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      Medical EthicsOrganizational Ethical ClimateEnd of life careBurnout
Extended Abstract Introduction Present research has studied a training organization as one of the most important organizations in case of its activities. . This study investigated the relationship between ethical climate and its subscales... more
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      Knowledge CreationEthical ClimateBirjandUniversity of Medical Sciences
Successful management style is required to manage organizations. It is thought that successful management style is related to ethical leadership traits of a leader. Social and cultural progress will be achieved when the importance of... more
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      EthicsEthical LeadershipEthical Climate
ÖZ: Bu çalışmanın amacı örgütsel sessizliğin üç boyutunun, iş performansına etkisi ve bu etkide etik iklimin aracılık rolünün tespit edilmesidir. Söz konusu değişkenler arasındaki ilişki; faktör analizi, regresyon analizi ve sobel... more
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      Organizational BehaviorOrganizational Ethical ClimateOrganizational SilenceJob Performance
This paper examines the effects of ethical leadership on employee behaviour through the mediating role of ethical climate and employee attitudes. This study proposes that ethical leadership has an influence on organisational citizenship... more
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      Organizational CommitmentOrganizational Citizenship BehaviorJob SatisfactionEthical Leadership
The effectiveness and efficiency of any organization is dependent on the empowerment of its human resources as well as the presence of an ethical climate and organizational support. Hence, this article aims to analyze the impact of... more
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      PsychologyJob SatisfactionEmployee EmpowermentTurnover Intention
This paper explores the effects of ethical climate and ethical leadership behaviour on employees' job satisfaction, organizational commitment and organizational citizenship behaviour. Using a sample of 213 employees from the private... more
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      Organizational CommitmentOrganizational Citizenship BehaviorJob SatisfactionBosnia and Herzegovina
Günümüz örgüt yaşantısında bireyler, saygı duyulacak bir kimlik ile maddi ve sosyal olanaklarını arttırmak ve örgütleri içerisinde etkili bir konuma sahip olmak istemektedirler. Bireyler, bu hedeflere ulaşabilmek için hem astlarının hem... more
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      Organizational BehaviorImpression ManagementLeader-Member Exchange (LMX)Örgütsel Davranış
The purpose of the paper is to review, critique and contextualise the theories, models and frameworks on value congruence, person-organisation (P-O) fit and theories on person choices/alternatives in the workplace. The paper is based on... more
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      Organizational Ethical ClimateEthical LeadershipEthical ClimatePerson organisational fit
The aim of this study is to explore the impact of three dimensions of organizational justice on organizational commitment and the mediating role of ethical climate on this association. The associations between those variables are analyzed... more
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      Organizational CommitmentOrganizational JusticeEthical ClimateMediating Effect
This study is about research the effect of perceived ethical climate on job satisfaction and job performance in special accomodation facilities in Nevsehir province. The research is descriptive to aim determine the current situation in... more
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      Job SatisfactionOrganizational Ethical ClimateJob PerformanceEthical Climate
A study was conducted to analyse the ethical climate typology of the Ethical Climate Questionnaire empirically, in order to develop a unique South African typology. This typology was tested for the equivalence of the construct between the... more
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      Organizational Ethical ClimateEthical Climate
This paper explores the effects of ethical climate and ethical leadership behaviour on employees' job satisfaction, organizational commitment and organizational citizenship behaviour. Using a sample of 213 employees from the private... more
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      EducationOrganizational CommitmentJob SatisfactionBosnia and Herzegovina
The effectivity and efficiency of any organization is dependent on the empowerment of its human resource, presence of ethical climate and organizational support. Hence this article aims to analyze the impact of employee empowerment,... more
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      Job SatisfactionEmployee EmpowermentTurnover IntentionEthical Climate
The concept of ethics points out the behaviour in accordance with the common moral values, and to preference of good to bad, in an environment. The science of ethics is involved with determination of the standards of those morals and... more
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      EthicsLocal GovernmentOrganizational Ethical ClimateEthical Climate
The performance of employees has become important in banks. Some studies have suggested that employees' perceptions of the ethical climate in their banks are related to a higher job satisfaction and organizational commitment, and thus... more
