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Assessoria de Materiais-assessoria_materiais.pdf Emergência Referenciadaemergencia.pdf Enfermagem-Processos-enfermagem_processos.pdf Enfermagem-Técnicas-enfermagem_tecnicas.pdf Enfermariasenfermarias.pdf Engenharia e... more
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      Nurse EducationEnfermagemEstomatologia
Estomatología bucal por aparatos y sistemas
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    • Estomatologia
JUSTIFICACIÓN DEL DÍA DEL ODONTÓLOGO. En todo el mundo, se celebra cada 9 de febrero, día de Santa Apolonia, patrona y mujer mártir que representa el día del Odontólogo. El calendario, a través de su publicación en el diario oficial,... more
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Prevalencia de abfracciones en premolares y su relación con el tipo de guía dentaria lateral en pacientes adultos Prevalence of abfractions in premolars teeth and their association with type of lateral tooth guidance in adult patients
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    • Estomatologia
Aim: Patients with human immunodeficiency virus infection usually have oral lesions, including up to 50% of patients diagnosed with AIDS. Fibrous dysplasia is an intra-bone lesion, characterized by an alteration of the growth and... more
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      HIV/AIDSHIV / AIDS treatmentEstomatologiaANATOMIA PATOLÓGICA
Objective: The aim is to estimate the changes in attitude arising after eighteen years in the perception of the risk of contracting HIV/Aids among Spanish dental health workers and the general public. Design: We performed a... more
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      DentistryHIV/AIDSHIV/AIDS policyHIV
Kaposi´s Sarcoma (KS) is polyclonal multifocal disease of endothelial origin, with four clinical and epidemiological well described variants. AIDS-related KS has a variable clinical course, ranging from minimal disease located to the skin... more
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      MicrobiologyPathologyDermatologyInfectious Diseases
Introducción: la literatura científica que incluye lesiones bucales en músicos de viento se enfoca en poblaciones localizadas en conservatorios norteamericanos y europeos, cuyas características poblacionales y musicales difieren de los... more
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      Health SciencesHealthPublic HealthOral Medicine
Kaposi ́s Sarcoma (KS) is polyclonal multifocal disease of endothelial origin, with four clinical and epidemiological well described variants. AIDS-related KS has a variable clinical course, ranging from minimal disease located to the... more
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      MicrobiologyPathologyDermatologyInfectious Diseases
Se realizó una multimedia educativa que se propone como medio de enseñanza para la ejercitación en las clases de la asignatura Odontopediatría de la carrera de Estomatología de la Universidad de Ciencias Médicas de Guantánamo,... more
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      GastroenterologyHIV/AIDSHIV / AIDS treatmentOral Medicine
Se hace una revisión actualizada de este síndrome.
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RESUMEN Introducción: la literatura científica que incluye lesiones bucales en músicos de viento se enfoca en poblaciones localizadas en conservatorios norteamericanos y europeos, cuyas características poblacionales y musicales difieren... more
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      Health SciencesOccupational Health & SafetyHealthPublic Health
Abstract: This brief essay invites reflection to scientists and dental professionals through the analysis of events that have impacted the development of science from ancient Greece to the present. The emphasis is on raising awareness of... more
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      HistoriaEconomiaFilosofíaPatrimonio Cultural