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Terörün küresel bir nitelik kazandığı dönemde terörizmi tetikleyen ya da şiddetlenmesi noktasında uygun ortam hazırlayan koşulların belirlenmesi sürdürülebilir bir barış ortamının sağlanması için hayati önem taşımaktadır. Ulus devlet... more
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      TerrorismHuman SecuritySomaliaAl Shabaab
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      Civil WarHaitiHaitian HistoryModern State
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      SomaliaIslamic courtsState RecognitionFailed State
International security is a dynamic and challenging topic. This is due to the contested concept of ‘Security’ which is defined in numerous ways depending on actors’ strategic circumstances. Traditional (Realist) theories and literature... more
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      International SecurityFailed State
This paper draws on previous research tackling not the process of recovery, but of collapse. Three states (Lebanon, Somalia and the former-Yugoslavia) were considered when collapsed, in crisis and relatively stable. These countries were... more
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      Peace and Conflict StudiesPost-conflict Reconstruction and DevelopmentFailed StatesPeace & Conflict Studies
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      Iraqi HistoryIraqFailed StatesState collapse, Failure and International Law
Current debates rest on the conclusion that Nigerian leadership suffers from extreme moral depravity and attitudinal debauchery. This leadership personality is expressed in poor governance manifested in consistent crises and insecurity,... more
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      LeadershipAcademic WritingAttitudeFailed State
Dans les années 1997–2002, les Comores, un des plus petits et un des plus jeunes pays d’Afrique, ont été la scène d’un processus de la désagrégation de l’État, qui consistait non seulement en la désintégration effective du pouvoir central... more
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      Peace and Conflict StudiesWar StudiesState TheorySecession
The system is coming to have some of the features of failed state, to adopt a currently fashionable notion that is conventionally applied to state regarded as potential threats to our security or as needing out intervention to rescue the... more
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      Sustainable DevelopmentSocial CapitalDisaster MitigationFailed State
The sizable amount of academic and policy-oriented literature on socio-political violence in Lebanon could be said to have rendered the country a 'prestige zone' for theorizing on the powerful image of the Leviathan, the Hobbesian idea... more
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      Development StudiesMiddle East StudiesPolitical AnthropologyHobbes
Tak henti-hentinya bencana bertubi merundung negeri ini. Dari bulan Oktober hingga November 2010 saja, tidak kurang dari 1200-an nyawa melayang karenanya. Beruntun setelah banjir bandang Wasior (Senin 4 Oktober 2010 pagi) dan Tsunami... more
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      Sustainable DevelopmentSocial CapitalNon-Governmental Organizations (NGOs)Indonesia
Somali, Afrika'nın en yoksul ülkelerinden biri olarak, 1991'den beri başarısız devletlerin en üst sıra-larında yer almakta; yaygın silahlı çatışmalar, açlık ve göç gibi sorunlarla başa çıkmaya çalışmak-tadır. Uluslararası toplumun... more
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Corruption is a complex and persistent cancerous global phenomenon, which bedevils Nigeria. In Nigeria corruption in the form of misappropriation, bribery, embezzlement, nepotism, money laundering etc. by public officials have permeated... more
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      GlobalizationPolitical ScienceCorruptionRent Seeking
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      Political ViolencePolitical CorruptionTogoFailed State
ESTADOS VULNERABLES: UN FENÓMENO UNIVERSAL QUE EXI-GE UNA APROXIMACIÓN INTERDISCIPLINAR.-2. UNA PROPUESTA DE TIPOLO-GÍA.-2.1. La distinción entre Estados débiles y fracasados.-2.2. Causas y caracteres de las situaciones de debilidad y... more
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      Fragile stateFailed StateOrganisations Internationales
Publisher swisspeace is a practice-oriented peace research institute. It analyses the causes of violent conflicts and develops strategies for their peaceful transformation. swisspeace aims to contribute to the improvement of conflict... more
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      Political SciencePeacekeepingConflict ResolutionConflict Management
İç çatışmaların genel özellikleri bakımından çeşitli kıstaslara göre farklı yorumlar getirilebilmektedir. Bir ülke içerisindeki iki farklı grubun veya devletle devlet dışı grupların savaşının iç çatışma veya iç savaş olarak... more
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      Peace and Conflict StudiesConflictWar StudiesCivil War
Abstract: The main objective of this paper is to evaluate the impact of leadership in redressing the failed state status of Nigeria with a focus on the present administration (between 2010 and 2012). For the past three years, Nigeria has... more
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      LeadershipEvaluationStatusFailed State
All denjenigen, die mir bei dieser Arbeit geholfen haben, möchte ich recht herzlich danken. An erster Stelle gebührt Dank Christian Sigrist, ohne den die Forschungen nicht möglich gewesen wären. Dank auch dafür, daß er über zwanzig Jahre... more
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      African StudiesDevelopment EconomicsDevelopment StudiesAgrarian Studies