Videos by Ana Carolina Monmany-Garzia
Varroa destructor is a serious ectoparasite of the western honey bee, Apis mellifera, which negat... more Varroa destructor is a serious ectoparasite of the western honey bee, Apis mellifera, which negatively impacts on colonies health and survival worldwide. We characterized mite infestation levels and genetic diversity in Drone Congregation Areas (DCAs) and surrounding apiaries and explored putative environmental variables associated to Varroa infestation in two eco-climatic regions of Argentina. This is the first report of DCAs in South America.
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♻️ En este informe, seguí la ruta del plástico y todo... more [ ¿QUÉ PASA CON EL PLÁSTICO EN TUCUMÁN? ]
♻️ En este informe, seguí la ruta del plástico y todos los desechos en basurales de la provincia. ¿Qué hacemos con el plástico? ¿Dónde se inicia y dónde termina?
#tucuman #basura #plastico #contaminacion #reducir #reutilizar #reciclar 4 views
Los apicultores de todo el mundo seleccionan aquellas características de las abejas que facilitan... more Los apicultores de todo el mundo seleccionan aquellas características de las abejas que facilitan y favorecen la producción. Sin embargo, en las regiones donde ocurre hibridación entre linajes, esta selección es un desafío, dado que en estas regiones los procesos evolutivos ocurren en tiempo real. En Argentina existe una zona híbrida natural de abejas (Apis mellifera) entre los 28º y 35º Sur, donde convergen poblaciones africanizadas (AHB) y europeas (EHB). En esta zona, los apicultores utilizan mayoritariamente recursos genéticos seleccionados de origen europeo, ya que las abejas africanizadas locales muestran un comportamiento más defensivo, lo que no es deseable para el manejo. Aunque las colonias de EHB tienen muchas ventajas para la producción de miel, no están completamente adaptadas al clima subtropical y son susceptibles a ciertas parasitosis como la varroosis. Además, tanto AHB como EHB se aparean en áreas de congregación de zánganos (ACZ), donde los machos y las reinas vírgen Beekeepers around the world select those characteristics of bees that facilitate and favor produc... more Beekeepers around the world select those characteristics of bees that facilitate and favor production. However, in regions where hybridization between lineages occurs, this selection is challenging, since in these regions evolutionary processes occur in real time. In this study we explore the degree of hybridization within a DCA and its reference apiary, located in the province of Entre Ríos, by applying two complementary techniques. First, we analyzed wing morphometry in the reference apiary. Second, we did genetic analysis. Our results show the high impact that commercial beekeeping has on Drone Congregation Area's genetics. We show how wing morphometry can be used to monitor hybridization between European and African subspecies, a tool that can be evaluated in other regions of the world where hybridization occurs.
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Version in spanish in supplementary material En nuestra más reciente publicación mostramos cómo el poliestireno y el polietileno modifican a l... more En nuestra más reciente publicación mostramos cómo el poliestireno y el polietileno modifican a las comunidades de hongos y bacterias que viven dentro de la polilla mayor de la cera.
Barrionuevo, J. M. R., Vilanova-Cuevas, B., Alvarez, A., Martín, E., Malizia, A., Galindo-Cardona, A., ... & Godoy-Vitorino, F. (2022). The Bacterial and Fungal Gut Microbiota of the Greater Wax Moth, Galleria mellonella L. Consuming Polyethylene and Polystyrene. Frontiers in Microbiology, 13.