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      Human Resource ManagementOrganizational CommitmentJob SatisfactionHuman Resources
Bu çalışmada, cinsel taciz ve etik iklim arasındaki ilişkiyi sağlık sektöründe inceledik. İki Türk hastanesinden 215 hemşire bu araştırmaya katıldı. Araştırma bulguları, hemşirelerin yaklaşık yüzde otuz beşinin cinsel tacizin kurbanı... more
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      HospitalNursesHastaneEthical Climate
The main purpose of this paper is to examine the impact of caring climate, employees' job satisfaction, and affective commitment on employees' job performance in a banking sector. This study proposes that caring climate has a significant... more
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      Job SatisfactionBosnia and HerzegovinaJob PerformanceAffective Commitment
Boards of the director are well known as a mechanism to build up good corporate governance in order to maintain balanced and harmonized the interest among stakeholders. In another side, ethical banking is suited in developing such a good... more
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      Organizational Ethical ClimateRural BankingEthical Climate
Using confirmatory factor analysis we create a valid 15-item public service motivation (PSM) construct for Jamaica. We find high PSM among surveyed Jamaican civil servants and students. While our paper supports the potentially universal... more
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      EthicsPolitical ScienceJamaicaCorruption
The effectivity and efficiency of any organization is dependent on the empowerment of its human resource, presence of ethical climate and organizational support. Hence this article aims to analyze the impact of employee empowerment,... more
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      PsychologyJob SatisfactionEmployee EmpowermentTurnover Intention
The effectiveness and efficiency of any organization is dependent on the empowerment of its human resources as well as the presence of an ethical climate and organizational support. Hence, this article aims to analyze the impact of... more
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      PsychologyJob SatisfactionEmployee EmpowermentTurnover Intention
Background: Previous research has linked missed nursing care to nurses’ work environment. Ethical climate is a part of work environment, but the relationship of missed care to different types of ethical climate is unknown. Research... more
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      NursingApplied EthicsOrganizational CultureCyprus
In this study, the authors have attempted to investigate the impacts of ethical context on social capital through the perspectives of educational staff working in public and private educational institutions. The research model was tested... more
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      Social CapitalEducational Institutionsİş AhlakıEthical Climate
This paper explores the effects of ethical climate and ethical leadership behaviour on employees' job satisfaction, organizational commitment and organizational citizenship behaviour. Using a sample of 213 employees from the private... more
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      EducationPolitical ScienceOrganizational CommitmentOrganizational Citizenship Behavior
This study aims to examine the mediating role of ethical climate in the relationship between ethical leadership and job satisfaction. A cross-sectional survey was conducted for the study. Questionnaires were distributed to 641 teachers in... more
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      Job SatisfactionEthical LeadershipEthical Climate
Günümüzde küreselleşmenin neden olduğu gelişme ve değişimlerin sonrasında, iş etiği daha hassas ve önemli hale gelmiştir. Bu anlamda çalışmada öncelikle etik ve iş etiğinin tanımı, kapsamı ve önemi ele alınmıştır. Bu çalışma,... more
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      BusinessBusiness EthicsEthicsİş Ahlakı
Özet Bu çalışmada, değer merkezli liderlik ve etik iklimin birbirleriyle olan ilişkisinin ortaya konulması amaçlanmıştır. Bu bağlamda değer merkezli liderlik ve etik iklim kavramlarının farklı kültürlerde kazandıkları anlam, birbirlerini... more
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      EthicsLeadershipOrganizational Ethical ClimateValues Based Leadership
Organizational justice refers to how an employee perceives the decisions and the behaviors of the managers. Organizational justice consists of how to regulate the wages, punishments and promotions and how these decisions are made or how... more
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      Organizational CommitmentOrganizational JusticeEthical Climate
Globalization and changes in technology forced enterprises to adopt contemporary management approaches in order to gain a sustainable competitive edge. To this end, human resources gained a great interest as a managerial tool to sustain... more
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      LeadershipHuman ResourcesEthical Climate
Recent studies have demonstrated that retaining qualified employees is crucial for organizations. As labor-intensive sector, shoes manufacturing sector is highly dependent on qualified employees. Based on the literature in this field,... more
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      ManufacturingJob SatisfactionAffective CommitmentEthical Climate
The main purpose of our study was to gain a deeper understanding of how culture influences the interpretation of ethical leadership by both leaders and followers in Zambia and Sweden. The study was conducted using an interpretative... more
