Evolution Equations
Recent papers in Evolution Equations
These lecture notes are based on course of Roland from winter semester 2018/19, though there are small corrections and improvements, as well as minor changes in the numbering. Typically, the proofs and calculations in the notes are a... more
We investigate quasilinear systems of parabolic partial differential equations with fully nonlinear boundary conditions on bounded or exterior domains in the setting of Sobolev-Slobodetskii spaces. We establish local wellposedness and... more
This paper is devoted to the study of uniform energy decay rates of solutions to the wave equation with Cauchy-Ventcel boundary conditions:
Given a parabolic cylinder Q = (0, T ) × Ω, where Ω ⊂ R N is a bounded domain, we prove new properties of solutions of ut − ∆pu = µ in Q with Dirichlet boundary conditions, where µ is a finite Radon measure in Q.
L'oggetto principale della prova finale è la teoria degli operatori m-dissipativi su spazi di Banach. Nella tesi si analizzano alcune proprietà di tale classe di operatori. Il caso più studiato in letteratura è quello degli operatori... more
We consider the effect of perturbations of A on the solution to the following quasi-linear parabolic stochastic differential equation set in a umd Banach space X:
We extend results of Caffarelli-Silvestre and Stinga-Torrea regarding a characterization of fractional powers of differential operators via an extension problem. Our results apply to generators of integrated families of operators, in... more
Hyperbolic partial differential equations on a one-dimensional spatial domain are studied. This class of systems includes models of beams and waves as well as the transport equation and networks of non-homogeneous transmission lines. The... more
We consider a quite general class of stochastic partial differential equations with quadratic and cubic nonlinearities and derive rigorously amplitude equations, using the natural separation of time-scales near a change of stability. We... more
We investigate the stochastic parabolic integral equation of convolution type u = k 1 * A p u + ∞ k=1 k 2 g k + u 0 , t ≥ 0, and develop an L p -theory, 2 ≤ p < ∞, for this equation. The solution u is a function of t, ω, x with ω in a... more
We prove here that limits of nonnegative solutions to reaction-diffusion systems whose nonlinearities are bounded in $ L^1 $ always converge to supersolutions of the system. The motivation comes from the question of global existence in... more
This paper deals with existence and regularity results for the problem
We consider stochastic reaction–diffusion equations on a finite network represented by a finite graph. On each edge in the graph, a multiplicative cylindrical Gaussian noise-driven reaction–diffusion equation is given supplemented by a... more
The area-preserving nonlocal flow in the plane is investigated for locally convex closed curves, which may be nonsimple. For highly symmetric convex curves, the flows converge to m-fold circles, while for Abresch-Langer type curves, the... more
Given a star-shaped bounded Lipschitz domain Ω ⊂ R d , we consider the Schrödinger operator L G = −∆ + V on Ω and its restrictions L Ωt G on the subdomains Ωt, t ∈ [0, 1], obtained by shrinking Ω towards its center. We impose either the... more
We prove that the Schrödinger equation defined on a bounded open domain of R n and subject to a certain attractive, nonlinear, dissipative boundary feedback is (semigroup) well-posed on L 2 ( ) for any n = 1, 2, 3, . . . , and, moreover,... more
In a paper by Krylov [6], a parabolic Littlewood-Paley inequality and its application to an L p -estimate of the gradient of the heat kernel are proved. These estimates are crucial tools in the development of a theory of parabolic... more
Let α be a bounded linear operator in a Banach space X, and let A be a closed operator in this space. Suppose that for 1 , 2 mapping D(A) to another Banach space Y, A | ker 1 and A | ker 2 are generators of strongly continuous semigroups... more
We study the self-adjoint and dissipative realization A of a second order elliptic differential operator A with unbounded regular coefficients in
Given an admissible measure µ on ∂ where ⊂ R n is an open set, we define a realization µ of the Laplacian in L 2 ( ) with general Robin boundary conditions and we show that µ generates a holomorphic C 0 -semigroup on L 2 ( ) which is... more
We establish continuous maximal regularity results for parabolic differential operators acting on sections of tensor bundles on uniformly regular Riemannian manifolds M. As an application, we show that solutions to the Yamabe flow on M... more
