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Fifteen stars considered especially useful for astrological applications (in the mediæval astrology of Europe and the Arab world) are known as the Behenian Fixed Stars (each marked with † Behenian Star). The name derives from Arabic... more
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    • Fixed Stars
This article examines the influence of the Fixed Stars, with a comprehensive table of their year 2000 (& 2010) position and the character of their effects. "The strength and efficacy of the Fixed Stars is to be considered from their... more
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    • Fixed Stars
Joseph A Seiss, compiled his own version of the Constellation based on Biblical data and the results are amazing. Seeing the meaning behind the stars in terms of the Messiah and our Redemption adds new understanding to how everything... more
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      StarsMessianism: ideology and movementsFixed Stars
All rights, including copyright, in the content of this document are owned or controlled for these purposes by FSTC Limited. In accessing these web pages, you agree that you may only download the content for your own personal... more
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    • Fixed Stars
A dévák és aszurák harcának egyik fő fejezetét alkotja az a rész, amikor a dévák megkérik Visnut, hogy mivel elfogyott az erejük, a kozmikus óceán kiköpüléséhez az ellenségtől kérjen segítséget. Az istenség eléri, hogy átmeneti... more
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      AlchemyHistory of AstrologyTransmission of ancient astral scienceAncient Indian astral science
Most of us know that the stars serve as a reliable compass, but it is less known that they can also be an accurate clock. The fact that during the middle of the month of March in Romania the hour hand of the sky clock - formed by the last... more
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      AstronomyFixed Stars
Hermes From "Sloane 3847" - Liber Hermetis
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      Hermes Trismegistus and HermeticaMedieval MagicAstral Magic, Medieval Astrology and Magicalchemy, Hermes Trismegistus, Emerald Tablet
Astronomy was very important science in the medieval Islamic world, and we can witness its achievements in modern day science. The copies of the 10th century astronomical illustrated manuscript, “The Book of Fixed Stars”, by 'Abd ar... more
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      Arabic Language and LinguisticsHistory of AstronomyHistory of Arabic Science. Islamic Instruments. Astronomy under the MamluksArabic language and culture
We present the results of 22 GHz H 2 O maser observations of a sample of 85 post-Asymptotic Giant Branch (post-AGB) candidate stars, selected on the basis of their OH 1612 MHz maser and far-infrared properties. All sources were observed... more
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      Organic ChemistryAstrophysical PlasmaMasersStellar winds
Bibliotheca Sacra and Biblical Repository, Vol XX. Edward A. Park and Samuel H. Taylor Editors. Warren, W.F. - Biblical Cosmology and the Doctrine of the Fall of the World. London:1863 An excellent analysis of the changes made to... more
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      Cosmology19th Century German TheologyBiblical HistoryGarden of Eden
Physical conditions in the atmospheres of tidally locked, slowly rotating hot Jupiters correspond to dynamical circulation regimes with Rhines scales and Rossby deformation radii comparable to the planetary radii. Consequently, the large... more
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      Organic ChemistryAstrophysical PlasmaTurbulenceVariability
We have carried out a sensitive search for gas emission lines at infrared and millimeter wavelengths for a sample of 15 young sun-like stars selected from our dust disk survey with the Spitzer Space Telescope. We have used mid-infrared... more
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      Organic ChemistryAstrophysical PlasmaLine DetectionPlanetary Systems
We report the discovery made using the Australia Telescope Compact Array of a remarkable string of radio emission towards IRAS 16562-3959, a luminous infrared source with a bolometric luminosity of 7.0 × 10 4 L ⊙. The radio emission... more
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      Organic ChemistryAstrophysical PlasmaStar FormationMasers
From Sloane 3847, tr. Sergei Belokon, (rus), Russia, Samara What stones and hearbes are appropiated unto the 15 starres accordinge to John Gower in his booke intituled de Confessione Amantis, the wich he dedicated unto... more
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      MagicFixed Stars
SS433 is well-known for its precessing twin jets having optical bullets inferred through spectroscopic observation of H α lines. Recently, Chakrabarti et al. (2002) described processes which may be operating in accretion disk of SS433 to... more
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      PhysicsOrganic ChemistryAstrophysical PlasmaData Analysis
We present millimeter interferometric observations of the molecular envelope around the red supergiant VY CMa with the SubMillimeter Array (SMA) 1. The high angular resolution (< 2 ′′) allows us to derive the structure of the envelope as... more
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      Organic ChemistryAstrophysical PlasmaStarsHigh Resolution
We present infrared spectroscopy and imaging of AFGL 4106. The 2.4-5 µm ISO-SWS spectrum reveals the presence of a cool, luminous star (T eff ≈ 3750 K) in addition to an almost equally luminous F star (T eff ≈ 7250 K). The 5-195 µm SWS... more
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      United KingdomInfrared spectroscopySpectrumInfrared
