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As we are living amid an unprecedent environmental crisis, the need for schools to empower students into environmental citizenship is intensifying. Teachers are considered as the main driving force in fostering students’ environmental... more
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      SociologyEnvironmental EducationTeacher EducationGlobal Citizenship
Climate change has been at the centre of the environmental debate for three decades. Despite international agreements, humanity has not been able to stop the global increase in temperature. The coronavirus crisis has relegated the climate... more
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      Climate ChangePoliticsEnvironmental CitizenshipCitizenship
I læreplanen for norskfaget integrerer fagfornyelsen bærekraftig utvikling samt demokrati og medborgerskap som tverrfaglige temaer. Denne artikkelen argumenterer for å kombinere arbeidet med begge temaene. Med bakgrunn i miljø- og... more
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      Environmental EducationChildren's LiteratureSustainable DevelopmentNorwegian Literature
As we are living amid an unprecedent environmental crisis, the need for schools to empower students into environmental citizenship is intensifying. Teachers are considered as the main driving force in fostering students’ environmental... more
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      Environmental EducationTeacher TrainingSustainability EducationTeachers' professional development
City-based citizenship (city-zenship) and its ecological ramifications increasingly inform people’s social and political lives, rendering the link between ecological citizenship and political city-zenship a topical subject for analysis.... more
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      Urban PoliticsSustainable Urban EnvironmentsEnvironmental PoliticsEnvironmental Sustainability
Reducing car use in cities is a transport policy requirement across the UK. Preston is no different and would experience the benefits of reduced congestion and healthier lifestyles for its residents and visitors if more short car trips... more
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      Sustainable TransportationEnvironmental CitizenshipCyclingActive Travel
As we are living amid an unprecedent environmental crisis, the need for schools to empower students into environmental citizenship is intensifying. Teachers are considered as the main driving force in fostering students’ environmental... more
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      SociologyEnvironmental EducationTeacher EducationGlobal Citizenship
In the post-humanist age, outdoor educators are adapting their practices to respond to the priorities of education for sustainability. New practices are emerging or adopted from elsewhere. In Europe, the American movement of ‘Leave No... more
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      Environmental EducationEnvironmental CitizenshipEducation for Sustainable Development
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      Environmental EducationEducation for CitizenshipEnvironmental JusticeEnvironmental Citizenship
Una de las problemáticas mas importantes que debe enfrentar la humanidad actualmente, es la de propiciar un desarrollo ambiental, social y económico que garantice una calidad de vida óptima y sustentable para las generaciones actuales y... more
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      Environmental EducationEnvironmental Citizenship
What might environmental citizenship look like, and how might such a citizenship be produced? This chapter posits that, across the range of their everyday practices, green political activists demonstrate a distinctive, important, and... more
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    • Environmental Citizenship
This open access book is about the development of a common understanding of environmental citizenship. It conceptualizes and frames environmental citizenship taking an educational perspective. Organized in four complementary parts, the... more
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      Environmental EducationEnvironmental SustainabilityEnvironmental CitizenshipCitizenship
Economic and political pressures to extract Canada’s oil sands—among the most carbon-intensive and polluting fossil fuels on the planet—have increased manifold, while heightened risks of toxic spills, climate change, and environmental... more
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      Environmental SociologyPolitical EcologyEnvironmental PoliticsEnvironmental Sustainability
If the Environmental Humanities (EH) matter, an essential concern is whether we can speak of the possibility of a philosopher of literary and ecological identity. This paper discusses the intersection points of the Environmental... more
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      Environmental PhilosophyPosthumanismPolitical EcologyAnimal Studies
In the last two decades, the concept of ecological citizenship has become a recurrent theme in both popular and academic discussions. Discussions around the prospects of, and limitations to, ecological citizenship have mostly focused on... more
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      Information ScienceInformation TechnologyGreen InfrastructureInformation Communication Technology
Rua Francisco Getúlio Vargas, 1130 -CEP 95070-560 -Caxias do Sul -RS -Brasil Ou: Caixa Postal 1352 -CEP 95020-970 -Caxias do Sul -RS -Brasil Telefone / Telefax: (54) 3218 2100 -Ramais: 2197 e 2281 -DDR: (54) 3218 2197
