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Es gilt als lobenswert, gut zuhören zu können, und man tadelt es, wenn jemand nicht gut zuhören kann. Daran zeigt sich, dass Zuhören keine Selbstverständlichkeit ist. Es geschieht nicht automatisch; es will offenbar gelernt sein. Dieser... more
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      Ancient Greek PhilosophyPhilosophical PracticeEthics of listeningListening
Research and policy on media and cultural diversity routinely emphasize speaking or ‘voice’, whether in mainstream, community or diaspora media. An established tradition also examines representation and critiques examples stereotyping and... more
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      Media and multiculturalismPolitics of listeningEthics of listeningCommunity media interventions
Anarchism is frequently considered to be alternatively a political ideology, a social movement or a form of political culture. Drawing on queer and feminist writings as my own experience both in anarchist politics and in sex education, I... more
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      Social MovementsFeminist TheoryPoststructuralismMindfulness
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      PsychoanalysisJulia KristevaMelanie KleinEthics of listening
Expanding on Robert Stam’s idea that sound and image tracks in film can ‘mutually jostle, undercut [and] haunt…each other’ creating what he calls a ‘heterochronic… cinema , this thesis argues that close analysis of a film’s sound design... more
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      Film Music And SoundHistory and MemoryAsian CinemaEthics of listening
Music is not just a form of art but mainly an activity in which many are involved. When musicking (listening, playing, singing, dancing, etc.) a specific musical interspace is created among collaborators, that might foster mutual... more
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      MusicologyHospitalityEthics of listeningAlevi Studies
En este artículo discuto algunas formas de relación con el sufrimiento humano que han caracterizado los emprendimientos investigativos y la práctica de la defensa de los derechos humanos en Colombia, y que han sido constitutivas de... more
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      ColombiaPolitical ViolencePhilosophy of Human SufferingNarratives
This introductory paper posits ‘listening’ as a rubric for reframing contemporary media theory and practice. We propose moving beyond questions of voice, speaking and representation to focus on often-ignored questions of listening as the... more
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      Media and Cultural StudiesResearch MethodologyPolitics of listeningEthics of listening
This paper explores the possibilities and limits of a politics of ‘listening’ as a strategy for a privileged white woman to contribute to antiracism in the face of dominant discourses of gendered protectionism. Reflecting on my own role... more
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      Politics of listeningEthics of listening
To date both research and policy on media and cultural diversity have emphasised questions of speaking, whether in mainstream, community or diaspora media. There is also a vast literature examining questions of representation, including... more
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      MulticulturalismMedia and Cultural StudiesPolitics of listeningEthics of listening