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In this book I perform an analysis on the British, French, German, Italian and Spanish parliaments in the EU after the Lisbon Treaty. The first part is devoted to their participation in EU affairs until 2009 in order to highlight to what... more
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      Comparative LawSubsidiarityComparative Constitutional LawEU National Parliaments
This article analyses the blossoming of the initiatives for inter-parliamentary cooperation currently observable in the European Union from a democratic legitimacy perspective. It shows that there exists numerous forms and settings for... more
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      European UnionEuropean Union LawInterparliamentary CooperationEU National Parliaments
Master thesis
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      Eastern European StudiesEuropean StudiesVoting BehaviorEuropean Politics
This essay outlines the role that the national parliaments of federal and regional states can play in the context of the multilevel governance of the EU. The methods of coordination between national parliaments and sub-state territorial... more
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      EU National ParliamentsEuropeanisation of National ParliamentsEU Multilevel GovernanceNational Parliaments
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      European ParliamentElectoral systems, political parties, and executive-legislative structuresParty SystemsEuropeanisation of National Parliaments
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      European LawEuropean UnionEuropean Union LawInterparliamentary Cooperation
The literature on national parliaments and the EU has built up its knowledge on the strength and activities of domestic parliaments in the European Union. While these studies were of outmost importance to understand how and why... more
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      European UnionEuropeanizationEU National ParliamentsPrincipal Agent Theory
The Treaty of Lisbon and in particular the early warning mechanism (hereinafter EWM) have drawn the attention of many scholars as concerns the ability of national parliaments to influence EU law-making and the substance of EU legislation,... more
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      European integrationEuropean LawSubsidiarityEuropean Union
This paper is devoted to the analysis of the Interparliamentary Conference on Stability, Economic Coordination and Governance created in 2013. It first studies the conditions of its emergence and shows how some of the arrangements in... more
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      Interparliamentary CooperationEU National ParliamentsEconomic and Monetary UnionEuropeanisation of National Parliaments
The parliaments in the EU are facing a choice. They may exploit the existing possibilities, continue business as usual (possibly with declining participation in inter-parliamentary cooperation, so no change), or bypass existing... more
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      European StudiesPolitical ScienceEuropean ParliamentLegislative Studies
At the heart of the growing politicization of the EU lies a concern with how European integration potentially undermines forms of communal self-government linked to established political identities. This concern originates not from the... more
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      European StudiesEuropean integrationDemocratic TheoryPolitical Legitimacy
This contribution examines the relationship between the European Parliament and National parliaments. It contends that the EP's attitude toward NPs varies depending on its own institutional position.
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      Parliamentary StudiesEuropean ParliamentInterparliamentary CooperationEuropeanisation of National Parliaments
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      European StudiesConstitutional LawEuropean LawComparative Constitutional Law
One of the main promises of the Treaty of Lisbon was to increase the democratic legitimacy of the European Union through strengthening the role of national parliaments in EU policy-making under the so-called 'Early Warning System' (EWS)... more
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      SubsidiarityEuropean UnionEuropean Union LawDemocracy
The eurozone crisis is commonly associated with a politicization of public debate along national lines. With money being redistributed between member states, national parliamentarians (MPs) seem likely to pit national interests against... more
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      European StudiesEuropeanisation of National ParliamentsEurozone crisis
The aim of this article is to analyse the transformative power of the EU with regard to the Polish system of governance. The Europeanisation of Polish law, politics, economy, culture and society has been in progress since the 1990s. One... more
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      Constitutional LawEuropean Union LawEuropeanisation of National Parliaments
The European integration process has long been characterised by the predominance of national executive powers. National parliaments were recognised as European actors after several decades only, in the Maastricht Treaty first and to an... more
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      European UnionEuropean Union LawEU National ParliamentsEuropeanisation of National Parliaments
The contributions collected in this Max Weber Working Papers Special Issue were first delivered at a conference held at the European University Institute and jointly organised by the Max Weber Programme for Postdoctoral Studies and the... more
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      European StudiesPublic OpinionEuropean integrationEuropean Law
Streszczenie Głównym zarzutem podnoszonym wobec unijnego mechanizmu wczesnego ostrzegania jest jego niska użyteczność. Trzykrotne uruchomienie procedury żółtej kartki i brak uruchomienia procedury pomarańczowej kartki obiektywnie... more
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      EU National ParliamentsEuropeanisation of National Parliaments
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      AccountabilityEuropean UnionEuropean Union LawEU National Parliaments
The Palgrave Handbook of National Parliaments and the European Union offers a comprehensive picture of the European activities of national parliaments in all the 28 member states of the EU. In the aftermath of the Lisbon Treaty, it... more
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      BelgiumEU National ParliamentsEuropeanisation of National ParliamentsNational Parliaments In the EU
The general aim of this paper is to look at the effectiveness of scrutiny of the European Commission’s legislative proposals by national parliaments. The main idea is not to discuss theoretical background, but to analyze the process from... more
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      PERSONAL DATA PROTECTIONEU National ParliamentsEuropeanisation of National ParliamentsEU data protection framework