Early American music
Recent papers in Early American music
1 -alle pene eterne o alla comunione della sua gloria, senza chiedere, né dare, né offrire nulla, un gesto di assoluta libertà, una sorta di atto puro, di arbitrio sovrano, orrido abisso di imperscrutabile tenebrosità". 6 III. Redenzione... more
A survey of the life and works of Italian-American composer Fiippo (Philip) Trajetta (Venice, 1776 - Philadelphia, 1854).
This article explores Stephen Foster’s understanding and use of copyright. It examines what his copyright strategy can reveal about his professionalism as a songwriter and about his worldview as an important influencer of early American... more
One hundred and fifty years before the hit musical Hamilton! New Englanders of African, European and Native American descent embodied their ancestors, among the founders of the nation, in costume and song, in what would come to be a... more
As a young girl Sarah Brown Herreshoff (1773-1846) of Providence, RI developed a taste for British comic opera; later as a married mother of five she bequeathed her passion to her eldest daughter, Anna Francis. This paper tells the story... more