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The present conservation status of the endemic fleshwater fish of Spain is reviewed and compared with a former list made in 1986. Ten taxa (species and subspecies) are exclusively endemic to Spanish waters, 13 are lberian endemics (Spain... more
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      ConservationBiological SciencesConservation StatusEnvironmental Sciences
ICES Journal of Marine Science, 59: S208–S213. 2002 doi:10.1006/jmsc.2002.1263, available online at on ... Effects of increased habitat complexity on fish assemblages ... Eric Charbonnel, Christophe Serre,... more
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      MultidisciplinaryHabitat complexitySpecies RichnessArtificial Reef
Abstract A review of the chondrichthyan and osteichthyan fish fossils found in Japan is provided in the form of a series of tabular compilations covering the Late Mesozoic and Cenozoic Era. On the basis of this compilation, considerable... more
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The construction of the Římov Reservoir on the Malše River in 1978 significantly influenced the fish assemblage within the river, above the reservoir. Fish species that had successfully colonised the reservoir after impoundment expanded... more
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      Czech RepublicPerca FluviatilisFISH FAUNARoach
The construction of pool-type fishways has greatly increased in recent years in response to widespread river fragmentation by man-made structures. However, the performance of such facilities has often been questioned, particularly for... more
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      EngineeringEcological EngineeringEarth SciencesExperimental Research
Shore fish community structure off the Jordanian Red Sea coast was determined on fringing coral reefs and in a seagrass-dominated bay at 6 m and 12 m depths. A total of 198 fish species belonging to 121 genera and 43 families was... more
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      OceanographyMultivariate AnalysisIndian OceanRed Sea
The aim of this study is to examine the impact of mans interventions on the present day distribution of fish in a mountain area in southern Norway, the Atna river system. River Atna originates in the Rondane mountains at altitudes of... more
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      Earth SciencesBiological SciencesEnvironmental SciencesBrown trout
The fish fauna distribution in six rivers in the Crocker Range National Park was examined. All the six rivers surveyed were generally shallow, fast flowing with clear water and rocky and sandy substrate. At the time of survey, all rivers... more
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      Water qualityFish BiologyFreshwater FishNational Park
Seventy one Wsh species belonging to 27 families and 50 genera were collected from various sampling sites spread along the upstream and downstream parts of the Chalakudy river, in the Western Ghats biodiversity hotspot in Kerala, South... more
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      Exotic SpeciesEcologyBiodiversitySouth India
The study was conducted during February 2017- January 2018. Data were collected by Questionnaire Interview (QI), Focus Group Discussion (FGD) and cross-check Interview of fishermen and resource persons from 8 villages by the river Banar... more
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      ConservationFisheries ManagementFishing GearsFISH FAUNA
equivalent to that of myctophids and E. superba elsewhere in the Southern Ocean.
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      Life StyleBiological SciencesSeasonalitySouthern Ocean
The history of the fish fauna (both freshwater and marine) of Iraq and the literature over the last 168 years has been reviewed and the data derived from such review were analyzed for fish biodiversity study. Primarily, this study reviews... more
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The freshwater fish fauna of Ousteri Lake, Puducherry were studied for a period of two months from January to February 2011. We recorded 15 species belonging to 14 families and 17 genera. The status of fish species compared with IUCN-the... more
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      FisheriesFish BiologyFISH FAUNAFish Faunal Diversity
The northeastern Himalayan region is identified as one of the richest regions of the world in bio-diversity. Being in a heavy rainfall zone and also blessed with innumerable snowfed streams and rivers, the region is well-known for fish... more
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      EngineeringEcological EngineeringEarth SciencesEnvironmental Sciences
Freshwater finfish species richness and level of endemism in East, and South and South-East Asia that included 17 nations were studied using available databases, and included nation-wise distribution, habitat types, and conservation... more
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      Southeast AsiaEcologyBiodiversity ConservationLatin American