Para ver el articulo en inglés :!po=0.359712
Versión en inglés del video: La contaminación plástica ya es evidente en todos los ecosistemas. En Tucumán, Argentina, estudia... more La contaminación plástica ya es evidente en todos los ecosistemas. En Tucumán, Argentina, estudiamos a una especie de polilla plastívora, es decir, capaz de comer y biodegradar plástico. Les dimos a las larvas diferentes plásticos de uso comercial y encontramos que las larvas comieron, se desarrollaron hasta adultos y pusieron huevos en todos los plásticos, aunque el desarrollo fue acelerado en las dietas basadas en plástico. Si querés saber más, te invitamos a leer nuestro artículo:
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Plastic pollution is already evident in all ecosystems. In Tucumán, Argentina, we studied a kind ... more Plastic pollution is already evident in all ecosystems. In Tucumán, Argentina, we studied a kind of plastivore moth; that is, a moth that is capable of eating and biodegrading plastic. We fed the larvae a variety of commercially available plastics and found that the larvae ate, developed to adults, and laid eggs on all plastics, although development was accelerated on the plastic-based diets. If you want to know more, we invite you to read our article:
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In our most recient publication we showed how polystyrene and polyethylene modify gut bacteria an... more In our most recient publication we showed how polystyrene and polyethylene modify gut bacteria and fungi communities in the greater wax moth.
Barrionuevo, J. M. R., Vilanova-Cuevas, B., Alvarez, A., Martín, E., Malizia, A., Galindo-Cardona, A., ... & Godoy-Vitorino, F. (2022). The Bacterial and Fungal Gut Microbiota of the Greater Wax Moth, Galleria mellonella L. Consuming Polyethylene and Polystyrene. Frontiers in Microbiology, 13.
Full paper here:!po=0.359712
Video spanish version: Papers by Ana Carolina Monmany-Garzia
Basic and Appliled Ecology, 2024
Soybean is one of the most widely cultivated species worldwide. Empirical studies have shown that... more Soybean is one of the most widely cultivated species worldwide. Empirical studies have shown that animal pollination can contribute between 0 and 50 % to soybean yields. However, the role of animal pollination in soybean production is often overlooked in management decisions. Understanding the factors driving variability in pollinator contribution can aid in developing effective management strategies. In this study, we experimentally assessed the contribution of both autonomous and animal pollination across nine widely cultivated soybean cultivars in the Chaco region of Argentina. Additionally, we explored whether specific traits of these cultivars could explain the observed variability in pollination contribution. We used field exclosure experiments to study cultivars that differed in flower color, genetic modifications, and maturity groups, and analyzed the variability in pollinators’ contributions across years and locations. We found that the overall reduction in production between open and bagged plants was, on average, 40 % (CI 25–51 %). The contribution of pollinators varied depending on flower color, maturity groups, and locations, but not across different years or genetic modifications. Cultivars with purple flowers showed greater differences between open and bagged plants compared to those with white flowers, indicating that flower color may influence the attractiveness of flowers to pollinators. Additionally, pollinators’ contribution varied across maturity groups, potentially due to the differential timing of the flowering affecting the local abundance of pollinators within the crop. Notably, the variable used to estimate pollinators’ contribution (i.e., seeds, pods, or yield) conditioned the results. Pollinators’ contribution can be highly variable, and traits associated with cultivars can help improve our understanding of such heterogeneity. Our results showed that the contribution of pollinators to soybean cultivars in the Chaco region of Argentina ranges from modest to high. This suggests that conserving pollinators and managing agricultural fields at plot and landscape scales can significantly impact soybean production.
PLOS ONE, 2024
Biographical features like social and economic status, ethnicity, sexuality, care roles, and gend... more Biographical features like social and economic status, ethnicity, sexuality, care roles, and gender unfairly disadvantage individuals within academia. Authorship patterns should reflect the social dimension behind the publishing process and co-authorship dynamics. To detect potential gender biases in the authorship of papers and examine the extent of wom
Context The recent phytosanitary crisis caused by the stem borer weevils Dynamis borassi and Rhyn... more Context The recent phytosanitary crisis caused by the stem borer weevils Dynamis borassi and Rhynchophorus palmarum in peach palms (Bactris gasipaes) seriously affected the economy of local families in Colombia. To understand the possible ecological mechanisms favoring the pest, the weevil-palm system needs to be studied from a multi-scale perspective. Objectives We evaluated the combined effects of agricultural management, landscape, topography, soil, and climate variables on infestation levels of peach palm caused by the weevils D. borassi and R. palmarumin the Colombian southwest to understand underlying ecological drivers of the current phytosanitary crisis. Methods The palm infestation levels (response variable) and local agronomic practices were recorded in 32 sites across Colombia's Pacific, Andes, and Amazon natural regions. For each peach palm crop, landscape variables were estimated from classified Sentinel-2 images, soil variables were extracted from the Soil Grids 25...
