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Background: Fireworks related injuries in children occur in Kosovo particularly during New Year celebrations.Aim: To report the pattern of fireworks- related injuries in childrenup to 16 years of age treated at the Emergency Center and... more
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Traumatic tattoos are undesirable tattoos caused by different foreign bodies such as fireworks' particles, sand, metals, glass, gunpowder, asphalt, dust, or petroleum products embedded forcefully in the dermis. We report the case of a... more
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      LaserTreatment OutcomeSolid state lasersMedicine
During religious feasts in the Teotihuacán and Texcoco regions northeast of Mexico City, people ‘dance for the saint,’ often to fulfill a vow made in a supplication for healing. Based on fieldwork carried out between 2011 and 2019, and... more
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      Dance StudiesAnthropology Of DanceDancePopular religion
Cet article fait le point sur la participation d'Amadis Jamyn aux fêtes de cour de son époque.
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      Renaissance Lyric PoetryRonsard
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According to Seveso Directive the analysis of accident and near miss has be performed in order to identify which elements of the safety management system (SMS) should be reviewed. In this paper, a real accident in a chemical depot has... more
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      EngineeringAccident InvestigationDirective
The burning of fireworks damages air quality by causing elevated concentrations of particulate matter (PM2.5 and PM10) in short periods of time. In this context, the research aimed to compare airborne concentrations of PM2.5 and PM10 from... more
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      Environmental ScienceTourism Planning and Sustainable community developmentFireworks
Il s'agit bien d'un essai, avec tout ce que la tentative induit de lacunaire : l'exhaustivité, particulièrement à propos de Le Moyne, est chose improbable, en l'absence d'une monographie actualisée sur cet auteur. Nous espérons seulement... more
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The variation in air quality was assessed from the ambient concentrations of various air pollutants [total suspended particle (TSP), particulate matter ≤10 μm (PM 10), SO 2 , and NO 2 ] for pre-Diwali, Diwali festival, post-Diwali, and... more
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      Environmental ScienceBiophysicsAir QualityEnvironmental Monitoring
The effects of a Summer Firework Festival on the air quality were studied for the first time in a rural area of Southern Italy. The case study analyzes the physical-chemical properties of airborne particles collected during the Note di... more
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      Environmental ScienceFireworksAirborne Particulates
As a revolutionary swarm intelligence algorithm, fireworks algorithm (FWA) is designed to solve optimization problems. In this paper, the dynamic fireworks algorithm with covariance mutation (dynFWACM) is proposed. After applying the... more
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      MathematicsComputer ScienceAlgorithmMutation
Since fireworks algorithm (FWA) debuted in 2010, a dozen proposals of improvement for FWA had been published in an effort to enhance, refine and optimize accuracy while minimizing calculation speed and volume. In this paper, we introduce... more
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      Computer ScienceEvolutionary ComputationAlgorithmComputation
La dynamique de frappe au clavier permet l'authentification et l'identification d'utilisateurs en analysant leur façon de taper au clavier, e.g. lorsqu'ils naviguent sur Internet. La majorité desétudes de l'état de l'art visentà améliorer... more
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    • Computer Science
The present study assesses the construction dust pollution scenario and associated health risks for construction sites in the Kolkata metropolis. The generated PM levels well exceeded the daily and annual National Ambient Air Quality... more
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This paper presents a cooperative hybrid algorithm based-on twometaheuristics: Fireworks and Differential Evolution. The main ideais to randomly choose which metaheuristic will be used on eachiteration during the optimization process. We... more
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      Computer SciencePhysicsDifferential EvolutionFireworks
Benvenuti su Piromagic, il tuo punto di riferimento per l'acquisto di fuochi d'artificio online! Scopri un'ampia selezione di fuochi artificiali online, ideali per rendere ogni evento unico e indimenticabile. Da Piromagic, la nostra... more
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    • Fireworks
Se trata del tutorial de una practica de la asignatura optativa del Grado en Artes, Stopmotion: del carbon al pixel que consiste en hacer una animatica, en este caso utilizando el software Storyboard Pro, que es el que esta instalado en... more
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      Educación ArtísticaStoryboardCreación Artística
The wood carving on the hilt and sheath (taguban) of parang (machete) created by the Bajau craftsmanship in Kota Belud is well-known for its uniqueness across Sabah. This study discusses the stylisation and value of appreciation from the... more
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      MultidisciplinaryConservation lettersFireworksGOOSE
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      ChemistryEnvironmental ChemistryFireworksAirborne Particulates
Zusammenfassung Hintergrund und Ziel Die kontinuierliche Erfassung von Augenverletzungen durch Pyrotechnik in den Tagen um Silvester über 6 Jahre ermöglicht uns, Verletzungszahlen, Verletzungsmuster und Unfallhergänge im Jahresvergleich... more
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Open access journal with continuous publication Western Pacific Surveillance and Response (WPSAR) is an open access journal dedicated to the surveillance of and response to public health events. The goal of the journal is to create a... more
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      PhilippinesInjury PreventionAdolescentMedicine nace como plataforma de distribución de contenidos audiovisuales asociados a servicios multimedia interactivos. La estructura y funcionamiento interno es similar al de una canal de tv tradicional. es una iniciativa
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      EngineeringPsychologyPerceptionInjury Prevention
La: 1 de ijeg festcs •de tr.adlcional arr'elanumt po.pUila•r que moü'Ven la ee!lcbraoió tmiltitudiniuia .de revetlles i aíJ.tres es.pllaJis 1 púb<1ircs on es fa un gran consum d'arti.ficis pir<Mtecnics, mouen aquesta... more
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      Political SciencePreventionFireworksFires