The early Eocene great lakes of the Green River system preserved a rich fauna, allowing detailed study of the paleoecology of the area. Two genera, †Priscacara and †Mioplosus, are interesting because they are among the earliest well-known... more
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      Evolutionary BiologyGeologyEcologyVertebrate Paleontology
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      Environmental EngineeringGeomorphologyEcologyBiodiversity
The present study was conducted to access population structure of Selum nullah and Aik nullah, the diversity rich perennial tributaries of river Tawi. Present study depicts the presence of total 14 species belonging to 10 genera and 4... more
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      StreamFISH FAUNAJammu
1. River rehabilitation schemes are now widespread in the UK and elsewhere, but there have been few systematic assessments of their ecological effect, particularly on target organisms such as fish. Fish populations were therefore assessed... more
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      Water qualityEcologyApplied EcologyWater Quality Management
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      Late MioceneDeoxyribonucleic AcidLate CretaceousColorado River
Many methods and criteria are available to assess aquatic ecosystems, and this review focuses on a set that demonstrates advancements from community analyses to methods spanning large spatial and temporal scales. Basic methods have been... more
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      Aquatic EcologyEcosystem managementAquatic EcosystemEnvironmental Sciences
The diversity and composition of fish communities in brown and black water habitats at Batang Kerang in Balai Ringin, Sarawak, were evaluated during high and low water seasons. A total of 234 individual fish representing 36 species... more
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      BiologySeasonalityNitrogenFreshwater Fish
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      GeochemistryOceanographyEcologyMultivariate Analysis
At the 8 km bypass section of Chautagne in the Rhône River, most of the flow is diverted due to hydropower production. The environmental flow to the bypass section of the Rhône River was increased from 10 m 3 s À1 (winter) and 20 m 3 s À1... more
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A new ichthyofauna from southeastern Morocco, comprising five forms, is briefly discussed. The faunal composition differs from the Early Cenomanian Kem Kem and Early Turonian Goulmima assemblages, but is close to that from Jebel Tselfat.... more
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      GeologyLate CretaceousSouth AmericaFISH FAUNA
Fishes were collected from seamounts and insular slopes of the northern Tasman and southern Coral Seas in the environs of the Reinga Ridge, Norfolk Ridge and Lord Howe Rise, at depths ranging from 49 to 1927 m. A total of 348 demersal... more
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The consequences of introducing Cichla cf. monoculus Spix & Agassiz, Astronotus ocellatus (Agassiz) and Pygocentrus nattereri Kner into lakes in the River Doce basin, Brazil, on richness, diversity and efficiency of aquatic macrophytes as... more
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      EcologyAquatic MacrophytesHabitat HeterogeneityFisheries Sciences
Aim South-eastern Australia is a climate change hotspot with well-documented recent changes in its physical marine environment. The impact on and temporal responses of the biota to change are less well understood, but appear to be due to... more
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      Climate ChangeEcologyBiogeographyFishing
Page 1. Accepted by L. Rocha: 8 Dec. 2009; published: 26 Feb. 2010 ZOOTAXA ISSN 1175-5326 (print edition) ISSN 1175-5334 (online edition) Copyright © 2010 · Magnolia Press Zootaxa 2378: 1–84 (2010) Monograph... more
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      Western EuropeBiological SciencesEnvironmental SciencesEcological Indicators
The Orinoco River of Venezuela and Colombia is one of the great rivers of the world, ranking third by discharge after the Amazon and the Congo. In the Orinoco basin, riverine and floodplain habitats, including riparian forests, play key... more
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      Functional MorphologyReproductionPlant BiologyBiodiversity
The Chihuahuan Desert region contains a numberof unique aquatic environments, but with fewexceptions, these have been little studied. Because of the dearth of information aboutthese environments and because many of the fishin the region... more
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      ZoologyFisheries SciencesAquatic Habitat ModelFish Community
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      Life historyIndian OceanSeasonalityLife Expectancy
No presente estudo investigou-se a ictiofauna da bacia do Rio Jucuruçu, localizada no leste de Minas Gerais e no Extremo Sul da Bahia, Brasil. Através do estudo da composição das espécies na bacia do Rio Jucuruçu verificaram-se os padrões... more
