generation method, controller for walking, brief introduction of humanoid robot platform KHR-3 (KAIST Humanoid Robot -3: HUBO) and experimental result. The gait trajectory has... more
In this study, we propose a multi-walled carbon nanotube epoxy composite sensor for force and pressure sensing in the range of 50 N-2 kN. A manufacturing procedure, including material preparation and deposition techniques, is proposed.... more
This is an author produced version of a paper published in IEEE Journal of Oceanic Engineering. This paper has been peer-reviewed but does not include the final publisher proof-corrections or journal pagination.
This paper describes the control of an autonomous biped robot that uses the support vector regression (SVR) method for its sagittal balance. This SVR uses the zero moment point (ZMP) position and its variation as input and the torso... more
We investigated dynamic optimization as a tool to improve functional electrical stimulation (FES) assisted sit to stand transfers of paraplegic subjects. The objective would be to find optimal strategy for voluntary trunk movement, which... more
The groundwork for a contact calibration methodology using a touch probe is developed for an articulated robot arm. This solution is framed within current calibration and metrology issues in robotics based upon the kinematical mechanical... more
In master-slave teleoperation applications that deal with a delicate and sensitive environment, it is important to provide haptic feedback of slave/environment interactions to the user's hand as it improves task performance and... more