Electoral Protest
Recent papers in Electoral Protest
El presente texto, recogiendo las aportaciones de Charles Tilly a la comprensión y disección del fenómeno revolucionario y siguiendo su definición clásica de revolución, plantea un análisis tentativo del concepto para analizar las... more
The intellectual impact of the so-called “globalization” undoubtedly affected the mindsets of researchers and scholars in the field of Political Science to work within the area of Comparative Politics and Government. This area offers a... more
Otpor is discussed in the text as acomplex and contradictory new type of social movement, whose members attempted to contribute to the tradition of enlightened reform of social and political life in Serbia, simultaneously in a highly... more
The sight of thousands of people demonstrating for clean elections and an end to corrupt postcommunist regimes led many observers to declare that the so-called color revolutions had finally brought democracy to Serbia, Georgia, Ukraine,... more
Sichovykh Striltsiv 46 04053 Kyiv tel. |38 044| 486 25 96 fax |38 044| 486 76 29 [email protected] Review and language editing
2nd, updated edition 2010, pp. 32-48.
The paper conceptualizes five basic developmental paths the post-Soviet republics followed. The conceptual framework of this paper is expanded theory of real socialism in non-Marxian historical materialism, namely proposed the model of... more
Le but de cet atelier est de plaider en faveur de l’idée que les situations africaines apportent des lumières sur le fait électoral partout dans le monde. En effet, on assiste, depuis les années 1990, marquées par la fin des partis... more
The paper represents an attempt to channel polemical exchanges concerning the process of democratisation in Serbia into the frames of scientific dialogue, which is considered here to be a more productive genre of scientific communication... more
The analysis of an unusual electoral protest in France at the end of the Second Empire offers an occasion to take another look at the political uses of law in the area of politics. The use of legal resources, particularly by lawyers,... more
Something amazing happened in Georgia's 1 October 2012 parliamentary elections. The government lost and it gave up power, aside from the now-weakened presidency that it will hold for another year. A new coalition known as Georgian... more
Something amazing happened in Georgia’s 1 October 2012 parliamentary elections. The government lost and it gave up power, aside from the now-weakened presidency that it will hold for another year. A new coalition known as Georgian Dream... more