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      Minas GeraisSpecies DiversitySpecies RichnessSpatial Distribution
Taim Hydrological System is a unique subtropical wetland in southern Brazil harboring an exceptional biological diversity. In 1978, an ecological reserve was established to protect part of this area from increasing anthropogenic impacts... more
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      Invasive SpeciesBiological DiversitySpecies DistributionSpecies Composition
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RESUMO: O presente estudo investigou os peixes da região coletivamente denominada de "Rios dos Portos Seguros", formada pelos rios Buranhém, de pequenos riachos que formam a micro-bacia de Cabrália, e dos rios João de Tiba e Santo... more
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      FISH FAUNAsoutheastern Brazil
The construction of pool-type fishways has greatly increased in recent years in response to widespread river fragmentation by man-made structures. However, the performance of such facilities has often been questioned, particularly for... more
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      EngineeringEcological EngineeringEarth SciencesExperimental Research
Weight-length relationships (WLR) are presented for 40 fish species inhabiting the mangrove creeks in the Curuçá Estuary in Northern Brazil. Samples were taken bimonthly between July 2003 and 2004 with a fyke net. This study represents... more
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      ZoologyAppliedFISH FAUNA
IV Resumo: Com o objetivo de inventariar as espécies de peixes dos sistemas hídricos da Floresta Nacional (FLONA) de Caxiuanã (Melgaço/Portel, PA), foram realizadas coletas entre os anos de 1999 e 2004, abrangendo o maior número de... more
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      Aquatic MacrophytesSpecies RichnessFISH FAUNARelative Efficiency
Mangroves and seagrass beds are considered important nursery habitats for coral reef fish species in the Caribbean, but it is not known to what degree the fish depend on these habitats. The fish fauna of 11 different inland bays of the... more
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      ZoologyMarine EcologyEcologyFISH FAUNA
The diversity and composition of fish communities in brown and black water habitats at Batang Kerang in Balai Ringin, Sarawak, were evaluated during high and low water seasons. A total of 234 individual fish representing 36 species... more
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      SeasonalityNitrogenFreshwater FishIntroduced species
According to the Water Framework Directive (WFD), the status of European surface waters is assessed using aquatic organism groups. Here we present an overview of 297 assessment methods, based on a questionnaire survey addressing... more
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      Western EuropeBiological SciencesEnvironmental SciencesEcological Indicators
Until the 1970s, the fish fauna of Lake Victoria in East Africa was dominated by about 500 endemic haplochromine cichlid species, which comprised about 80% of the demersal fish mass. The cichlids were extremely diverse ecologically;... more
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      East AfricaFisheries SciencesIntraspecific VariationLake Victoria
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      ZoologyEcologyBiological SciencesEnvironmental Sciences
This preliminary study was conducted from March 2011 to November 2011 to evaluate the fish fauna of River Panjkora at District Dir Upper Khyber Pakhtunkhwa. During the study eleven fish species were identified. These species were... more
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      FisheriesEcologyFisheries ManagementFish Biology
In the present communication habitat ecology, species diversity; distribution and different indices of fish biodiversity management were studied in a Central India river (River Betwa, a tributary of River Ganga basin approved under... more
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      ConservationFisheries ManagementFish BiologyFish Reproduction
The African Great Lakes are important sources of fishes and water for domestic use, are used as avenues of transport, and receive agricultural, domestic and industrial effluents and atmospheric residues. Some of these lakes have speciose... more
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      ZoologyClimate ChangeEcologyWater Hyacinth
The Cosumnes River is the largest stream without a major dam on its mainstem in the Sacramento-San Joaquin drainage, central California, U.S.A. We studied its fishes over a 3-year period to answer the following questions:
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      Life historyEcologyEnvironmental BiologySpecies Distribution
The Northeast, Central, Western and Northwestern, and Patagonia and Tierra del Fuego regions dominate Argentina inland recreational fishing. Being each unique in terms of environmental context, fish fauna and fishery types. High species... more
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      PatagoniaBrown troutInterest GroupsFishery Management