La flèche est un élément graphique très utilisé sur les écrans informatiques : pointeurs, ascenseurs et autres curseurs font appel à elle. Pourtant c'est un signe dont la lecture et l'interprétation font appel à des codes socio-culturels... more
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Although most research related to urban noise exposure, refers mainly to transportation noise, epidemiological research has already demonstrated the risks of leisure noise exposure, including fireworks, on children, the youth, and young... more
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      Mechanical EngineeringGeographyArchitecturePopulation
Kniha vydaná Muzeem umění Olomouc jako doprovodná publikace stejnojmenné výstavy představuje počátky šíření střelného prachu v Evropě, využití pyrotechniky pro zábavní účely a různé formy raně novověkých dramatických představení s... more
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      Intellectual History of the Baroque PeriodBaroque art and architectureFireworksPopular Festivities
Cet article est le premier du cycle «Adobe Dreamweaver CS3. Guide d&#39;utilisation». Dans la début de l&#39;article ils sont présentés: définitions, principes, éléments constructives, les types de sites Web, instruments logiciels pour la... more
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Que imagens nos transmitem tantas lembranças quanto às celebrações junto aos nossos entes e amigos queridos? Dentre as lembranças, certamente estão as das festas juninas. A reunião em família, as comidas típicas, a fogueira acesa e as... more
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Although most research related to urban noise exposure, refers mainly to transportation noise, epidemiological research has already demonstrated the risks of leisure noise exposure, including fireworks, on children, the youth, and young... more
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      Mechanical EngineeringGeographyArchitecturePopulation
This research is based on the lack of mathematics teaching materials that are appropriate to the context. The purpose of this study is to develop teaching materials for mathematics learning through the phenomenon of fireworks firing. The... more
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      EngineeringPhysicsMathematics EducationPhysical sciences
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      Materials ScienceAerosolRelative HumiditySoot
The use of general descriptive names, registered names, trademarks, service marks, etc. in this publication does not imply, even in the absence of a specific statement, that such names are exempt from the relevant protective laws and... more
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      Aerospace EngineeringPhysicsFireworksAeronautics
Este artículo presenta los resultados de una investigación cualitativa sobre las significaciones que el acto de cantar canciones de cuna posee para madres de la provincia del Elqui en la región de Coquimbo, Chile. Nuestro principal... more
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Two to three weeks after the explosion of a fireworks storage facility in a residential area (May 2000, Enschede, The Netherlands) we assessed the self-reported physical and mental health among those affected by the disaster. Methods: A... more
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Celebrating the new year with fireworks is traditional in Italy. A national surveillance system maintained by police indicated that on New Year&#39;s Eve 1992, more than 1100 fireworks-related injuries and four deaths occurred in Italy... more
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      HistoryEpidemiologyPublic HealthAdolescent
In the present Anthropocene, wild animals are globally affected by human activity. Consumer fireworks during New Year (NY) are widely distributed in W-Europe and cause strong disturbances that are known to incur stress responses in... more
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      MultidisciplinaryConservation lettersFireworksGOOSE
fireworks are popular in Japan for 400 years. They are made by a twisted paper simply wrapping 0.1g of black powder at the lower end. Ignited there, the powder melts in a fireball of molten salts, ejecting droplets seen as light streaks.... more
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Fireworks are used worldwide to celebrate national, religious, cultural festivals and holidays. However the use of fireworks is associated with preventable injuries. We aim to review cases of burns and trauma caused by fireworks... more
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The potential of the atmospheric fine aerosols (PM2.5) to generate reactive oxygen species (ROS) during firework activity in Diwali festival was assessed by the dithiothreitol (DTT) assay at a site in the Indo-Gangetic Plain, India. The... more
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      Environmental ScienceChemistryEnvironmental ChemistryFireworks
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      Political ScienceCounter terrorismFireworksPolicing Intelligence and Counter Terrorism
Zusammenfassung Hintergrund und Ziel Die kontinuierliche Erfassung von Augenverletzungen durch Pyrotechnik in den Tagen um Silvester über 6 Jahre ermöglicht uns, Verletzungszahlen, Verletzungsmuster und Unfallhergänge im Jahresvergleich... more
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Se describe la importancia de algunos de los controles del equipo de ultrasonido y su impacto en la optimización de la imagen bidimensional (2D). Se discute la intervención de la inteligencia artificial (IA) en este aspecto.
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      Artificial IntelligenceHumanitiesOptimization techniquesTwo Dimensional
On 2016 Feb 19, nine Rosetta instruments serendipitously observed an outburst of gas and dust from the nucleus of comet 67P/Churyumov-Gerasimenko. Among these instruments were cameras and spectrometers ranging from UV over visible to... more
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This bachelor is applied to the design and development of an application for Android devices, to improve and facilitate the lives of people with intellectual functional diversity, with disorders such as ASD. The application serves as a... more
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People use fireworks to celebrate religious and other holidays in many countries around the world. Fireworks have been banned in a lot of countries but still pose a high potential risk of injuries, especially among male children. Hands... more
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Stippling is an artistic technique that has been used profusely in antiquity. One of the main problems is that it requires great skill and patience to achieve excellent results due to the large number of points that must be drawn even for... more
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      Computer ScienceVoronoi DiagramCentroidal Voronoi Tessellation