Drama Therapy for Children
Recent papers in Drama Therapy for Children
Dramatic reality is a core concept in drama therapy, and perhaps also the most genuine feature of the field. All drama therapists draw on dramatic reality in some form, both in their clinical practice and in their theoretical thinking.... more
This paper compares therapeutic clowning and drama therapy, starting with a brief survey of the development of medical clowning as a profession, a definition of the field, and a claim to its ancient link with drama therapy. It then... more
The 6-Key Model is an integrative, drama therapy-based, method of assessment and intervention. The model is anchored in the notion of dramatic reality – which it views as a genuine therapeutic force and a paramount tool for intervention... more
The 6-Key Model is an integrative, drama therapy-based method of assessment and intervention. The model is anchored in the notion of dramatic reality-which it views as a genuine therapeutic force and a paramount tool for intervention in... more
The 6-Key Model is an integrative, drama therapy-based method of assessment and intervention. The model is anchored in the notion of dramatic reality-which it views as a genuine therapeutic force and a paramount tool for intervention in... more
This paper outlines some of the basics of creating inclusive, barrier-free theatre for people of all abilities. The first section addresses the arts as a birthright, that is, the need that everyone has for participation in the arts,... more
This paper compares therapeutic clowning and drama therapy, starting with a brief survey of the development of medical clowning as a profession, a definition of the field, and a claim to its ancient link with drama therapy. It then... more
Dramatic reality is a core concept in drama therapy, and perhaps also the most genuine feature of the field. All drama therapists draw on dramatic reality in some form, both in their clinical practice and in their theoretical thinking.... more
Dramatic reality is a core concept in drama therapy, and perhaps also the most genuine feature of the field. All drama therapists draw on dramatic reality in some form, both in their clinical practice and in their theoretical thinking.... more