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Fodder insufficiency and its poor-quality leads to lower productivity of Indian cattle. To improve productivity and quality of fodder oats, the present study was undertaken with residual effect of three maize cultivars (V 1 : African... more
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      AgronomyAgricultureAnimal NutritionOats
In recent years, Mongolian rangeland become degrading by a variety of factors such as global warming, mining activities, overgrazing, livestock density and migration of the population to the market. Consequently the soils getting dry and... more
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    • Fodder crops
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      Plant EcologyC4 PhotosynthesisPhytolithsC4 grasses
The increasingly demand of chicken meat in Sudan has prompted more poultry farming with consequent effects on increased utilization of organic wastes (e.g. chicken manure) as fertilizers. Organic wastes contain varying amounts of water,... more
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      Organic agricultureFodder cropsManure
Legumes are the richest source of protein, starch, minerals, vitamins and are considered as the earliest domestic plants. Legumes belong to leguminosae family, which is one of the largest and most important families of flowering plants.... more
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      Ancient Egyptian ReligionEconomicsNutritionPublic Health Nutrition
Thysanolaena maxima (Roxb.) O. Ktze. is a species belonging to the Poaceae or Graminae family. The grass is prized for its inflorescences which are processed into soft brooms. Recently, there is a growing interest on its biology and uses.... more
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      BioengineeringEthnobotanyPhytoremediationTraditional Medicine
The aim of this study was to evaluate the nutritional and feeding value of peanut hay (Arachis hypogaea L.) produced under tropical environment as an alternate forage resource for sheep. Peanut hay was appreciably high in crude protein... more
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      Farm Animal NutritionSheepDairyBeef
Öz: Bu çalışma hasılmatikte üretilen arpa ve yulaf yeşil hasılının farklı günlerdeki besin madde içeriklerini belirlemek amacıyla yapılmıştır. Çalışmada %100 arpa tohumu; % 100 yulaf tohumu ve %75 arpa tohumu+ %25 yulaf tohumu karışımı... more
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      Fodder cropsHydroponics System
The aim of the study was to assess dairy farmers’ knowledge on forage production and utilization in the Lake Victoria crescent and Eastern Highlands Agro Ecological Zones (AEZs) of Uganda. Semi-structured questionnaires were administered... more
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The present study has been carried out in kharif 2018 and 2019 at ICAR- National Dairy Research Institute, Karnal, with three maize (Zea mays L.) cultivars (V1: African Tall, V2: J-1006; V3: P-3396) and four nutrient management strategies... more
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      Soil ScienceAgronomyProductivityAgriculture
The increasingly demand of chicken meat in Sudan has prompted more poultry farming with consequent effects on increased utilization of organic wastes (e.g. chicken manure) as fertilizers. Organic wastes contain varying amounts of water,... more
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      Organic agricultureFodder cropsManureAgriculture and Forestry
The cold arid region of India is usually accompanied by high altitude with little or no rainfall thus making the atmosphere cold and dry. Sixteen percent of the total landmass of the world is under the cold arid zones. Indian cold deserts... more
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      High altitude environmentsFodder cropsFodder trees
A Field experiment was carried out at BAIF's KVK Chaswad in Bharuch district during 2014 to 2016 with an objective to study the various forage cropping systems for green fodder production and find out the best remunerative year round... more
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    • Fodder crops
The cold arid region of India is usually accompanied by high altitude with little or no rainfall thus making the atmosphere cold and dry. Sixteen percent of the total landmass of the world is under the cold arid zones. Indian cold deserts... more
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      High altitude environmentsFodder cropsFodder trees
A field experiment was conducted at Forage Research and Management Centre, NDRI, Karnal during rabi season in 2013 to study the effect of nitrogen application and weed management on growth and yield of fodder turnip (Brassica compestris... more
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    • Fodder crops
Fodders are the main source of animal feed in Peshawar regionhowever, the yield per acre is still far below than its potential yield. Considering such a gloomy picture in the region, field trial was initiated atCot-008 and Apsi-1) were... more