With advances in technology and the introduction of new materials, the need for new processing methods to enable the benefits of these materials is growing. Liquid crystalline polymers (LCPs) are among a class of high performance polymers... more
We establish Hölder estimates of second derivatives for a class of sub-elliptic partial differential operators in $${\mathbb{R}^{N}}$$ of the kind $$\mathcal L=\sum_{i,j=1}^{m}a_{ij}(x)X_{i}X_{j}+X_{0},$$ where the X j ’s are smooth... more
This paper presents a general functional analytic setting in which the Cauchy problem for mild solutions of kinetic chemotaxis models is wellposed, locally in time, in general physical dimensions. The models consist of a hyperbolic... more
We consider abstract semilinear evolution equations with a time delay feedback. We show that, if the C 0 -semigroup describing the linear part of the model is exponentially stable, then the whole system retains this good property when a... more
A stochastic version of the porous medium equation with coloured noise is studied. The corresponding Kolmogorov equation is solved in the space L 2 (H, ν) where ν is an infinitesimally excessive measure. Then a weak solution is... more
In this paper we study some criteria for the full (space-time) regularity of weak solutions to the Navier-Stokes equations. In particular, we generalize some classical and very recent criteria involving the velocity, or its derivatives.... more
In this paper we study the Dirichlet problem in Q T = × (0, T ) for degenerate equations of porous medium-type with a lower order term:
Given a linear semi-bounded symmetric operator S ≥ −ω, we explicitly define, and provide their nonlinear resolvents, nonlinear maximal monotone operators A Θ of type λ > ω (i.e. generators of one-parameter continuous nonlinear semi-groups... more
We study periodic solutions of quasilinear elliptic-parabolic variational inequalities with time-dependent constraints. Assuming that the constraint changes periodically in time, we prove existence of periodic solutions. Moreover,... more
Onétablit qu'une inégalité de Lojasiewicz d'un type particulier est suffisante pour donner une explication communeà de nombreux résultats de convergence apparaissant dans la littérature, pour des systèmes-gradients ou quasi-gradients.
Given an admissible measure µ on ∂ where ⊂ R n is an open set, we define a realization µ of the Laplacian in L 2 ( ) with general Robin boundary conditions and we show that µ generates a holomorphic C 0 -semigroup on L 2 ( ) which is... more
We consider the approximation by multidimensional finite volume schemes of the transport of an initial measure by a Lipschitz flow. We first consider a scheme defined via characteristics, and we prove the convergence to the continuous... more
We prove energy estimates for linear p-evolution equations in weighted Sobolev spaces under suitable assumptions on the behavior at infinity of the coefficients with respect to the space variables. As a consequence we obtain well... more
This paper is devoted to proving the existence of time-periodic solutions of one-phase or two-phase problems for the Navier-Stokes equations with small periodic external forces when the reference domain is close to a ball. Since our... more
The Ostrovsky-Hunter equation provides a model for small-amplitude long waves in a rotating fluid of finite depth. It is a nonlinear evolution equation. In this paper we study the well-posedness for the Cauchy problem associated to this... more
Let A be a closed operator on a Banach space X. We study maximal L p-regularity of the problems u (t) = Au(t) + f (t) and u (t) = Au(t) + f (t) on the line. The results are used to solve quasilinear parabolic and elliptic problems on the... more
We obtain an upper estimate for the Poisson kernel for the class of second-order left invariant differential operators on the semi-direct product of the 2n + 1-dimensional Heisenberg group H n and an Abelian group A = R k . We also give... more
This contribution, dedicated to Giuseppe da Prato, is far from witnessing the wholehearted recognition and friendship that he deserves.
Let E be a separable real Banach space and denote by BUC(E) the space of bounded and uniformly continuous functions on E. For a C 0 -semigroup (T (t)) t≥0 acting on BUC(E), we obtain necessary and sufficient conditions ensuring that (T... more
We investigate a partial differential equation model of a cancer cell population, which is structured with respect to age and telomere length of cells. We assume a continuous telomere length structure, which is applicable to the clonal... more