Family and Household Change
Recent papers in Family and Household Change
La atribución del uso de la vivienda familiar como medida dictada en los procedimientos de crisis matrimoniales, genera no pocos conflictos en nuestros Tribunales. Además, las especiales particularidades de la figura plantea problemas... more
Brunei’s fertility transition has largely been under-researched, with only a handful of studies focusing on the direct and indirect determinants of fertility decline, and no existing demographic data or literature on fertility... more
This article scrutinizes the recently postulated link between the European Marriage Pattern (EMP) and economic success. Multivariate analysis of 4,705 demographic observations, covering women's marriage age, female lifetime celibacy, and... more
Análisis del sistema familiar en el Pirineo central español. Confrontación entre el modelo ideal de familia y las prácticas sociales y estrategias familiares
This paper scrutinizes the recently postulated link between the European Marriage Pattern (EMP) and economic success. A metastudy of the historical demography literature shows that the EMP did not prevail throughout Europe, its three key... more
We investigated relationships between nonparental care and psychological strains of parenthood. Using data from employed parents of children below 5 years of age (n = 6,886 fathers and mothers) from Waves 4 to 11 of the household panel... more