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Tsallis statistics (or q-statistics) in nonextensive statistical mechanics is a one-parameter description of correlated states. In this paper we use a translated entropic index: $1 - q \to q$ . The essence of this translation is to... more
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      Stochastic ProcessPower LawGaussian distributionFourier transform
Patterns of fungal colonization, mass loss and biochemical changes during the decomposition of predried and fresh (naturally fallen) leaves of Rhizophora mucronata were studied in a southwest mangrove of India. Dried and fresh leaves in... more
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      Biological SciencesEnvironmental SciencesWetlands EcologyNitrogen
We give a proof of dynamical localization in the form of exponential decay of spatial correlations in the time evolution for the one-dimensional continuum Anderson model via the fractional moments method. This follows via exponential... more
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      Applied MathematicsEnergyLocalizationPure Mathematics
Quantum mechanics has revolutionized the way we view the physical world. This theory has required a dramatic revision in the structure of the laws of mechanics governing the behavior of the particles and lead to the discovery of... more
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      Quantum MechanicsStudent LearningBlack HoleQualitative Analysis
A nonlinear statistical method for the inversion of ocean color spectra is used to determine three inherent optical properties (IOPs), the absorption coefficients for phytoplankton and dissolved and detrital materials, and the... more
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      Remote SensingBiogeochemistryTime SeriesSensitivity Analysis
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      Applied MathematicsPure MathematicsEnergy DissipationMathematical Analysis and Applications
Triplet state sublevel spectroscopy using optical detection of magnetic resonance (ODMR) in zero magnetic field can be successfully employed to study (i) the environment of tryptophan (Trp) residues in a protein by observing the position... more
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      KineticsMagnetic fieldCrystal structureMagnetic Resonance
A model of type III solar radio bursts is developed that incorporates large-angle scattering and reabsorption of fundamental emission amid ambient density fluctuations in the corona and solar wind. Comparison with observations shows that... more
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      Solar PhysicsLow FrequencyPower LawSolar Wind
A tagging study was undertaken on Blood Reef off Durban, South Africa, to investigate movement patterns of Panulirus homarus rubellus as well as inshore/offshore population differences. Lobsters were collected by SCUBA divers and baited... more
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      Earth SciencesBiological SciencesEnvironmental SciencesSouth Africa
We propose a physical model of gamma-ray burst spectral evolution in which impulsively accelerated nonthermal leptons cool by saturated Compton upscattering of soft photons. This model naturally explains the recently discovered... more
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      Organic ChemistryAstrophysical PlasmaGamma Ray BurstPhysical Model
The use of general descriptive names, registered names, trademarks, etc. in this publication does not imply, even in the absence of a specific statement, that such names are exempt from the relevant protective laws and regulations and... more
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    • Exponential Decay
Intertidal flats are frequently colonised by microphytobenthos (MPB) assemblages that form transient biofilms at the sediment surface which are responsible for large fractions of estuarine primary production. The large spatio-temporal... more
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      Remote SensingBiomassModelingFluorescence
Comparison of Analytic and HEFF Analysis of Displacements and Stresses Through a Heated Thick Cylinder. . 63 ii Comparison of Analytic and HEFF Analysis of Displacements and Stresses in a Semi-Infinite Region With Heated Thick , 64 Layer... more
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      Heat TransferNumerical AnalysisSoftware Quality AssuranceStress analysis
In this paper, we present new experimental results which speak of the topic of temporal properties of processes underlying the selection of spatial location. We used the double motion induction paradigm to assess the strength of the... more
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      PsychologyPsychophysicsComputer GraphicsAttention
Abstract: The luminosity and the spectral distribution of the afterglow of GRB 031203 have been presented within our theoretical framework, which envisages the GRB structure as composed by a proper-GRB, emitted at the transparency of an... more
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      Interstellar MediumGamma Ray BurstTheoretical FrameworkSoft X Ray
Dispersal of the southwestern corn borer, Diatraea grandiosella Dyar, was examined by release and recapture of dye-marked adults and by capture of feral adults in and around 50-ha center pivot irrigated Þelds of Bacillus thuringiensis... more
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      GeneticsZoologyLinear ModelBacillus thuringiensis
DOSY NMR can be used as a non-invasive separation method for complex mixtures. It is more and more attractive for industrial laboratories, for the main advantage DOSY NMR over routine separation methods such as LC-NMR is easy and... more
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      ChemistryData AnalysisDissertationData Quality
