Embbeded Systems
Recent papers in Embbeded Systems
El surgimiento de internet de las cosas (IoT, Internet of things) ha influenciado y dado forma al mundo de la tecnología drásticamente en los contextos de conectividad, interconectividad, interoperabilidad con sensores inteligentes,... more
The aim of this paper is to design and develop a finger print based car ignition system with a view of reducing car theft and to ward off unauthorized users. Recently, car hijack has been on the increase as armed robbers focus on stealing... more
In today's world, a paper based approach is followed for marking attendance, where the students sign on the attendance sheets. This data is then manually entered into the system. Managing the attendance of the students during lectures is... more
Over the years, several security measures have been employed to combat the menace of insecurity of lives and property. This is done by preventing unauthorized entrance into buildings through entrance doors using conventional and... more
Ransomware is a type of advanced malware that can encrypt a user’s files or lock a computer system until a ransom has been paid. Ransomworm is a type of malware that combines the payload of ran- somware with the propagation feature of a... more
Blindness has been regarded as one of the worst and incurable types of disabilities among humans across the globe as it hinders mobility of the impaired victims. This calls for the need to adopt new technologies to ease mobility problems... more
Intelligent mirrors, which continue the works today and will take its place in the future technology, provide both mirror and computer aided information services to its users. Thanks to the micro-controller cards onboard, these systems,... more
Security plays an important role in many elite organizations such as schools, colleges and institutes, military organization etc. because of the development in various implementation security systems it has been essential part to cope up... more
Blindness has been regarded as one of the worst and incurable types of disabilities among humans across the globe as it hinders mobility of the impaired victims. This calls for the need to adopt new technologies to ease mobility problems... more
Blindness has been regarded as one of the worst and incurable types of disabilities among humans across the globe as it hinders mobility of the impaired victims. This calls for the need to adopt new technologies to ease mobility problems... more
This research paper deals with reconfigurable discrete-event control systems which are distributed on networked devices to execute control software tasks with shared resources. A reconfiguration scenario is also assumed to be any... more
Osmotic computing in association with related computing paradigms (cloud, fog, and edge) emerges as a promising solution for handling bulk of security-critical as well as latency-sensitive data generated by the digital devices. It is a... more
- by benazir neha
The article presents a hardware implementation of an APRS (Automatic Packet Reporting System) based tracker for determining the location of an object in real time. It was developed and tested in the educational process at the Faculty of... more
Secure buildings are currently protected from unauthorized access by a variety of devices. Even though there are many kinds of devices to guarantee the system safety such as PIN pads, keys both conventional and electronic, identity cards,... more
Security is generally a state or feeling of being saved and protected, an assurance that something of value will not be taken. This paper employs two of the emerging artificial intelligence technologies: Facial Recognition and Artificial... more
Security is generally a state or feeling of being saved and protected, an assurance that something of value will not be taken. This paper employs two of the emerging artificial intelligence technologies: Facial Recognition and Artificial... more
There are people who are always trying their best to make their life smart as possible. So we thought that we could contribute something to their part. So, got a plan to make a normal day to a smart day with bringing up the idea of "Smart... more
Merupakan Rancangan penelitian bersama dosen teknik elektro universitas muhmmadiyah surakarta yang bernama Fajar Suryawan, S.T., M.Eng.Sc., Ph.D. untuk Sistem kontrol Motor DC MY 1025 dengan menggunkan kontroler Atmega 328P sebagai... more
To implement machine learning algorithms and other useful algorithms in industrial Internet of Things (IIoT), new computing approaches are needed to prevent costs associated with having to install state of the art edge analytic devices. A... more
This paper presents the development and the designing of an intuitive multimedia & futuristic Smart Mirror with artificial intelligence for the average dwelling environment as well as for commercial purposes .This project collects real... more
1 POST OFFICE BOX 655303 • DALLAS, TEXAS 75265 D Low Supply-Voltage Range, 1.8 V to 3.6 V D Ultra-Low Power Consumption: − Active Mode: 280 μA at 1 MHz, 2.2 V − Standby Mode: 1.1 μA − Off Mode (RAM Retention): 0.2 μA D Five Power-Saving... more
The design and development of a simple but efficient digitally controlled regulated power supply of a variable voltage ranging from 0v to 15v with a maximum output current of 5A is presented in this paper. The approach employed here is... more
This paper presents the design of a Carbon Monoxide (CO) gas leakage detector in vehicles. The number of sudden death incidents due to excessive CO inhalation has recently increased. Many cases are due to driver habits and awareness, for... more
This paper presents the implementation of the Self-Leakage Test, a new approach for unconnected I/O leakage testing. It provides a path for leakage current through the on-chip leakers and uses the voltage drop at the pad to detect a... more
Note: In order for the microprocessor to service subroutines and interrupts, the stack pointer must be dimensioned in the user's program.
This paper deals with the study of Real - Time Tasks for Embedded Control Systems following component - based technology. A real - time task is assumed to be a set of components having some properties independently from any... more
1 POST OFFICE BOX 655303 • DALLAS, TEXAS 75265 D Low Supply Voltage Range 1.8 V to 3.6 V D Ultralow Power Consumption --Active Mode: 220 µA at 1 MHz, 2.2 V --Standby Mode: 0.5 µA --Off Mode (RAM Retention): 0.1 µA D Five Power-Saving... more
This application report describes the implementation of a single-phase electronic electricity meter using the Texas Instruments MSP430F673x metering processor. It also includes the necessary information with regard to metrology software... more
To have an idea is good but to have the idea replicated with a good model is better. This explains the decision to have sensitive places protected, using an intelligent gate controller system, from unwanted individuals or group of... more
Over the years, several security measures have been employed to combat the menace of insecurity of lives and property. This is done by preventing unauthorized entrance into buildings through entrance doors using conventional and... more
Over the years, several security measures have been employed to combat the menace of insecurity of lives and property. This is done by preventing unauthorized entrance into buildings through entrance doors using conventional and... more