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The skill and efficiency of a numerical model mostly varies with the quality of initial values, accuracy on parameterization of physical processes and horizontal and vertical resolution of the model. Commonly used low-resolution... more
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      GeologyEarth System ScienceSystem DevelopmentHigh Resolution
A simulation study of the sea breeze circulation and thermal internal boundary layer (TIBL) characteristics has been carried out at the tropical site Kalpakkam on the east coast of India, for operational atmospheric dispersion prediction.... more
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      GeologyEarth System ScienceSeasonalitySea Breeze
Seasonal snow cover is a vital natural resource in the Himalaya. Monitoring of the areal extent of seasonal snow cover is important for both climatological studies as well as hydrological applications. In the present paper, snow cover... more
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      GeologyRemote SensingMonitoring And EvaluationStrategic Planning
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      Earth SciencesClimate ChangeEarth system
Thermal infrared (TIR) remote sensing of land-surface temperature (LST) provides valuable information about the sub-surface moisture status required for estimating evapotranspiration (ET) and detecting the onset and severity of drought.... more
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      Environmental EngineeringCivil EngineeringRemote SensingSurface energy balance
The Mylliem granitoids of the Meghalaya Plateau, northeastern India, represent one of the disharmonic Neoproterozoic igneous plutons, which are intrusive into low-grade Shillong Group of metasediments. Field studies indicate that the... more
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      GeologyGeochemistrySoftware DevelopmentEarth System Science
Streambed temperatures can be easily, accurately and inexpensively measured at many locations. To characterize patterns of groundwater-stream water interaction with a high spatial resolution, we measured 140 vertical streambed temperature... more
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      Environmental EngineeringCivil EngineeringSeasonalitySpatial Heterogeneity
Current insurer responses to anthropogenic climate change are generally adaptive and weakly mitigative rather than strongly mitigative. In this chapter, we argue successful insurance system adaptation to anthropogenic climate change... more
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      Climate ChangeAdaptationMitigationEarth system
Two of the most relevant components of any flood forecasting system, namely the rainfall-runoff and flood inundation models, increasingly benefit from the availability of spatially distributed Earth Observation data. With the advent of... more
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      Environmental EngineeringCivil EngineeringRemote SensingMethodology
For hydrological modelling studies at the river basin scale, decision makers need guidance in assessing the implications of uncertain data used by modellers as an input to modelling tools. Simulated solute transport through the... more
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      Environmental EngineeringCivil EngineeringUncertain DataHydrological modelling
Flash floods are characterized by their violence and the rapidity of their occurrence. Because these events are rare and unpredictable, but also fast and intense, their anticipation with sufficient lead time for warning and broadcasting... more
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      Flood ForecastingSpace TimeSatellite ImageryReal Time
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      Earth SciencesGeologyRemote SensingAcoustic Emission
The paper analyses the prevailing breach mechanisms of fluvial dikes. Piping in the dike foundation and slope failure as a consequence of seepage flow through a dike core (micro-instability) were identified as two of the dominant breach... more
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      GeologyMonte Carlo SimulationMonte CarloRisk assessment
The objective is to present a reservoir management system which is capable of determining optimal operating rules both for flood event based and normal operation while at the same time attempting to achieve ecologically oriented... more
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      GeologyEarth system
The terpenoid composition of resins from the Miocene lignite horizons from the Kerala-Konkan Coast, western India was analyzed by Curie-point pyrolysis-gas chromatographymass spectrometry (Cupy-GC-MS). The major pyrolysates were... more
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      GeologyEarth System ScienceCrude OilGas Chromatography/mass Spectrometry
The Samchampi-Samteran alkaline complex occurs as a plug-like pluton within the Precambrian granite gneisses of Mikir Hills, Assam, northeastern India and it is genetically related to Sylhet Traps. The intrusive complex is marked by... more
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      GeneticsGeologyTectonicsEarth System Science
In recent years the frequency of high-flow events on the Meuse (northwest Europe) has been relatively great, and flooding has become a major research theme. To date, research has focused on observed discharge records of the last century... more
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      Environmental EngineeringCivil EngineeringClimate ChangeClimate variability