This paper reports on the influencing factors and their effects on the intensity of flash evaporation that occurs in the superheated water jets. A variety of experiments were conducted and four variables were investigated namely velocity... more
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      EngineeringWater TreatmentInstrumentationHeat and Mass Transfer
In this paper we investigate the asymptotic behavior of the semigroup associated to the solutions of the initial boundary value problem for a one-dimensional nonsimple thermoelastic solids. We show that the semigroup is exponentially... more
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      Civil EngineeringApplied MathematicsModelingEngineering Science
Solanum sisymbriifolium is a trap crop for potato cyst nematodes (PCN). In this study, we quantified the effect of different periods of growth of S. sisymbriifolium and root length density on hatching of Globodera pallida, using potato... more
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      PotatoBiological SciencesPopulation DensityRoot length density
The phosphoinositide signal transduction system, and particularly, phospholipase C␤ isozymes, are relevant in the etiopathogeny of human neuropsychiatric pathologies such as depression. Stimulation of phospholipase C␤ activity by... more
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      KineticsSignal TransductionBiological SciencesBrain
Curcumin, the main yellow bioactive component of turmeric, has recently acquired attention by chemists due its wide range of potential biological applications as an antioxidant, an anti-inflammatory, and an anti-carcinogenic agent. This... more
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      Analytical ChemistryFluorescenceCurcuminSpectrum
We study the two-dimensional S =-, antiferromagnet with next-nearest-neighbor antiferromagnetic coupling using a sublattice-symmetric spin-wave theory and exact diagonalization. For sufticiently large frustration the theory predicts a... more
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      Spin WaveExponential Decay
One of potential applications of quantum processors should be a simulation of dynamics of quantum systems. In this paper we analyse whether it is possible to simulate a paradigmatic model of an exponential decay of a two-level system... more
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      Quantum ComputingQuantum PhysicsQuantum InformationCase Study
The influence of dislocations on electron transport properties of undoped InN thin films grown by molecular-beam epitaxy on AlN͑0001͒ pseudosubstrates is reported. The microstructure and the electron transport in InN͑0001͒ films of... more
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      EngineeringApplied PhysicsPHOTOELECTRON SPECTROSCOPYTransmission Electron Microscopy
It has been shown in experiment that the heat capacity of glass formers has a frequency dependence, this is called the dynamic heat capacity. The dynamic heat capacity for a simple spin model known to be a glass former, the east Ising... more
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      Ising ModelHeat CapacityMarkov chainRelaxation Time
Population dynamics is analyzed by means of the power series expansion of a decay ratio F(P) with respect to the continuation probability, P, of survival. The truncation of the higher terms of the series yields the Verhulst equation as a... more
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      MathematicsAgingPopulation DynamicsMedicine
A picosecond Kerr ellipsometry study of the transient anisotropy of the metal dithizonate Hg(HDz) 2 in solution with different organic solvents is presented. The Hg(HDz) 2 photochromic complex is one of the first organic dyes shown to... more
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      EngineeringPhotochromismBiological SciencesCHEMICAL SCIENCES
We revisit the problem of spontaneous emission by a two-level system in a cavity, concentrating in particular on those aspects associated with the finite propagation time of light between the atom and the cavity boundaries. We find that... more
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      Mathematical SciencesPhysical sciencesOscillationsCHEMICAL SCIENCES
Ferromagnetic, in contrast to antiferromagnetic, Heisenberg chains can undergo a Spin-Peierls dimerization only at finite temperatures. They show reentrant behavior as a function of temperature, which might play a role for systems with... more
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      Physical sciencesPhase transitionTemperature DependenceCHEMICAL SCIENCES
In a bounded domain, we consider u tt − u + t 0 g(t −) u d = |u| u, where > 0, and g is a nonnegative and decaying function. We prove a local existence theorem and show, for certain initial data and suitable conditions on g and , that... more
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      Applied MathematicsPure MathematicsGlobal existenceViscoelastic
Fire can be a catastrophic event which causes high mortality and injury in wildlife. While rehabilitation of injured animals is common, no studies have measured the success of rehabilitated wildlife following fire. This study compared the... more
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      ReproductionFireBiological SciencesEnvironmental Sciences
We present a transformation that reduces the (2+1)-dimensional nonlinear Schrödinger equation to a second-order ordinary differential equation with cylindrical symmetry. The equation has a family of solutions, valid for both normal and... more
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      Mathematical SciencesPhysical sciencesOscillationsSecond Order
The dynamic light scattering behavior of poly(butylmethacrylate) PBMA microgels and of kappa-casein micelles is compared with that from hard sphere latex particles. The latex particles and the kappa-casein micelles exhibited a single... more