Landscape Ecology, 2024
Context The recent phytosanitary crisis caused by the stem borer weevils Dynamis borassi and Rhyn... more Context The recent phytosanitary crisis caused by the stem borer weevils Dynamis borassi and Rhynchophorus palmarum in peach palms (Bactris gasipaes) seriously affects the economy of rural families in Colombia. To understand the possible ecological mechanisms favoring the pest, the weevilpalm system needs to be studied from a multi-scale perspective. Objectives We evaluated the combined effects of agricultural management, landscape, topography, soil, and climate variables on infestation levels of peach palm caused by the weevils D. borassi and R.
Beekeepers around the world select bees’ characteristics that facilitate and favor production. In... more Beekeepers around the world select bees’ characteristics that facilitate and favor production. In regions where hybridization among lineages is taking place, this selection is a challenge, given that these regions are “natural laboratories”, where the action of evolutionary processes of a population or species occurs in real time. A natural honeybee (Apis mellifera) hybrid zone exists in Argentina between 28° and 35° South, where Africanized (AHB) and European (EHB) populations converge. In this zone, beekeepers use selected genetic resources of European origin mostly, since the local Africanized bees show a higher defensive behavior, which is not desirable for management. Although EHB colonies have many advantages for honey production, they are not fully adapted to the subtropical climate and are susceptible to certain parasitosis such as varroosis. In addition, both AHB and EHB mate in drone congregation areas (DCAs), where males and virgin queens fly to meet, resulting in variability in the desired characteristics. In this study, we explored the degree of hybridization within a DCA and its reference apiary, located in the province of Entre Ríos, by applying two complementary techniques. First, morphotypes with different degrees of hybridization between European and African subspecies were observed in the reference apiary, indicating a high sensitivity of this morphometric approach to detect hybridization in these populations. Second, a genetic analysis revealed haplotypes of both origins for drones in DCAs, with a higher prevalence of European haplotypes, while all the colonies from the reference apiary exhibited European haplotypes. Overall, our results are in line with the strong impact that commercial beekeeping has on the genetics of DCAs. We show how wing morphometry may be used to monitor hybridization between European and African subspecies, a tool that may be evaluated in other regions of the world where hybridization occurs.
Frontiers in Microbiology
Plastic production has been increasing exponentially in the last 60 years, but plastic disposal i... more Plastic production has been increasing exponentially in the last 60 years, but plastic disposal is out of control, resulting in the pollution of all ecosystems on Earth. Finding alternative environmentally sustainable choices, such as biodegradation by insects and their associated gut microbiota, is crucial, however we have only begun to characterize these ecosystems. Some bacteria and one fungus have been previously identified in the gut of Greater Wax Moth larvae (Galleria mellonella L., Lepidoptera, Pyralidae) located mainly in the Northern hemisphere. The aim of this study was to describe changes in the gut microbiota associated with the consumption of polyethylene and polystyrene by the Greater Wax Moth in Argentina, considering both bacteria and fungi. Larvae were fed polyethylene, polystyrene and beeswax as control for 7 days. Next generation sequencing revealed changes in the bacterial gut microbiome of the wax moth larvae at the phyla and genus levels, with an increase in t...
Environmental Science and Pollution Research
Low-density polyethylene (LDPE), biaxially oriented polypropylene (BOPP), and expanded polystyren... more Low-density polyethylene (LDPE), biaxially oriented polypropylene (BOPP), and expanded polystyrene (EXPS) are the most common plastics found in every home of the world, but only ~ 10% enter the recycling chains. Consequently, the study of plastic biodegradation by microorganisms and insects, such as the wax moths, has gained special interest. Galleria mellonella (L.) has been shown to consume single-layered polyethylene and polystyrene, though biological impacts of this consumption have been rarely reported. We evaluated the consumption of different plastics by G. mellonella larvae (L7, mean size: 25–30 mm) and its effect on larval duration, survival, and development. For this, we offered the larvae five diets: single-layered LDPE, EXPS, BOPP, triple-layered polyethylene (SB, for silo-bags), and a control with beeswax. We recorded the state and weight of the materials and the state of larvae until they reached the adult stage. Larvae consumed more PE (both LDPE and SB) and EXPS than BOPP; still, they were able to emerge as adults in all treatments. Larvae that consumed plastics turned into pupal stage faster than those that consumed beeswax, regardless of the type and amount of plastic consumed. This is the first report of wild G. mellonella larvae in Argentina consuming biaxially polypropylene and silo-bags.
