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      Environmental PhilosophyEnvironmental HistoryGerman IdealismEnvironmental Ethics
Some contemporary ecological fictions offer complex representations of their characters that can play an important part in developing a potentially less destructive form of human self-perception than the one dominant in the cultures in... more
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      Self and IdentityIdentity (Culture)EcocriticismEcophilosophy
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      Critical TheorySemioticsPoststructuralismPhilosophy of Psychoanalysis
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      MarketingMarxismServices Marketing and ManagementStrategic Management
This text was originally written for the tenth anniversary issue of the Journal of Environmental Thought and Education (Japan). This is an expanded and revised version (June 20, 2018). Links to several earlier versions are included.
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      BuddhismSocial ChangeSocial MovementsSocial Theory
O progressivo avanço da crise socioecológica torna cada vez mais premente a necessidade de literalmente pararmos para pensar sobre o tipo de civilização em que estamos vivendo e quais os seus rumos possíveis. Há quase sessenta anos a... more
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      Deep EcologyEcophilosophyFilosofía Ambiental
Monografia w języku polskim, która ukazała się w Wydawnictwie Naukowym "Śląsk" w 2016 roku. Spis treści: Wstęp do ekokrytyki 17 Zagadnienia i problemy badawcze ekokrytyki 19 Przegląd polskich stanowisk wobec problematyki ekologicznej... more
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      Critical TheoryHumanitiesEnvironmental EducationHuman-Animal Relations
Copies of E.F. Schumacher's Small is Beautiful, first published in 1973, can still be found in many libraries. And it occasionally chances as an unexpected treasure on the shelves of second-hand bookshops. Although most copies of the book... more
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      EcophilosophyE.F. SchumacherAlternative economicsSustainability
In The Lily in the Field and the Bird of the Air (1849), Kierkegaard presents a succinct critique of Romantic aesthetics, in line with contemporary critiques of ecocriticism and ecophilosophy, e.g. by Timothy Morton. Whereas Romantic... more
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      Human EcologyPhilosophyContinental PhilosophyKierkegaard
This is a final draft of the article published in Environmental Ethics 11 (Fall 1989): 243-258. This assessment of the Promethean dimension of Marx's thought is accurate, but though it mentions Marx's more dialectical side and its... more
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      Critical TheorySocial TheoryPhilosophyPolitical Philosophy
Climate policy, climate communication and cognitive science researches have identified that better ways of conveying the climate change story are needed; specifically, a new frame or narrative is required. There are also increasing calls... more
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      NarrativeClimate change policyEcophilosophyFraming
the most extensive overview of anarchist theory and practice yet to appear. His survey of the history of ecological thought is therefore quite welcome. Nature's Web is a valuable work for anyone concerned with ecological issues, and is... more
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      Social TheoryPhilosophyEnvironmental PhilosophyHistory of Thought
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      PhilosophyEnvironmental PhilosophyApplied EthicsPolitical Ecology
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      BuddhismSocial TheoryAsian StudiesPhilosophy
This is an expanded version of a paper originally given at the English and Theatre Studies research seminar at Melbourne University in May 2015, and it retains its oral tone. My intention both for the original paper and for this expanded... more
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      French StudiesContemporary French PhilosophyMichel SerresBiosemiotics
I think of this as one of my more significant reviews, not only due to its dealings with the underlying orientation of a major environmental philosopher but also because it is here that I say a few words about my own conception of... more
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      Environmental PhilosophyEnvironmental EthicsEnvironmental Political TheoryEnvironmental Politics
Through personal experience, cultural studies, and naturalist knowledge, this essay explores wildlife tracking as a mytho-poetic paradigm of knowing that straddles art, mysticism, and science.
