Economic Devlopment
Recent papers in Economic Devlopment
Considered as a kind of social change, development incorporates, within its dominant vision, the self-regulating market, homo economicus, economic growth, and formal rationality at the heart of its dynamic. The objective is to shift... more
Pour que la participation contribue à une dynamique de développement, plusieurs règles doivent être respectées. Parmi ces règles nous pouvons noter la nécessité d’établir un climat de confiance, de communiquer en tenant compte de la... more
The infant mortality rate (IMR) and life expectancy at birth (LEXP) have been used as measures of health status in the districts of Rajasthan. The analytical part of the study uses a wide database with fifteen socioeconomic and two health... more
Africa as "hegemony on a shoestring". What were consequences for economic development during the colonial period? Did these effects carry over into the post-colonial era? Illustrate your answer with reference to two African countries.
Rapid population growth and continued unplanned economic development have caused severe environmental damage in across the world in general and the Asia-Pacific region, in particular. However, the recent experience is that the pace of... more
Maintenant que le cloisonnement des espaces géographiques est devenu une réalité à ses débuts, il est nécessaire de manœuvrer un changement de cap de 180°de tout les modèles actuels de développement. dans las pays du tiers monde qui ont... more
Globally, the performance of any economy is guided by the proportion of productive resources dedicated towards supporting its needs. Whenever their availability is low and cannot support adequately the economic needs, contribute to... more
Drawing on the above discussion, and existing research on the functioning of sector and regional labour markets -high performing labour markets adapt smoothly to change to ensure the most effective balance between the jobs and skills... more