Context. This is the first paper of a series devoted to the Lambda Orionis star-forming region, Orion's Head, from the X-ray perspective. Our final aim is to provide a comprehensive view of this complex region, which includes several... more
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      Star FormationDust (Astronomy & Astrophysics)X RaysSpatial Distribution
The star ζ Ophiuchi is one of the brightest massive stars in the northern hemisphere and was intensively studied in various wavelength domains. The currently available observational material suggests that certain observed phenomena are... more
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      Magnetic fieldX RaysKinematics and DynamicsNorthern Hemisphere
We report the discovery of the likely IR counterpart to the Anomalous X-ray Pulsar (AXP) 1RXS J170849−400910, based on the combination of Chandra HRC-I X-ray position, and deep optical/IR observations carried out from ESO telescopes and... more
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      Organic ChemistryAstrophysical PlasmaFilm StarsX Rays
We have investigated the variation of coronal X-ray emission during early post-main-sequence phases for a sample of 120 late-type stars within 100 pc, and with estimated masses in the range 1-3 M , based on Hipparcos parallaxes and recent... more
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      Dust (Astronomy & Astrophysics)AstronomyX RaysWavelet Transform
We report the discovery of the likely IR counterpart to the Anomalous X-ray Pulsar (AXP) 1RXS J170849−400910, based on the combination of Chandra HRC-I X-ray position, and deep optical/IR observations carried out from ESO telescopes and... more
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      Organic ChemistryAstrophysical PlasmaX RaysInfrared
High-resolution K band imaging polarimetry of the β Pic dust disk has been conducted with adaptive optics and a coronagraph using the Subaru 8.2-m telescope. Polarization of ∼10 % is detected out to r ∼ 120 AU with a centrosymmetric... more
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      Organic ChemistryAstrophysical PlasmaNear InfraredAdaptive Optics
Context. The yellow hypergiant stars (YHGs) are extremely luminous and massive objects whose general properties are poorly known. Only two of this kind of star show massive circumstellar envelopes, IRC +10420 and AFGL 2343. Aims. We aim... more
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      AGB starsChemical CompositionAGB and Post-AGBFixed Stars
We present millimeter interferometric observations of the molecular envelope around the red supergiant VY CMa with the SubMillimeter Array (SMA) 1. The high angular resolution (< 2 ′′) allows us to derive the structure of the envelope as... more
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      Organic ChemistryAstrophysical PlasmaStarsHigh Resolution
We report the discovery of a young massive stellar cluster embedded in an extended HII region, invisible at optical wavelengths where the extinction is A V ≈ 28 magnitudes, associated with the IRAS source 16177-5018. J, H and nbK imaging... more
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      Mid-InfraredSurvey dataInfraredFar Infrared
We report in this paper the direct interferometric measurement of the angular diameter of five nearby Vega-like stars: α PsA, β Leo, β Pic, Eri and τ Cet. The near-infrared (K and H bands) observations were conducted at the VLTI during... more
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      Stellar EvolutionDust (Astronomy & Astrophysics)Near InfraredAstronomy
We report the discovery of 870 Hz quasi-periodic intensity oscillations with the Rossi X-Ray Timing Explorer from the X-ray burster 4U 1636Ϫ536. This is the fourth Galactic low-mass X-ray binary (LMXB) that has shown this type of... more
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      Organic ChemistryAstrophysical PlasmaX RaysOscillations
We present results of an investigation on a high-galactic latitude sample of late-type field stars selected from the ROSAT All-Sky Survey (RASS). The sample comprises about 200 G, K, and M stars. Lithium abundances were determined for... more
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      Radial VelocityPre main Sequence StarsFixed Stars
We report the discovery of a young massive stellar cluster embedded in an extended HII region, invisible at optical wavelengths where the extinction is A V ≈ 28 magnitudes, associated with the IRAS source 16177-5018. J, H and nbK imaging... more
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      Mid-InfraredSurvey dataInfraredFar Infrared
Owen Bruce Slee is one of the pioneers of Australian radio astronomy. During World War II he independently discovered solar radio emission, and, after joining the CSIRO Division of Radiophysics, used a succession of increasingly more... more
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      Radio AstronomyWorld War IISolar SystemRadio Telescope
Owen Bruce Slee is one of the pioneers of Australian radio astronomy. During World War II he independently discovered solar radio emission, and, after joining the CSIRO Division of Radiophysics, used a succession of increasingly more... more
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      Radio AstronomyWorld War IISolar SystemRadio Telescope
We present results of an analysis of new observations of the active M dwarfs AD Leo (GJ 388) and EV Lac (GJ 873), performed with the X-ray satellite SAX, and compare them with both published and new analyses of ROSAT PSPC observations of... more
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      Dust (Astronomy & Astrophysics)X RaysStarsSpectrum
We present multifrequency VLA and VLBA observations at 8.4 GHz of the RS CVn system AR Lac, that were performed in autumn 1997 simultaneously with X-ray observations obtained from Rodonò et al. (1999). Our VLBA data indicate a resolved... more