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      TheologySpiritual EcologyAnimal StudiesEcological Anthropology
Czy życie może zwyciężyć? Pentti Linkola-fiński przedstawiciel alternatywy ekologicznej Streszczenie: W niniejszym artykule zaprezentowane zostały przekonania i poglądy fińskiego przedstawiciela ekologii głębokiej, Pentti Linkoli. Postać... more
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      Environmental SociologyPolitical PhilosophyEnvironmental StudiesPolitical Science
Europe, an effective confederal municipalist Green movement in the u.s. could demonstrate an alternative way forward. Social Ecology is a comprehensive holistic conception of the self, society, and naturei. It is, indeed, the first... more
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      Social MovementsSocial TheoryPhilosophyPolitical Philosophy
This was one of the earliest academic books to discuss so-called New Age beliefs. It took a fresh approach to the study of cults and new religions and is rich in cross-cultural and historical examples.
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      Cultural StudiesCultural GeographyEthnographyNew Testament
In this article I explore the environmental ethics of perhaps the most influential figure of modern Jewish orthodoxy, Joseph Dov Soloveitchik. In his book, The Emergence of Ethical Man, Soloveitchik presents a developmental model of... more
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      Hans JonasEcophilosophyRabbi Joseph B. SoloveitchikArne Naess
Within the literary tradition of existentialism, both Camus and Sartre express strong perspectives on nature and the natural world. We should use the special insights offered by Camus to consider the possibility of a new kind of... more
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      Friedrich NietzscheJean-Paul SartreJean Paul SartreCamus
My review of one of the key early texts of literary ecocriticism. This was in fact my first academic published work.
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The 6th edition of Elsinore’s CLICK Festival investigates these Quirky Ecologies that we are, and that we are only slowly becoming aware of: Rather than taking human’s allegedly exceptional ‘nature’ and its cultural-technical superiority... more
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      PhilosophyArt HistoryMedia StudiesNew Media
You would not find the boundaries of oikos, even by travelling along every path, so deep a logos does it have. 1 It has now been almost three decades since Bill Devall and George Sessions published Deep Ecology. 2 A decade before, Arne... more
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      Social MovementsPhilosophyPolitical PhilosophyEthics
In metamodern culture, handicraft is everywhere. As I argue, the ‘artisanal turn’ is not just a symptom of postmodern nostalgia, i.e. past ‘options’ or ‘instances’ allowed to make a second appearance. Rather, it is our very experience of... more
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      AlchemyDesign TheoryMetamodellingGilbert Simondon
Tuinen, Sjoerd van (2019). “Common Sense: From Critique to Care (Arendt beyond Arendt)” in: Joke Brouwer & Sjoerd van Tuinen (eds.) To Mind is to Care (Rotterdam: NAi/V2 Publishers), pp. 124-57.
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Der Beitrag erläutert und analysiert die Kategorie der existenziellen Gefühle. Im Zentrum steht der Ansatz von Matthew Ratcliffe, der diesen Begriff eingeführt und vor allem im Bereich einer phänomenologischen Philosophie der Psychiatrie... more
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This article builds on the Pierre Hadot’s and others’ suggestions that philosophy can and should constitute not only an analysis of life, but also a “way of life” concerned with actualizing how to live in accordance with an aesthetics,... more
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      Environmental PhilosophyPhenomenologyEnvironmental EthicsEnvironmental Aesthetics
The discussion of issues in political ecology has expanded greatly in recent times, above all as the result of growing concern about far-reaching ecological problems that seem to require an effective political response in the near future.... more
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      Social MovementsSocial TheoryPhilosophyApplied Philosophy
ABSTRACT: This article examines the growth of Neopaganism and Native Faith in post-Soviet Ukraine. It traces the historical development of Neopagan ideas and contextualizes their emergence within the cultic milieus of alternative religion... more
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      New Religious MovementsPaganismPrehistory of Ukraine (Prehistoric Archaeology)Ukraine (History)
For Evagrius, both physical and psychological transformation are integral to spiritual transformation. A human being is essentially a nous that, as image of the Triune God, is itself triune, the anthropological triad of spirit, soul and... more
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      PhilosophyTheologyHistorical TheologyEcophilosophy
An incomplete draft of this text was published in Democracy and Nature; the final version was published  as Ch. 10 of John P. Clark, _The Impossible Community: Realizing Communitarian Anarchism_ (New York and London: Bloomsbury, 2013).