La incógnita planteada en el título reunió a un grupo de investigadores en el simposio 'Ecolo... more La incógnita planteada en el título reunió a un grupo de investigadores en el simposio 'Ecología de residuos plásticos: ¿Qué estudiamos en Argentina?', llevado a cabo en la XXVIII Reunión Argentina de Ecología. En esta comunicación hacemos un análisis del contexto nacional sobre residuos plásticos. Nuestros estudios en ecología de plásticos buscaron mitigar, por un lado, y cuantificar los residuos plásticos, por otro lado. Estos estudios ocurrieron en la mitad norte del país, en ambientes terrestres y acuáticos, y se enfocaron en diferentes materiales plásticos y en distintos organismos, aunque las bacterias fueron de interés para la mayoría de nosotros. Concluimos con preguntas guía para ecólogos, basadas en los Objetivos de Desarrollo Sostenible (ODS) de la ONU. Estas preguntas se relacionan con los ODS Agua Limpia y Saneamiento, Ciudades y Comunidades Sostenibles, Producción y Consumo Responsable y Vida Submarina y Sobre la Tierra.What kind of research questions do ecolog...
¿Qué ocurre primero: el dengue o las condiciones socio-ambientales desfavorables para que el mosq... more ¿Qué ocurre primero: el dengue o las condiciones socio-ambientales desfavorables para que el mosquito Aedes aegypti exista? La respuesta desde una visión integrada es "ambas y de manera sinérgica". Será difícil controlar al dengue, una enfermedad viral transmitida por el mosquito Ae. aegypti, si no mejoramos estas condiciones. En el Gran San Miguel de Tucumán el brote de dengue se ve favorecido por distintas condiciones derivadas de la actividad humana. La ciudad presenta cursos de agua contaminados (canales de desagüe y ríos) y acumulación de residuos sólidos urbanos en microbasurales a cielo abierto que se multiplican de manera constante. Además, en estas áreas residen los grupos sociales más vulnerables. Para disminuir la proliferación de Ae. aegypti y la propagación del dengue, ambas situaciones deben ser atendidas, generando mejoras en las condiciones socio-ambientales puertas adentro (en el interior de los hogares) como puertas afuera (en el espacio público). What is first: dengue fever or the unfavorable socio-environmental conditions that promote the existence of the mosquito Aedes aegypti? The answer from an integrative vision is "both, and in a synergic manner". It will be difficult to control dengue, a viral disease transmitted by Ae. aegypti, if we do not improve these conditions. In the Great San Miguel de Tucumán the dengue outbreak is favored by different conditions derived from human activity. The city includes contaminated water courses (drainage channels and rivers), and urban solid waste accumulation in open micro waste dumps that replicate constantly. In addition, the most vulnerable social groups inhabit these areas. In order to help diminish the proliferation of Ae. aegypti and dengue propagation, both situations must be managed, generating improvements in indoor (the interior of houses) and outdoor (public space) socio-environmental conditions.