Peatland carbon and water cycling are tightly coupled, so dynamic modeling of peat accumulation over decades to millennia should account for carbon-water feedbacks. We present initial results from a new simulation model of long-term peat... more
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      Time SeriesWater CycleRadiocarbon DatingWater balance
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      GeologyEarth System ScienceMicrobial MatEarth system
The study area Mettur forms an important industrial town situated NW of Salem district. The geology of the area is mainly composed of Archean crystalline metamorphic complexes. To identify the major process activated for controlling the... more
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      GeologyThermodynamicsTamil NaduWater Chemistry
Coastal areas are highly exposed to natural hazards associated with the sea. In all cases where there is historical evidence for devastating tsunamis, as is the case of the southern coasts of the Iberian Peninsula, there is a need for... more
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      GeologyData ModellingSpatial planningImpact Assessment
The Mylliem granitoids of the Meghalaya Plateau, northeastern India, represent one of the disharmonic Neoproterozoic igneous plutons, which are intrusive into low-grade Shillong Group of metasediments. Field studies indicate that the... more
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      GeologyGeochemistrySoftware DevelopmentEarth System Science
For open orchard and vineyard canopies containing significant fractions of exposed soil (>50%), typical of Mediterranean agricultural regions, the energy balance of the vegetation elements is strongly influenced by heat exchange with the... more
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      Environmental EngineeringCivil EngineeringRemote SensingHeat Exchanger
The one-dimensional linear advection-diffusion equation is solved analytically by using the Laplace integral transform. The solute transport as well as the flow field is considered to be unsteady, both of independent patterns. The solute... more
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      GeologyEarth System ScienceDispersionTransport
Global circulation models (GCMs) depict different pictures for the future of Nile basin flows in general and for the Blue Nile sub-basin in particular. This study analyses the output of 17 GCMs included in the 4th IPCC assessment report.... more
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      Environmental EngineeringCivil EngineeringClimate ChangeEvapotranspiration
The calcretes in the Thar desert occur in a variety of settings, including the piedmonts, sheetwash aggraded plains; and this study adds calcretes in regolith and colluvio-alluvial plains to the group of settings in which calcretes occur... more
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      GeologyElectron Spin ResonanceEarth System ScienceLate Pleistocene
The paper investigates the ionospheric variations before some large earthquakes that occurred during 2004-2007 in Sumatra using GPS and CHAMP data. The TEC shows the occurrence of positive and negative anomalies detected within a few... more
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      GeologyAnomaly DetectionIonosphereElectron Density
Harvesting of clams (Tapes philippinarum) has important socio-economic and environmental implications for the Venice lagoon area, Italy. Clam harvesting disrupts the structure of benthic communities but the effects upon sediment stability... more
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      Environmental EngineeringCivil EngineeringSurface StructureBulk Density
We report here a 40 Ar-39 Ar age of 66.0 ± 0.9 Ma (2σ) for a reversely magnetised tholeiitic lava flow from the Bhimashankar Formation (Fm.), Giravali Ghat, western Deccan province, India. This age is consistent with the view that the... more
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      GeologyEarth System ScienceWestern GhatsEarth system
In this research, we propose recurrent neural networks (RNNs) to build a relationship between rainfalls and water level patterns of an urban sewerage system based on historical torrential rain/storm events. The RNN allows signals to... more
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      Environmental EngineeringCivil EngineeringRecurrent Neural NetworkNetwork Dynamics
Aerosol parameters are measured using a ground-based Multi-wavelength Radiometer (MWR) at Mohal (31.90 • N, 77.11 • E, 1154 m amsl) in the Kullu valley during clear sky days of a seasonal year. The study shows that the values of spectral... more
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      GeologyEarth System ScienceEarth system
Within the framework of the SCHEMA FP6 EC co-funded project (<a href="" target=_blank></a>), we have identified the sources of errors/uncertainties that can be introduced at several... more
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      GeologyEmergency ManagementNumerical ModellingDamage Assessment
The first thermoluminescence (TL) dates of pottery from a Ramayana associated site are reported. The TL dates for pre-NBPW Black-Slipped Ware levels are 730 and 765 B.C., while radiocarbon date takes the earliest Black Slipped Ware level... more
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      GeologyEarth System ScienceEarth system
First time observations of spectral aerosol optical depths (AODs) at Mohal (31.9°N, 77.11°E; altitude 1154 m amsl) in the Kullu valley, located in the northwestern Indian Himalayan region, have been carried out during Integrated Campaign... more