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This study determined the prevailing ethical climate in State Universities and Colleges (SUCs) in Region XII and its relationship to the faculty’s three mandated functions; including instruction, research and extension. The descriptive... more
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      SociologyNew Literacy Studies (Education)Ethical ClimateAIAC
The practice of business ethics has grown considerably over the last decade. Small business enterprises today are expected to meet standards of responsible business conduct. Moral decay has, however, reached high levels not only in the... more
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      Job SatisfactionEthical Climate
The effectiveness and efficiency of any organization is dependent on the empowerment of its human resources as well as the presence of an ethical climate and organizational support. Hence, this article aims to analyze the impact of... more
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      PsychologyJob SatisfactionEmployee EmpowermentTurnover Intention Missed nursing care is defined as "any aspect of required patient care that is omitted (either in part or in whole) or delayed", (Kalisch et al. 2009, p. 1509), it can occur at any stage of the nursing... more
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      Ethical TheoryEthical ClimateMissed Nursing CareImplicit Rationing of Nursing Care
The objective of this study is to find out the perceptions of university staff on ethical climate in their workplaces. The findings of the study suggest that the university employees have a positive opinion of the practices concerning... more
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      Ethical ClimateAnthropologist
This paper explores the effects of ethical climate and ethical leadership behaviour on employees' job satisfaction, organizational commitment and organizational citizenship behaviour. Using a sample of 213 employees from the private... more
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      EducationOrganizational CommitmentOrganizational Citizenship BehaviorJob Satisfaction
The objective of this study is to find out the perceptions of university staff on ethical climate in their workplaces. The findings of the study suggest that the university employees have a positive opinion of the practices concerning... more
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    • Ethical Climate
Bu araştırmanın amacı öğretmenlerin iş tatmini ve etik iklim algı düzeylerinin karşılaştırılmasıdır. Araştırma bulguları ve değerlendirilmesi bölümünde, verilerin analize hazır hale getirilmesi amacıyla katılımcıların demografik... more
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      Job SatisfactionEthical Climate
Drawing on theory and research, the mediating roles of trust in leader and ethical climate on the relations between ethical leadership, organisational justice, and turnover intention are examined with structural equation modelling. Using... more
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      Structural Equation ModellingOrganisational JusticeTurnover IntentionEthical Leadership
This study determined the prevailing ethical climate in State Universities and Colleges (SUCs) in Region XII and its relationship to the faculty’s three mandated functions; including instruction, research and extension. The descriptive... more
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    • Ethical Climate
Sürekli değişen, karmaşıklık ve belirsizliğin hakim olduğu çevre koşullarında işletmelerin varlıklarını ve rekabet edebilme yetilerini devam ettirebilmelerinde psikolojik güçlendirme, etik iklim ve dağıtım adaletinin önemi büyüktür. Bu... more
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      Self-EfficacyPsychological EmpowermentPersonel GüçlendirmeEthical Climate
The ethical climate in hotel management plays an important role in forming a regular competition structuring. Hotel managements need to understand employees' perception of organizational climate in order to understand the management... more
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      Employee MotivationEmployee SatisfactionOrganizational Ethical ClimateEthical Climate
This research aims to analyse the relationship between ethical climate types and job satisfaction in tourism industry. To achive this objective, an empirical study was conducted on 165 hotel business employees in four-star and five-star... more
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      Organizational BehaviorEthicsJob SatisfactionOrganizational Climate
This research aims to analyse the relationship between ethical climate types and job satisfaction in tourism industry. To achive this objective, an empirical study was conducted on 165 hotel business employees in four-star and five-star... more
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      Organizational BehaviorEthicsJob SatisfactionOrganizational Climate
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      EducationOrganizational CommitmentOrganizational Citizenship BehaviorJob Satisfaction
The concept of ethics should become a part of organization culture and is needed to be internalized by all employees. Organizational climate is a result of organizational culture and reflects the management style. For this reason, the... more
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      Organizational CommitmentEthical LeadershipEthical Climate