Ecología Austral, 2019
Background Atopic dermatitis is a multifactorial immune-mediated skin disorder characterized by a... more Background Atopic dermatitis is a multifactorial immune-mediated skin disorder characterized by an alteration of epidermal barrier function and onset of skin lesions, which range from mild erythema to severe lichenification. Treatment consists in hydration with possible use of topical or immunomodulatory corticosteroids, which, however sometimes showed side effects. Recently, the interest in natural compounds has grown significantly and among these, hydroxytyrosol (HT) plays a pivotal role due to its strong and well-known anti-inflammatory activity. Objectives The aim of this study was to investigate the safety and efficacy of Fenolia® Eudermal Cream 15 (HT-based formulation) on epidermal barrier impaired as consequence of skin injury. Methods Whit this purpose, morphologic and structural as well as anti-inflammatory evaluations, after treatment with proinflammatory mediators (PBS 1 X and LPS) and HT-based formulation on reconstructed human epidermis (RHE) were carried out by qualitative (hematoxylin/eosin-and immunostaining) and quantitative (MTT assay, IL-1α and IL-8 release by ELISA) techniques. Furthermore, HT absorption through the epidermal barrier was evaluated by RP-LC-DAD analysis. Results A rise in the thickness of the epidermis as well as an appropriate maturation and protein expression (Loricrin, Fillagrin, E-Cadherin and Cytokeratins 5&6) were detected in treated RHE samples. In particular, the HT-based formulation was found to stimulate cell proliferation, as evidenced by the significant increase in Ki67 expression, which suggests the involvement of repair mechanisms, increasing epithelial regeneration and differentiation and improving the epidermal barrier effect. Furthermore, HTbased formulation showed a statistically significant anti-inflammatory activity by reducing both IL-1α and IL-8 release by RHE tissues, greater than the reference drug dexamethasone. Finally, excellent transcutaneous absorption values were found for HT, demonstrating how this new formulation increases the availability of the bioactive compound. Conclusions In light of these results, Fenolia® Eudermal Cream 15 could be an effective agent to counteract atopic dermatitis.
Journal of Apicultural Research, 2019
Achroia grisella and Galleria mellonella (Lepidoptera, Pyralidae) are two of the most common pest... more Achroia grisella and Galleria mellonella (Lepidoptera, Pyralidae) are two of the most common pests in apiaries worldwide since in their larval stage they feed on wax combs that bees use for their offspring, on bees' food, and on the wooden boxes. After finding some specimens of parasitoids associated to A. grisella cocoons in Tucum an, Argentina, our objective was to accurately identify the species and to study its oviposition habit as a basic biological aspect of the host-parasitoid association. We identified the parasitoid wasps as Apanteles galleriae (Braconidae, Microgastrinae) and herein report the species emerging from A. grisella for the first time in Argentina. Morphological and mitochondrial analyses of specimens coincided in their identification. Further studies on this parasitoid species will allow us to design strategies for the biological control of this important beehive pest.
Journal of Apicultural Research, 2018
In this note, we report the lesser wax moth Achroia grisella F. (Lepidoptera: Pyralidae) (LWM), a... more In this note, we report the lesser wax moth Achroia grisella F. (Lepidoptera: Pyralidae) (LWM), a beehive pest, for the first time in Argentina. In addition, we report observations of the larvae of this pest species consuming "silo-bags," a material commonly used in the country for hive management. Silo-bags are composed of three layers of polyethylene and one anti-UV layer and no records of insects consuming this material are found in the literature. Our report represents a warning for apiculture in Argentina, especially when honey production has been observed to decrease recently. This decrease may be a result of a combination of factors, which may include the poor monitoring of hive health, and inappropriate management of pests such as A. grisella. In addition, our observations on silo-bag consumption represent a call for attention to beekeepers that use this material to conserve heat in the hives and open questions about the mechanisms involved in silo-bag consumption by the larvae.
Videos by Ana Carolina Monmany-Garzia
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♻️ En este informe, seguí la ruta del plástico y todos los desechos en basurales de la provincia. ¿Qué hacemos con el plástico? ¿Dónde se inicia y dónde termina?
#tucuman #basura #plastico #contaminacion #reducir #reutilizar #reciclar
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Version in spanish in supplementary material
Barrionuevo, J. M. R., Vilanova-Cuevas, B., Alvarez, A., Martín, E., Malizia, A., Galindo-Cardona, A., ... & Godoy-Vitorino, F. (2022). The Bacterial and Fungal Gut Microbiota of the Greater Wax Moth, Galleria mellonella L. Consuming Polyethylene and Polystyrene. Frontiers in Microbiology, 13.