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      Dust (Astronomy & Astrophysics)Film StarsX RaysFixed Stars
Context. The new VISual and Infrared Telescope for Astronomy (VISTA) has started operations. Over its first five years it will be collecting data for six public surveys, one of which is the near-infrared Y JK s VISTA survey of the... more
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      Dust (Astronomy & Astrophysics)Variable StarsNear InfraredInfrared
We present pulse phase resolved spectra of the hypergiant high mass X-ray binary GX 301−2. We observed the source in 2001 October with RXTE continuously for a total on-source time of almost 200 ks. We model the continuum with both, a... more
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      Mathematical PhysicsQuantum PhysicsX RaysPower Law
We present ultraviolet (IUE) and infrared (ISO) observations of the bipolar proto-planetary nebula Hen 401 which, combined with previously available optical and near infrared data, are used to reconstruct the overall spectral energy... more
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      Near InfraredAstronomyUltravioletSpectrum
We report new Spitzer Space Telescope observations from the IRAC and MIPS instruments of the young (∼ 3 Myr) σ Orionis cluster. The populous nature of this cluster makes it a good target for statistically-significant studies of disk... more
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      PhysicsOrganic ChemistryAstrophysical PlasmaNear Infrared
We are interested in the similarities and differences between the quantum-classical (Q-C) and the noncommutative-commutative (NC-Com) correspondences. As one useful platform to address this issue we derive the superstar Wigner-Moyal... more
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      MathematicsQuantum MechanicsNon-commutative GeometryMathematical Sciences
Globular cluster stars evolving off the main sequence are known to lose mass, and it is expected that some of the lost material should remain within the cluster as an intracluster medium (ICM). Most attempts to detect such an ICM have... more
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      InfraredMass LossAstronomicalFixed Stars
VPN as a managed service enables the service provider to offer more demanding and revenue generating services. Some of the common managed VPN services known today include auto discovery, security, and also a potential ability to perform... more
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      Routing protocolsSimulationQuality of ServiceScalability
Emily Rauscher and Kristen Menou Department of Astronomy, Columbia University, 550 West 120th Street, New York, NY 10027 ... James YK. Cho Astronomy Unit, School of Mathematical Sciences, Queen Mary, University of London, Mile End Road,... more
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      Organic ChemistryAstrophysical PlasmaAtmospheric TurbulenceSolar System
We present the science database produced by the Formation and Evolution of Planetary Systems (FEPS) Spitzer Legacy program. Data reduction and validation procedures for the IRAC, MIPS, and IRS instruments are described in detail. We also... more
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      Organic ChemistryNear InfraredFilm StarsData Reduction
Context. The X-ray emission from B-type main-sequence stars is a longstanding mystery in stellar coronal research. Since there is no theory at hand that explains intrinsic X-ray emission from intermediate-mass main-sequence stars, the... more
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      X RaysInfraredX ray EmissionHigh Spatial Resolution
Context. Most observational studies conducted so far point toward brown dwarfs sharing a similar formation mechanism as the one that is accepted for low-mass stars. However, larger databases and more systematic studies are needed before... more
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      Near InfraredSpatial DistributionMid-InfraredInfrared
We present the first results from a series of Chandra observations carried out with the aim to examine the origin of X-ray emission in main-sequence late B-type stars. X-ray detections of late-B and early A-type stars have remained a... more
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      Adaptive OpticsX RaysSpectrumInfrared
We present the first results from a series of Chandra observations carried out with the aim to examine the origin of X-ray emission in main-sequence late B-type stars. X-ray detections of late-B and early A-type stars have remained a... more
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      Adaptive OpticsX RaysSpectrumInfrared
We report results of a BeppoSAX observation of the low-mass X-ray binary (LMXB) dipping source XB 1916−053. The source joins the small group of LMXB detected at energies ∼ > 100 keV. The non-dip spectrum is well fitted by an absorbed... more
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      Dust (Astronomy & Astrophysics)X RaysPower LawStars
We present results from two deep ROSAT HRI exposures on the Blanco 1 open cluster. Blanco 1 is one of the few open clusters at large distance from the Galactic Plane. This circumstance has suggested that it may have formed through a... more
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      Dust (Astronomy & Astrophysics)X RaysOpen ClustersFixed Stars
A survey of the 12 C/ 13 C ratio toward circumstellar envelopes has been conducted at millimeter wavelengths using the facilities of the Arizona Radio Observatory (ARO). The ratios were obtained for a sample of local C-and O-rich... more
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      Organic ChemistryInterstellar MediumAstrophysical PlasmaAstrobiology