Early Archaic
Recent papers in Early Archaic
This report details the excavation of the Glenshaw Rockshelter (36AL482), a small but interesting rockshelter which producing data on Archaic and Woodland prehistoric use.
Arrowheads, projectile points, or, more generally, hafted bifaces, have long been the focus of archaeological investigations. They have captured the attention of many archaeological enthusiasts, amateur archaeologists, collectors, and... more
Previous models predicting Early Archaic mobility and subsistence strategies in South Carolina have evaluated behavioral negotiations of specific resource distributions. A new model is presented using empirical datasets that quantify and... more
This paper attempts to emphasize and evaluate the importance of singular behavioral residues, such as hafted biface resharpening, with an experimental approach in order to shed some light on the overall use-life of a Kirk corner notched... more
She is currently a co-director of the project 'Connecting the Greeks. Multi-scalar festival networks in the Hellenistic world'. Prof Dr Onno van Nijf is chair of the Ancient History section at the University of Groningen. He is currently... more
Two recently discovered sites on the Mashantucket Pequot Reservation in Connecticut document the effects of the Pleistocene-Holocene transition on the region’s early hunter-gatherer population. The adjacent sites lie along the margins of... more
Evaluating the effects of raw material quality on technology is important for understanding subsistence and mobility strategies. This study quantifies raw material quality and selection through the analysis of prehistoric notched hafted... more
This paper will examine the timing, extent, and the potential overlap of early Holocene archaeological complexes producing Late Paleoindian Agate Basin and St. Anne/Varney bifaces, quartz core unifaces (Early Maritime Archaic), and... more
A series of papers has developed the claim that stone features on the submerged Alpena-Amberley Ridge (AAR) in Lake Huron provides unique insight into the Paleoindian caribou-hunting economies of the Great Lakes. The documented human... more