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Barrionuevo, J. M. R., Vilanova-Cuevas, B., Alvarez, A., Martín, E., Malizia, A., Galindo-Cardona, A., ... & Godoy-Vitorino, F. (2022). The Bacterial and Fungal Gut Microbiota of the Greater Wax Moth, Galleria mellonella L. Consuming Polyethylene and Polystyrene. Frontiers in Microbiology, 13.
Full paper here:!po=0.359712
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Papers by Ana Carolina Monmany-Garzia
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♻️ En este informe, seguí la ruta del plástico y todos los desechos en basurales de la provincia. ¿Qué hacemos con el plástico? ¿Dónde se inicia y dónde termina?
#tucuman #basura #plastico #contaminacion #reducir #reutilizar #reciclar
Read the original article here:
Version in spanish in supplementary material
Barrionuevo, J. M. R., Vilanova-Cuevas, B., Alvarez, A., Martín, E., Malizia, A., Galindo-Cardona, A., ... & Godoy-Vitorino, F. (2022). The Bacterial and Fungal Gut Microbiota of the Greater Wax Moth, Galleria mellonella L. Consuming Polyethylene and Polystyrene. Frontiers in Microbiology, 13.
Para ver el articulo en inglés :!po=0.359712
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Barrionuevo, J. M. R., Vilanova-Cuevas, B., Alvarez, A., Martín, E., Malizia, A., Galindo-Cardona, A., ... & Godoy-Vitorino, F. (2022). The Bacterial and Fungal Gut Microbiota of the Greater Wax Moth, Galleria mellonella L. Consuming Polyethylene and Polystyrene. Frontiers in Microbiology, 13.
Full paper here:!po=0.359712
Video spanish version:
common plastics found in every home of the world, but only ~ 10% enter the recycling chains. Consequently, the study of
plastic biodegradation by microorganisms and insects, such as the wax moths, has gained special interest. Galleria mellonella
(L.) has been shown to consume single-layered polyethylene and polystyrene, though biological impacts of this consumption
have been rarely reported. We evaluated the consumption of different plastics by G. mellonella larvae (L7, mean size: 25–30
mm) and its effect on larval duration, survival, and development. For this, we offered the larvae five diets: single-layered
LDPE, EXPS, BOPP, triple-layered polyethylene (SB, for silo-bags), and a control with beeswax. We recorded the state and
weight of the materials and the state of larvae until they reached the adult stage. Larvae consumed more PE (both LDPE and
SB) and EXPS than BOPP; still, they were able to emerge as adults in all treatments. Larvae that consumed plastics turned
into pupal stage faster than those that consumed beeswax, regardless of the type and amount of plastic consumed. This is
the first report of wild G. mellonella larvae in Argentina consuming biaxially polypropylene and silo-bags.
contaminated water courses (drainage channels and rivers), and urban solid waste accumulation in open micro waste dumps that replicate constantly. In addition, the most vulnerable social groups inhabit these areas. In order to help diminish the proliferation of Ae. aegypti and dengue propagation, both situations must be managed, generating improvements in indoor (the interior of houses) and outdoor (public space) socio-environmental conditions.
and the size and frequency of fires are increasing every year. The majority of fires in
the tropics are an unintended consequence of current land-use practices that promotes
the establishment of grass and shrubland communities, which are more flammable and
more adapted to fire than forests. In the Caribbean, wildland fires occur mainly in dry
forests and in grasslands and crop lands. Climate change projections for the Caribbean
indicate increasing area of drylands and subsequent increasing potential for wildland
fire. We assessed the last decade of fire occurrence records for Puerto Rico to quantify
the relative importance of time, climate, land cover, and population to inform predictive
models of fire occurrence for projecting future scenarios of fire risk. Kruskal-Wallis,
generalized linear models, robust regression, simple and multiple regressions, and tree
models were used. We found that hour of the day (time), mean minimum temperature
(climate), and percent forest cover (land cover) significantly influenced fire occurrence,
while population showed a weak effect. Many variable interactions showed to be important.
These significant variables and interactions should be considered in fire-predicting
models for the island.