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      AgronomyAgricultureSustainable ArchitectureFodder crops
Fodder insufficiency and its poor-quality leads to lower productivity of Indian cattle. To improve productivity and quality of fodder oats, the present study was undertaken with residual effect of three maize cultivars (V 1 : African... more
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      AgronomyAgricultureAnimal NutritionOats
Fodder beet (Beta vulgaris L. ssp. maritima) belongs to the Amaranthaceae family. It was introduced first in the Europe and then to USA in 1800 and is currently being grown under cool environmental conditions of the world. It can be... more
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    • Fodder crops
Sorghum is an important fodder crop and plays an important role in the Pakistan dairy industry. High yielding and superior quality sorghum varieties should be produced to meet the domestic needs. In arid and semiarid regions, drought is a... more
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    • Fodder crops
The importance of animal husbandry during the Egyptian Bronze Age (ca. 2750-1070 BC), and especially of stable farming for valuable animals such as cattle and horses, requires the production of large stocks of fodder. It is therefore... more
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      Agricultural EconomicsAncient Egyptian HistoryAnimal HusbandaryFodder crops
Three piles of shoots, leaves, and pods were discovered in the Zagunluk cemetery (about AD 100-400 based on 14C dating), Xinjiang, NW China. Morphological characteristics assigned the specimens to Medicago sativa L. (alfalfa). The... more
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      ArchaeologyArchaeobotanyCentral Asian ArchaeologyFodder crops
From the results of two years of experimentation, it may be concluded that application of nitrogen, phosphorus and potash (120 kg N+60 kg P2O5+30 kg K2O) and sowing of fodder oat with berseem in 2:1 appear to be better practice for... more
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    • Fodder crops
Meckering farmers, Robert and Vicki Beard, have established lucerne on ten per cent of their cropping land to prevent the spread of dryland salinity and improve the productivity of their farm. This study addresses the question: what... more
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      MarketingGeneticsNutritionAgricultural Economics
Fodder beet has become a popular winter feed for all stock classes in New Zealand. However, poor crop establishment frequently leads to either significant loss in yield, through below-target plant populations, weed competition, or crop... more
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      Animal FeedFodder crops
Fodder beet (Beta vulgaris L. ssp. maritima) belongs to the Amaranthaceae family. It was introduced first in the Europe and then to USA in 1800 and is currently being grown under cool environmental conditions of the world. It can be... more
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    • Fodder crops
55. lnt,khab Aalum Jehanglr, fAISUl-UR RASOOL, H U. Khan, T. MUBARAK, Tahir all AND s a. bANGROO [Response of fodder oats (.tv,.na utiva L.) to sowing dates, Fertility levels and cutting management]. Crop Re,. 45(1, 2 & 3): 272 275... more
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      NitrogenFodder crops
Sorghum is an important fodder crop and plays an important role in the Pakistan dairy industry. High yielding and superior quality sorghum varieties should be produced to meet the domestic needs. In arid and semiarid regions, drought is a... more
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      BiologyFodder crops
An extensive survey was conducted to find out the mineral composition of dry and green roughage in Charkhi Dadri district of Haryana state during Rabi season. To have a systematic and planned study all the four blocks were included and... more
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      Mineral NutritionFodder cropsBuffalo and Cattle production
Jasa catering 20 pax Setia Budi KAHEM CATERING, Jasa catering 200 per head Setia Budi KAHEM CATERING, Jasa catering 35 ribu Setia Budi KAHEM CATERING, Jasa catering 30 ribu Setia Budi KAHEM CATERING, Jasa catering 300 undangan Setia Budi... more
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    • Fodder crops
Fodder beet has distinct benefits such as high yield potential, excellent feed quality (especially metabolisable energy), and suitability for cool temperate climates. Production area has recently increased dramatically in New Zealand,... more
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      Fodder cropsForage crops
A field experiment was conducted at Forage Research and Management Centre, NDRI, Karnal during rabi season in 2013 to study the effect of nitrogen application and weed management on growth and yield of fodder turnip (Brassica compestris... more
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    • Fodder crops