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      Materials EngineeringDynamic Light ScatteringDiffusion CoefficientRadius of Gyration
We prove in nite di erentiability of the magnetization and of all quenched correlation functions for disordered spin systems at high temperature or strong magnetic eld in the presence of Gri ths' singularities. We also show uniqueness of... more
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      Mathematical PhysicsQuantum PhysicsPure MathematicsHigh Temperature
The statistics of liquid-to-crystal nucleation are studied using an automated lag-time apparatus. A single 500 L sample of distilled water is repeatedly supercooled to a fixed temperature below its equilibrium freezing temperature, held... more
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      EngineeringChemical PhysicsPower LawPhysical sciences
We propose a matrix approach to the computation of Battle-Lemarié's wavelets. The Fourier transform of the scaling function is the product of the inverse F(x) of a square root of a positive trigonometric polynomial and the Fourier... more
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      Applied MathematicsWaveletFourier transformNumerical Analysis and Computational Mathematics
This study elaborates an inventory policy for perishable products where the products face exponential deterioration with time under the credit of trades. The demand rate is taken as a function of selling price and the delay in payment is... more
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      InventoryDemandTrade CreditShortages
... We chose the Chilean lemon crab (Cancer porteri) because it is an abundant resource for artisanal fisheries in central-south Chile (Arancibia et al ... Miller (1975) estimated the effective fishing area for traps used in the fishery... more
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We study exponential decay rates of eigenfunctions of self-adjoint higher order elliptic operators on R d. We are interested in decay rates as a function of direction. We show that the possible decay rates are to a large extent determined... more
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      MathematicsPhysicsCombinatoricsMicrolocal Analysis
A detailed nonlinear time series analysis of the hourly data of the geomagnetic horizontal intensity H measured at Kodaikanal (10.2 • N; 77.5 • E; mag: dip 3.5 • N) has been carried out to investigate the dynamical behaviour of the... more
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      GeophysicsPhysicsTime SeriesChaos Theory
Under biotic/abiotic stresses, the red alga Kappaphycus alvarezii reportedly releases massive amounts of H 2 O 2 into the surrounding seawater. As an essential redox signal, the role of chloroplast-originated H 2 O 2 in the orchestration... more
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The nurse shark, Ginglymostoma cirratum, is an obligate suction feeder that preys on benthic invertebrates and fish. Its cranial morphology exhibits a suite of structural and functional modifications that facilitate this mode of prey... more
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      PhysiologyBiomechanicsFunctional MorphologyBiology
In this paper we study existence and properties of solutions of the problem ∆w = 0 on the half-space R N + with nonlinear boundary condition ∂w/∂η + w = |w| p−2 w where 2 < p < 2(N − 1)/(N − 2) and N ≥ 3. We obtain a ground state solution... more
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      Applied MathematicsPure MathematicsDifferential EquationsMinimax
The purpose of present research is to derive analytical expressions for the solution of steady MHD convective and slip flow due to a rotating disk. Viscous dissipation and Ohmic heating are taken into account. The nonlinear partial... more
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      Applied MathematicsHeat TransferMagnetic fieldLaminar Flow
This paper establishes a principle of Saint-Venant type associated with finite anti-plane shear of a cylinder whose cross-section is a semi-infinite strip. The long sides of the strip are traction-free, and the short side carries an... more
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      Materials EngineeringCivil EngineeringApplied MathematicsElasticity
In this paper we consider a thermoelastic system with boundary time-varying delay. Using the energy method, we show, under suitable assumptions, that the damping effect through heat conduction is still strong enough to uniformly stabilize... more
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      Applied MathematicsPure MathematicsStabilityHeat Conduction
We investigate the transfer function of the discretized perfect lens in finite-difference time-domain (FDTD) and transfer matrix (TMM) simulations; the latter allow to eliminate the problems associated with the explicit time dependence in... more
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      Applied MathematicsSuper resolutionEVANESCENT WAVETransfer Function
In this paper we generalize and sharpen D. Sullivan's logarithm law for geodesics by specifying conditions on a sequence of subsets {A t | t ∈ N} of a homogeneous space G/Γ (G a semisimple Lie group, Γ an irreducible lattice) and a... more
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      Pure MathematicsDiophantine approximationFinite VolumeCorrelation coefficient
Liquid phase epitaxy Garnets and perovskites Ce 3þ Pr 3þ La 3þ Sc 3þ Bi 3þ dopants a b s t r a c t This work reports the development of new types of UV-emitting phosphors based on single crystalline films (SCF) of aluminum garnet and... more
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      GeologyKineticsScanning Electron MicroscopyTemperature