Doom Metal Music
Recent papers in Doom Metal Music
In this article, I raise a simple but surprisingly vexing question: What makes heavy metal heavy? We commonly describe music as "heavy," whether as criticism or praise. But what does "heavy" mean? How is it applied as an aesthetic term?... more
This study’s main objective was to explore the general, philosophical conception of power to see if talking about power in metal is a positive or a negative thing for its culture. It is often claimed that metal is about power. If we... more
The Shoah is an historical event that leaves its marks on Jewish memory and thought to this day. Broadly speaking, there are two lessons of the Shoah: a particularistic one-relevant to Jews only-and a universalistic lesson, for all... more
Vad är atmosfär och hur skapas det? I den här analysen undersöks atmosfär i förhållande till musikgenren doom och då utifrån ett insider-perspektiv. Insider-perspektivet är det subkulturella perspektiv som genrens anhängare ingår i,... more