European Archaeology
Recent papers in European Archaeology
In this contribution, we advance historical ecology as one in a number of approaches to new studies of the first millennium BCE. Crumley and her colleagues have elaborated this cluster of concepts over 30 years of fieldwork in southern... more
This study discusses the changing trends in the supply of wine, olive oil, fish sauce and domestic pottery in Pompeii over a period of more than two centuries through the examination of a pottery assemblage excavated recently in the House... more
Our article seeks to determine the functions of visual communication design through the lens of modern conflict and public archaeologies. The Battle of Aslıhanlar, which took place in the triangle of the villages of Çal Köy, Allıören, and... more
With the commemoration of World War I (WWI) under way, a preliminary stocktaking can be made of archaeological research into the physical remains of this war. The question is to what extent the perspective on the study of WWI heritage,... more
I recently had the opportunity to review Alex Gibson’s thought provoking volume, 'Enclosing the Neolithic: Recent studies in Britain and Europe'. That review, to which the reader is directed for further commentary, identified as a... more
A metalwork hoard dated to the Wilburton phase of the later Bronze Age, found at Barway close to the Isle of Ely in the Cambridgeshire Fens, is reported. Consideration of the hoard, in the context of later prehistoric hoarding in the... more
Purpose: The primitive anthropological meaning of genital ornamentation is not clearly defined and the origin of penile intervention for decorative purposes is lost in time. Corporeal decoration was practiced in the Upper Paleolithic... more
Mobilité des hommes, diffusion des idées, circulation des biens dans l'espace européen à l'âge du Fer Les armes et les hommes. La mobilité des guerriers et ses enjeux dans le nord-est du domaine ibérique au iii e s. a.C.
The identification of deviant burials as those of ‘vampires’ is a feature of excavated skeletons from sites across Eastern, Central and Southern Europe as well as the Balkans. Based on a close reading of historic and folkloric sources... more
Goldhahn, Joakim (red) (2008). Gropar & monument – en vänbok till Dag Widholm. Kalmar: Kalmar Studies in Archaeology IV.
This study provides the first evidence for the extraction of lead in the later early medieval period in Lancashire, in the North West of England. Archaeological evidence for human activity in the region during the later medieval period is... more
Earlier scholarship saw the worship of Silvanus in Dalmatia from two different perspectives. Firstly, as a continuance of the pre-Roman indigenous cult which became »recognized« as the italic deity Silvanus through the interpretatio... more
Radiocarbon dates for the Early Bronze Age of Northern England are presented, these provide an independent chronology for the Collared Urns of the region together with associated Accessory Vessels and grave goods. The results indicate... more
Gods, deities, symbolism, deposition, cosmology and intentionality are all features of the study of early ritual and cult. Archaeology has great difficulties in providing satisfactory interpretation or recognition of these elusive but... more
This paper is aimed at providing a new etymological reconstruction of the Italian word 'ocarina', which became widespread all over the world with the success of the musical instrument it describes. Going beyond the commonly accepted... more
Colectivul de redactare al ediţiei I (în ordine alfabetică): Dragoş DIACONESCU, Sabin Adrian LUCA, Cristian Constantin ROMAN, Cosmin SUCIU Colectivul de redactare al ediţiei II (în ordine alfabetică): Dragoş DIACONESCU, Iosif Vasile... more
PopulaŃia judeŃului număra în 1971 270.131 locuitori; în 1995 262.273 locuitori, iar în anul 2002 -248.015 locuitori.
This paper aims to explain the eschatological outbreak that occurred during the X century in Scandinavia and northern Europe century, which gave rise to a great iconography of Ragnarök, stemmed primarily from the pre-Christian Norse... more
Chronology, distribution and interpretation of Urnfield metal-hilted swords Subject, regions and period of time covered (chapter 1) This study was basically concerned with the supra-regional investigation of a sufficiently... more
Finding jobs in archaeology is anything but easy, but a topic of the utmost interest to everyone who wants to work in it, and particularly to students shortly before completing their degree. Since there is little advice to be found on how... more
In "A ‘Splendid Idiosyncrasy’: Prehistory at Cambridge 1915-50" Pamela Jane Smith charts the development of prehistoric archaeology from an amateur ‘haphazard’ pastime to a fully ledged academic discipline. Smith argues persuasively that... more
The volume combines the papers presented at two meetings on prehistoric salt evaporation, a national French one [8 articles] and an international one [13 articles]. They cover the time from the Neolithic to the Iron Age, as a main focus,... more
The present work is based on a unitary approach of Neolithic and Eneolithic discoveries in the Lower Mures Basin. From a chronological perspective, it envisages the approximate period of 6000–3000/2800 calBC, from the onset of the... more
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Alcohol has been a part of the human diet for millennia, however little analysis has been done on the origins of large-scale production, specifically in Europe. The rise of agriculture in Europe during the Neolithic revolution brought... more