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The 1 st Doctoral Day Organized by the Laboratory of Geodynamics and Natural Resources aims to introduce young people and former PhD students whose idea is to improve the quality of research and achieve better results. The figurative... more
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      Soil ScienceFlood Risk ManagementCoastal GeomorphologyQuaternary Geology
Dans l’optique de déterminer une implantation bénéficiant du meilleur cadre de vie possible sur le territoire métropolitain, notre projet consiste à synthétiser différents indicateurs qualitatifs environnementaux représentatifs de... more
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      GeographySanté publiqueEnvironnemental HealthGéologie/ Eau/ Environnement
An ethno-botanical survey was conducted among traditional healers in the district of " Bas-Fleuve " , Democratic Republic of Congo in order to identify plant species used in folk medicine for health care. Twenty-five traditional healers... more
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    • Environnemental Health
Comment expliquer que le projet de politique alimentaire du Canada ignore le dossier des pesticides alors que la récente politique bioalimentaire du Québec évoque vaguement la question, mais sans engagements significatifs? Pourquoi... more
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      Sustainable agricultureFood SystemsCancerPublic Health Policy
Microplastics (MP) refer to all plastic particles that are less than 5mm in size. Over the past decades, several studies have highlighted the impact of microplastics (MP) on living organisms. In addition to being pollutants themselves,... more
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    • Environnemental Health
In recent years, consumers and legislation have been pushing companies to optimize their activities in such a way as to reduce negative environmental and social impacts more and more. In the other side, companies must keep their total... more
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      TransportationMeta-heuristicsMulti-Objective OptimizationCO2 emissions
La communication rend compte des enseignements tirés d’un projet de recherche (2012-2015) qui aborde un problème public fortement transversal : la pollution de l’air intérieur. L’exposition à des substances dangereuses pour la santé en... more
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      CommunicationMedia StudiesSocial SciencesSocial Problems
Historiquement, le pays de la baie d'Antongil conserve de nombreux sites anciens témoignant l'ancienneté des établissements malagasy dans cette contrée de l'île. Les études récentes montrent également que la zone n'a jamais été... more
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      Cultural HistoryAnthropologieEnvironnemental Health
Microarray technology has been increasingly used in cancer research because of its potential for measuring expression levels of thousands of genes simultaneously in tissue samples. It is used to collect the information from tissue samples... more
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      EngineeringGeneticsComputer ScienceSoftware Engineering
Microarray technology has been increasingly used in cancer research because of its potential for measuring expression levels of thousands of genes simultaneously in tissue samples. It is used to collect the information from tissue samples... more
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      EngineeringResponse Surface MethodologyTransportationGene expression
Microplastics (MP) refer to all plastic particles that are less than 5 mm in size. Over the past decades, several studies have highlighted the impact of microplastics (MP) on living organisms. In addition to being pollutants themselves,... more
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      Environmental HealthEnvironnemental HealthMicroplastics
L'activité industrielle, agro-pastorale et forestière génère les déchets qui polluent l'environnement. Ces déchets peuvent être valorisés afin de diversifier les produits contributifs à la lutte contre la pauvreté et le changement... more
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      Public AdministrationMunicipal Solid Waste ManagementSolid Waste ManagementIndustrial wastewater Treatment
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      Public health in complex emergenciesCarbon MonoxideEnvironnemental Health