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      Citizenship (Law)Environmental CitizenshipCitizenshipMeio Ambiente
En las siguientes páginas se presenta, en primer lugar, el estado de la cuestión en la discusión teórica sobre ciudadanía ecológica. A continuación, establecido a grandes rasgos el marco en que la aportación académica ha tenido lugar, se... more
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      Environmental CitizenshipJohn DryzekSpanish Indignados (Occupy)Ecological Citizenship
Edited by Marco Armiero, Federica Giardini, Dario Gentili, Daniela Angelucci, Ilaria Bussoni The environmental crisis that has been declared for several decades strongly challenges the human and political sciences. Not only because they... more
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      Environmental PhilosophyIndigenous MediaPostcolonial StudiesAnimal Studies
This series wrestles with the tensions situated between environmental and science education and addresses the scholarly efforts to bring confluence to these two projects with the help of ecojustice philosophy. As ecojustice is one of the... more
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      Environmental CitizenshipPrimary Education
Challenged by the modern territorialization, the linkage consolidating civil societies had known in the 20th century such alteration that today a question about their foundation arises. Particularly in the countries where the exploitation... more
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      Japanese StudiesCultural Landscape ManagementEnvironmental CitizenshipCommunity Design
The exercise of Environmental Citizenship is strongly associated with a citizen’s capacity to act in society as an agent of change (ENEC 2018), and this depends on the development of a person’s willingness and competence for a critical,... more
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      Environmental EducationSocial ActivismEnvironmental SustainabilityActivism
In light of the complex nature of socio-environmental issues of the con-temporary world, the chapter focuses on selected societal issues to show their interconnectedness and consequences. Particularly, the chapter focuses on the processes... more
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      Tourism StudiesTransport GeographyUrban StudiesEnvironmental Sustainability
The human food system is complex; has significant social and environmental impact; and raises questions around identity and culture. This mix of individual, collective, public, private and environmental concerns positions Environmental... more
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      Participatory DesignEnvironmental CitizenshipFood StudiesResearch Through Design
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      Sustainable DevelopmentEnvironmental SustainabilityEnvironmental CitizenshipCitizenship
The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of green intelligence education on environmental experience, environmental citizenship behavior and relationship with nature of students. The research method was a semi-experimental... more
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      Environmental EngineeringArtificial IntelligenceEnvironmental CitizenshipEnvironmental Behaviour Change
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    • Environmental Citizenship
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      Social MovementsEnvironmental StudiesAnthropology of FoodEnvironmental Sustainability
In this chapter, we envision the Chilean forest as a “technonature” open to diverse but unequal constructions of citizenship subjectivity, socio-spatial relations, political economies, and environmental value. Using the Chilean Native... more
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      ForestryChileEnvironmentalismEnvironmental Citizenship
A capacidade de um cidadão agir na sociedade como agente de mudança constitui um elemento importante da cidadania ambiental. Este artigo discute o conceito de ativismo e a importância das iniciativas de ativismo no desenvolvimento da... more
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      Social ActivismActivismEnvironmental CitizenshipCitizen Science
The EU’s growth strategy (Europe 2020) and the European vision for green, circular and low-carbon economy in line with the EU 2050 (EU-roadmap 2050) give par- ticular attention to citizens’ participation and engagement and therefore to... more
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      Environmental EducationEnvironmental SustainabilityEnvironmental Citizenship
This open access book is about the development of a common understanding of environmental citizenship. It conceptualizes and frames environmental citizenship taking an educational perspective. Organized in four complementary parts, the... more
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      Environmental EducationPolitical ScienceEnvironmental SustainabilityEnvironmental Citizenship
Education for Environmental Citizenship plays an important role in social change toward sustainable development, achieving economic, social, and environmental balance through informed, cooperative, and participative citizens. There are... more
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      Collective ActionEnvironmental SustainabilityDesign-based researchEnvironmental Citizenship
s Français English Les mouvements citoyens liés à des problématiques socio­écologiques prennent de plus en plus d'ampleur à travers le monde : dans les « Nords » et dans les « Suds », des personnes et des communautés luttent contre des... more