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      Critical TheorySociologySocial ChangeSocial Movements
From the diversity of the currents in ecophilosophy we can trace three different main lines: the ethical, ontological and social approaches. In practice they are not found in a pure form and a philosopher can represent a different... more
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      Environmental PhilosophyPolitical EcologyEnvironmental EthicsSocial Ecology
This article proposes an ecophilosophy of the cinema. It builds on Martin Heidegger’s articulation of art as ‘world-disclosing,’ and on a Whiteheadian and Deleuzian understanding of the universe as a lively and eventful place in which... more
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      Film TheoryPhilosophy of FilmEcocriticismCinema
I. Vikinški staronordijski književni likovi BALDR & FREYJA & ODIN & PROROČICA ČAROBNICA VOLVA & TOR u PJESNIČKOJ VJEŽBENICI ANALITIČKE MITOLOŠKE ČITANKE. Primjeri namijenjeni sveučilištarcima slušateljima nacionalnih jezika s... more
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      Early ChristianityEcophilosophyPoetic EddaEuropean Medieval Civilization
Sets forth a new model for how American society has suppressed its grief over the progressive severance of its connection to the world soul over the last 60+ years, the consequences of that suppression, and the shadows projected in the... more
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      SociologyClimate ChangeEcopsychologyDepression
This is a revised version of a text presented in part at the American Association of Geographers’ Annual Meeting, April 10, 2018, in New Orleans.
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      HistorySocial TheoryGeographyHuman Geography
Despite more than a decade of widespread pubric discussion of "ecological crises" and,,enviro.r*arrtul problems,,, r"tfra"ti. ecological thinking has had only the *ort *u.ginal influence on contemporary society. The widespread tendenry to... more
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      Social TheoryPolitical PhilosophyPolitical TheorySocial Philosophy
Martin Heidegger characterized the modern world as the “age of the world picture,” an era when the world became conquered as a picture or representation set fully and clearly before our gaze. In the 1960s, the first images of the Earth... more
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      Visual StudiesFilm StudiesVisual CultureReligion and Film
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      Environmental PhilosophyEcopsychologyEnvironmental EthicsOntology of Artefacts
Dans l’immédiat après-guerre, la prise de conscience de la puissance annihilatrice des technologies militaires amène une réflexion sur la possibilité d’une destruction totale du monde. L’imaginaire de la menace, alimentée par les images... more
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      Contemporary ArtHistory of Nuclear WeaponsArt and ActivismEcophilosophy
Nature has always inspired musicians and scholars. Through the imagery of nature, the basic issues of life and mental landscapes are explored and expressed. Music can reflect our experience of nature and create a sense of belonging to an... more
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      MusicologyClimate ChangePopular MusicEthnomusicology
The highest small-scale biodiversity or density of species (in the world scale) has been recorded in semi-natural communities. It demonstrates that sustainable role of humans can be beneficial in terms of biodiversity for the whole of... more
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      Human EcologyBiocultural DiversitySustainable DevelopmentCultural Landscapes
Tämän kirjoituskokoelman aiheena on musiikin ja luonnon suhde. Aihe on laaja, sillä musiikin ja luonnon yhteyksistä löytyy loputtomasti esimerkkejä. Luonto tai luontokokemus lienee rakkauden ja uskonnollisten teemojen ohella musiikin... more
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      Music EducationMusicologyPopular Music StudiesEnvironmental Education
File contains table of contents and my introduction (original in Italian and self-translation in English) For further info: Why «Oikosophia», and what does this new and yet archaic word... more
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      GnosticismDante StudiesMedieval StudiesJungian psychology
A spectre is haunting humanity: the spectre of a reality that will outwit and, in the end, bury us. “The Anthropocene,” or The Human Era, is an attempt to name our geological fate – that we will one day disappear into the layer-cake of... more
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      Environmental PhilosophyMedia and Cultural StudiesBuddhist PhilosophySpirituality
Lovász Ádám "A gondolkodás mint kezdetlegesség maga a másik kezdet és ezáltal képes az utolsó Isten távoli közelségébe kerülni." 1 1 "Also vermag auch das Denken als anfängliches des anderen Anfangs in die ferne Nähe des letzten Gottes zu... more
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      Climate ChangeMartin HeideggerNihilismPhilosophy of Ecology