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      History of ScienceOrigins of LifeMass extinctionsPrecambrian Geology
Publication represents report of main data on all species of Vendian and Early Cambrian macrofossils, that were ever discovered on Middle Dniester area (Podolia) and Volhynia. All taxonomic descriptions, images of type specimens, data on... more
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      Systematics (Taxonomy)EdiacaranTrace FossilsEdiacaran macropaleontology
The Cambrian Explosion is arguably the most extreme example of a biological radiation preserved in the fossil record, and studies of Cambrian Lagerstätten have facilitated the exploration of many facets of this key evolutionary event. As... more
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      Evolutionary BiologyMacroevolutionEvolutionEvolutionary Ecology
La biota ediacárica representa uno de los mayores hitos en la historia evolutiva del planeta, pues contiene algunas de las primeras formas de vida animal pluricelular macroscópica bien conocida en el registro fósil y que presenta gran... more
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      EdiacaranEdiacaran macropaleontologyPaleontologiaEdiacara
Bedding-plane assemblages of Ediacaran fossils from Mistaken Point, Newfoundland, are among the oldest known records of complex multicellular life on Earth (dated to ~565 Ma). The in situ preservation of these sessile but otherwise deeply... more
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      PaleontologyPalaeoecologyEdiacaranEdiacaran macropaleontology
Ediacara-type fossils are found in a diverse array of preservational styles, implying that multiple taphonomic mechanisms might have been responsible for their preservational expression. For many Ediacara fossils, the ‘‘death mask’’ model... more
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      TaphonomyClay MineralsEdiacaranEdiacaran macropaleontology
Ediacara fossils often exhibit enigmatic taphonomy that complicates morphological characterization and ecological and phylogenetic interpretation; such is the case with Pteridinium simplex from the late Ediacaran Aar Member in southern... more
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      Earth SciencesEdiacaran3-D ImagingPrecambrian
Diverse interpretations of Ediacaran organisms arise not only from their enigmatic body plans, but also from confusion surrounding the sedimentary environments they inhabited and the processes responsible for their preservation.... more
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      PalaeoecologyEdiacaranEdiacaran macropaleontologyRheotaxis
Farm Aar in Namibia contains a sequence of rocks from the late Ediacaran Nama Group. This site has produced a large number of fossils of Ernietta plateauensis and Pteridinium simplex. These two forms are incompletely characterised in the... more
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      TaphonomyEdiacaranPrecambrianEdiacaran macropaleontology
"A new assemblage of frondose and filamentous Ediacaran macrofossils is reported from the upper Drook Formation of Pigeon Cove, Newfoundland. The frondose forms, all less than 3 cm in length, are considered to represent the juvenile... more
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      PalaeontologyNewfoundland and LabradorEdiacaranEdiacaran macropaleontology
During the Ediacaran the Clymene Ocean separated the Laurentia, Amazonia, and Río Apa cratons from several landmasses to the west forming the proto-Gondwana supercontinent. However, no clear evidence about the existence of Ediacaran... more
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      NeoproterozoicEdiacaranEdiacaran macropaleontologyEdiacaran biota
The early evolution of metazoans has been reconstructed by studies on exceptionally preserved molds in siliciclastic rocks from the Ediacaran Period. However, there remains considerable controversy regarding the formation mechanisms of... more
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      PaleontologyTaphonomyInvertebrate PaleontologyEdiacaran
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      PalaeontologyPrecambrian GeologyEdiacaranPrecambrian paleobiology
Ediacaran fossil communities consist of the oldest macroscopic eukaryotic organisms. Increased size (height) is hypothesized to be driven by competition for water-column resources, leading to vertical/epifaunal tiering and morphological... more
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      Spatial AnalysisEdiacaranEdiacaran macropaleontologyEdiacaran biota
Ediacara fossils often exhibit enigmatic taphonomy that complicates morphological characterization and ecological and phylogenetic interpretation; such is the case with Pteridinium simplex from the late Ediacaran Aar Member in southern... more
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      EdiacaranEdiacaran macropaleontologyNamibiamicroCT
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      Stable Isotope GeochemistryTrilobitaTrilobitesEdiacaran
Rangeomorphs from the Ediacaran of Avalonia are among the oldest known complex macrofossils and our understanding of their ecology, ontogeny and phylogenetic relationships relies on accurate and consistent classification. There are a... more
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      Systematics (Taxonomy)PalaeoecologyEdiacaranEdiacaran macropaleontology
Ediacara-type fossils are found in a diverse array of preservational styles, implying that multiple taphonomic mechanisms might have been responsible for their preservational expression. For many Ediacara fossils, the “death mask” model... more
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      Evolutionary BiologyGeologyPaleontologyEcology
Fósseis de cloudinas e corumbellas encontrados no norte do estado indicam que um mar raso cobria partes da América do Sul e da África há cerca de 550 milhões de anos. Com pouco menos de 70 mil habitantes, o município de Januária, no norte... more
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      NeoproterozoicEdiacaranProterozoicEdiacaran macropaleontology
ChinaRetallack (this issue) argues that Shibantan trace fossilsdescribed by Chen et al. (2013) were not made by bilaterian ani-mals, but instead by a motile grex phase of cellular slime molds,such as Dictyostelium discoideum, a... more
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      EdiacaranSlime MoldsTrace FossilsEdiacaran macropaleontology
Ediacaran fossils allow us the opportunity to investigate how the earliest preserved metazoans lived, interacted, and diversified. Such interpretations are complex as these organisms are often morphologically enigmatic and defy ready... more
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      Geometric MorphometricsEdiacaranEdiacaran macropaleontologyPteridinium
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      Earth SciencesGeologyTaphonomyEdiacaran
The early evolution of metazoans has been reconstructed by studies on exceptionally preserved molds in siliciclastic rocks from the Ediacaran Period. However, there remains considerable controversy regarding the formation mechanisms of... more
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      PaleontologyTaphonomyInvertebrate PaleontologyEdiacaran
The early evolution of metazoans has been reconstructed by studies on exceptionally preserved molds in siliciclastic rocks from the Ediacaran Period. However, there remains considerable controversy regarding the formation mechanisms of... more
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      PaleontologyTaphonomyInvertebrate PaleontologyEdiacaran
During the Ediacaran the Clymene Ocean separated the Laurentia, Amazonia, and Río Apa cratons from several landmasses to the west forming the proto-Gondwana supercontinent. However, no clear evidence about the existence of Ediacaran... more
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      Earth SciencesGeologyNeoproterozoicEdiacaran
During the Ediacaran the Clymene Ocean separated the Laurentia, Amazonia, and Río Apa cratons from several landmasses to the west forming the proto-Gondwana supercontinent. However, no clear evidence about the existence of Ediacaran... more
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      Earth SciencesGeologyNeoproterozoicEdiacaran
Ediacara fossils often exhibit enigmatic taphonomy that complicates morphological characterization and ecological and phylogenetic interpretation; such is the case with Pteridinium simplex from the late Ediacaran Aar Member in southern... more
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      Earth SciencesEdiacaran3-D ImagingPrecambrian
O que é que a Argentina, a Namíbia e o Estado de Minas Gerais têm em comum? Pouca coisa, se é que alguma. Mas no passado estas massas de terra, tão distantes agora, estiveram conectadas. E serviram de habitat para alguns dos primeiros... more
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      EdiacaranGondwanaEdiacaran macropaleontologyEdiacaran biota