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      Environmental SociologyEnvironmental ScienceEnvironmental JusticeEnvironmental Citizenship
One aspect of the increasing position of sustainability in higher education is establishment of distinct interdisciplinary environment-oriented programs. The point-of-departure of this study is differentiation between teaching- and... more
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      Environmental literacyEnvironmental Citizenship
Economic and political pressures to extract Canada’s oil sands—among the most carbon-intensive and polluting fossil fuels on the planet—have increased manifold, while heightened risks of toxic spills, climate change, and environmental... more
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      Environmental SociologyPolitical EcologyPolitical ScienceEnvironmental Politics
Environmental citizenship is very important in sustainability research. The criticality of the observed environmental crisis requires capable and competent environmental citizens who can act as agents of change to achieve sustainability.... more
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      Environmental EducationSustainability EducationEnvironmental SustainabilityEnvironmental Citizenship
In this study, a theoretical, valid, and reliable knowledge test was developed to measure the knowledge dimension of environmental citizenship in secondary school students. In addition, environmental knowledge levels of secondary school... more
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      Science EducationEnvironmental CitizenshipGlobal WarmingSustainability
This study focuses on why some companies in developing countries go beyond environmental regulations when implementing their corporate environmental social responsibilities or citizenship behavior. Drawing mainly upon the new... more
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      Corporate Social ResponsibilityCorporate EnvironmentalismDeveloping CountriesOrganizational Identity
This article argues that environmental citizenship, understood as sustainable forms of consumption, is increasingly constructed through visual regimes of nostalgia for both pristine wilderness and an era of unfettered resource extraction.... more
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      PhotographyVisual RhetoricMichel FoucaultEnvironmental Sustainability
This article argues that environmental citizenship, understood as sustainable forms of consumption, is increasingly constructed through visual regimes of nostalgia for both pristine wilderness and an era of unfettered resource extraction.... more
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      Cultural StudiesPhotographyVisual RhetoricPolitical Science
This paper proposes elements for the re-signification of the concept of competences from the human capabilities approach proposed by Martha Nussbaum, within the framework of the proposal of education for environmental citizenship... more
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      Environmental CitizenshipMartha Nussbaum's theory of human capabilitiesCapabilities ApproachHuman Capabilities Approach
Environmental educators face many challenges in university settings, including improving students' capacity for systems thinking, the effective use of educational technology, and supporting a sense of agency for participation in social... more
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      Environmental EducationHigher EducationSystems ThinkingAuthentic Learning
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      Latin American StudiesProtected areasEnvironmental CitizenshipEthnic Communities
This paper makes a comparative analysis about customer’s focus between two management models
applied in two academic libraries. It explores how the ISO 9000 are changing a library to excellence in
delivery quality service to its users.
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      Middle East HistoryService QualityEvolutionCataloging
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      Science EducationTurkish StudiesEnvironmental CitizenshipGlobal Warming
Abstract: One of the current problems is the compromised future of water, in terms of its sustainability. Education for environmental citizenship has not achieved the expected impacts on the changes in habits and consumption of the... more
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      Environmental EducationEnvironmental Citizenship
Environmental citizenship is very important in sustainability research. The criticality of the observed environmental crisis requires capable and competent environmental citizens who can act as agents of change to achieve sustainability.... more
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      Environmental EducationSustainability EducationEnvironmental SustainabilityEnvironmental Citizenship
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      Environmental EducationPopular CultureEnvironmental StudiesPolitical Science
En este artículo se ofrece una visión general del debate que tiene lugar en la filosofía política contemporánea sobre la noción de ciudadanía ecológica. Con este fin, se exponen las carencias de las concepciones habituales de la... more
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      Environmental EthicsEnvironmental political theory (Philosophy)Environmental Citizenship
We introduce the term "relational activism" to call attention to the way that relationship-building work contributes to conventional activism and constitutes activism in and of itself. In so doing, we revisit Mohai's paradox -a... more
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      GenderEnvironmental Citizenship