Novel is a popular literary work which depicts the events of life. Salman Rushdie’s novel Midnight’s Children contained the realistic and the unrealistic events. The realistic event which appears in Rushdie’s work is the depicted...
moreNovel is a popular literary work which depicts the events of life. Salman Rushdie’s novel Midnight’s Children contained the realistic and the unrealistic events. The realistic event which appears in Rushdie’s work is the depicted situation of India after get Its Independence. The unrealistic event which appears is the magical events that suddenly happen and are surprising. Rushdie also displays the myth and the mysterious things in his novel. In this situation, the two opposed realms, the magical and realism are combined in one style of literary work. Due to this, the researcher proposed two problems: 1) What are the magical realism aspects which build Salman Rushdie’s narrative in his novel Midnight’s Children? 2) How does Rushdie position the culture, myth, magic, and the everyday life in his Midnight’s Children? In order to make the arguable, reasonable, and justifiable elaboration, the researcher has chosen the hybridity theory of post-colonialism of literary criticism to be con...