Recent papers in Ecoregions
Land protection policies such as creating and preserving national parks have been promoted to counter global threats to the environment and to conserve biodiversity. We know little, however, about the country characteristics that might be... more
vi Abstract R egionalism in the design disciplines is the idea that design can and should derive from abstractions and celebrations of the immediate context, both natural and cultural. Because the Pacific Northwest (PNW) has an... more
Diatoms are extremely diverse ubiquitous microalgae. This makes them good indicators of the quality of aquatic ecosystems, and they have been used for this purpose for the past 50 years. Since 2000, the European Water Framework Directive... more
Evolution of occupation and deforestation in the Amazon. Increasing deforestation trends in the Andean-Amazon countries. Ecoregions most affected. Evolution of protection of the Amazon, protected areas and indigenous territories,... more
Non-native species have been introduced at escalating rates during the last decades, mainly due to the dispersion generated by the increasing trade and transport worldwide. Mollusks, the second largest metazoan phylum in terms of species... more
En materia geopolítica, el conocimiento del soporte biofísico y climático de una nación es un elemento de suma centralidad que incide en el momento de trazar líneas estratégicas de acción. Por tal motivo, el siguiente capítulo tendrá como... more
An annotated checklist of the Mollusca from the Australian Indian Ocean Territories (IOT) of Christmas Island (Indian Ocean) and the Cocos (Keeling) Islands is presented. The checklist combines data from all previous studies and new... more
Areas with minimal anthropogenic influences are frequently used as reference sites and represent the best ecological state available in a region. Streams in such conditions are necessary for evaluating the conservation status of aquatic... more
Aim Biologists increasingly recognize the roles of humans in ecosystems. Subsequently, many have argued that biodiversity conservation must be extended to environments that humans have shaped directly. Yet popular biogeographical... more
One of the important tools to evaluate the ecological quality of surface water is the Macrophytes indices based on the bioindication capacity of aquatic plants. In Mediterranean rivers (France, Spain, and Portugal), the development of... more
Aim Biologists increasingly recognize the roles of humans in ecosystems. Subsequently, many have argued that biodiversity conservation must be extended to environments that humans have shaped directly. Yet popular biogeographical... more
Non-native species have been introduced at escalating rates during the last decades, mainly due to the dispersion generated by the increasing trade and transport worldwide. Mollusks, the second largest metazoan phylum in terms of species... more
The current rate of warming due to increases in greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions is very likely unprecedented over the last 10,000 y. Although the majority of countries have adopted the view that global warming must be limited to <2°C,... more
Un paesaggio costituisce un'unità ecologica dinamica in struttura e funzione. La configurazione spaziale dei diversi elementi del paesaggio e i loro cambiamenti nel tempo possono essere attribuiti ad una combinazione di fattori ambientali... more
EXECUTIVE SUMMARY The Amazon is the world’s largest rainforest and the largest river basin on the planet. More species are found here than anywhere else. Such is the extraordinary diversity of life in the Amazon that the region is... more
Reducing species extinctions and expanding protected areas are key goals of the Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD). To meet these goals, nations should assure a minimum protection of all ecoregions (Target 11) and preserve the most... more
Non-native species have been introduced at escalating rates during the last decades, mainly due to the dispersion generated by the increasing trade and transport worldwide. Mollusks, the second largest metazoan phylum in terms of species... more
This paper presents the context, methodology and preliminary results of an ecoregionalisation process applied at national scale. Ecoregion delineation was based on robust biophysical stratification and on vegetation data, particularly... more
Galindo-Cardona et al. Drone Congregation Areas in Argentina in apiaries and DCAs, and highlight the role of drones in mite dispersion and genetic variability of new colonies. The study of DCAs emerges as a tool for investigating not only... more
Indonesian Marine Protected Areas (MPAs) in the context of biodiversity and spatial locations require study in the form of ecoregion-based analysis. The study makes in analyzing inequality (gap analysis) between marine protected areas... more
Seasonally dry tropical forest (SDTF) at the Colombian inter-Andean valley of Cauca River (IVCR) has been under constant transformation. Following the current SDTF's global distribution, it has remained as small and sparse fragments... more
Freshwater Ecoregions of Vietnam: 1. ID 726 – Lower Lancang (Mekong) 2. ID 727 – Khorat Plateau (Mekong) 3. ID 728 – Kratie - Stung Treng (Mekong) 4. ID 729 – Mekong Delta 5. ID 730 – Southern Annam 6. ID 731 – Eastern Gulf of Thailand... more