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      GeologyForest fireEarth System ScienceBiomass burning
The saturation index of clay minerals like Gibbsite, Kaolinite, Illite, Montmorillonite and Chlorite in groundwater were studied in detail by collecting 29 groundwater samples from the shallow coastal aquifers in and around Kalpakkam. The... more
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      GeologyEarth System ScienceEarth system
Hydrol. Earth Syst. Sci., 16, 911-935, 2012 Hydrol. Earth Syst. Sci., 16, 911-935, 2012
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      Environmental EngineeringCivil EngineeringEarth system
Flash floods are characterized by their violence and the rapidity of their occurrence. Because these events are rare and unpredictable, but also fast and intense, their anticipation with sufficient lead time for warning and broadcasting... more
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      Flood ForecastingSpace TimeSatellite ImageryReal Time
Pumping stations play an important role in flood mitigation in metropolitan areas. The existing sewerage systems, however, are facing a great challenge of fast rising peak flow resulting from urbanization and climate change. It is... more
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      Environmental EngineeringCivil EngineeringClimate ChangeHydrology
We present Top-kriging, or topological kriging, as a method for estimating streamflow-related variables in ungauged catchments. It takes both the area and the nested nature of catchments into account. The main appeal of the method is that... more
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      Environmental EngineeringCivil EngineeringSpatial InterpolationOrdinary Kriging
Several new active fault traces were identified along Katrol Hill Fault (KHF). A new fault (named as Bhuj Fault, BF) that extends into the Bhuj Plain was also identified. These fault traces were identified based on satellite photo... more
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      GeologyTectonicsInterpretationEarth System Science
Sediment trap samples collected from a depth of 1018 m in the Central Arabian Sea Trap (CAST) at 14 • 28.2 N, 64 • 35.8 E were analyzed for temporal variation of coccolithophore fluxes from October 1993 to August 1994. Out of the twenty... more
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      GeologyEarth System ScienceSeasonalitySediment Traps
The political pressure on the scientific community to provide medium to long term flood forecasts has increased in the light of recent flooding events in Europe. Such demands can be met by a system consisting of three different model... more
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      Environmental EngineeringCivil EngineeringFlood ForecastingScientific Communication
For hydrological modelling studies at the river basin scale, decision makers need guidance in assessing the implications of uncertain data used by modellers as an input to modelling tools. Simulated solute transport through the... more
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      Environmental EngineeringCivil EngineeringUncertain DataHydrological modelling
This study describes time series analysis of snow-melt, radiation data and energy balance for a seasonal snow cover at Dhundi field station of SASE, which lies in Pir Panjal range of the N-W Himalaya, for a winter season from 13 January... more
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      Real EstateGeologyTime series analysisEarth System Science
Integrating community-based disaster risk reduction (DRR) and climate change adaptation (CCA) is identified at the policy and practical level as critical to aid effectiveness. Successful integration reduces both duplication of efforts and... more
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      GeologyClimate ChangeClimate Change AdaptationDisaster risk reduction
Chuaria circularis (Walcott 1899) from the Suket Shale of the Vindhyan Supergroup (central India) has been reinvestigated for its morphology and chemical composition using biostatistics, electron microscopy and pyrolysis-gas... more
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      GeologyElectron MicroscopyEarth System ScienceGas Chromatography
Spatial patterns as well as temporal dynamics of soil moisture have a major influence on runoff generation. The investigation of these dynamics and patterns can thus yield valuable information on hydrological processes, especially in data... more
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      Temporal dynamicsSoil moistureSpace TimePreferential Flow
S Naseema Beegum et al lower (∼1) over the Arabian Sea compared to Bay of Bengal (BoB) (∼1.4) as revealed by the data respectively from Minicoy and Port Blair. Occurrences of higher values of α, showing dominance of accumulation mode... more
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      GeologyAtmospheric AerosolsEarth System ScienceSpectrum
In May of 2007, a study was initiated by the National Institute of Oceanography (NIO), Goa, India, to investigate the influence of monsoonal rainfall on hydrographic conditions in the Mandovi River of India. The study was undertaken at a... more
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      GeologyOceanographyBiomassHarmful Algal Blooms (Biology)
Realistic simulation/prediction of the Asian summer monsoon rainfall on various space-time scales is a challenging scientific task. Compared to mid-latitudes, a proportional skill improvement in the prediction of monsoon rainfall in the... more
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      GeologyData AssimilationEarth System ScienceSpace Time