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Arab World English Journal Volume 2, Number 1 pp. 18-46 Pragmatic Failure in Refusal Strategies: British versus Omani Interlocutors Jaishree Umale, PhD. Dhofar University Abstract The article provides the detailed study of the... more
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      PolitenessDiscourse CompetenceFace-threatening ActsPragmatic Failure
This study investigates characteristics of test-taker performance on IELTS Speaking Part 2 at Levels 5, 6 and 7 focusing on test-takers' strategies for producing comprehensible, high-quality speech with various devices. The features of... more
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      Oral performanceDiscourse CompetenceCommunicative CompetenceL2 proficiency
We agree that a discourse can be interpreted only if it is articulated by semantic relations of coherence between the various segments that constitute it. These links are those enabling communication between individuals. SDRT (Asher,... more
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      Discourse AnalysisEducationInterpretationDiscourse Competence
Trends in discourse analysis have brought to language teaching an interest in communication through effective discourse, moving beyond the traditional focus on the sentence. We analyse this trend in communicative competence in writing,... more
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      Discourse AnalysisTeaching English as a Second LanguageAcademic WritingApplied Linguistics
ESP Competence – an Integral Component of Tourism Students' Professional Competence The topicality of the present research is determined by the growing demands to employees' professionalism, which set new requirements to education,... more
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      English for Specific PurposesTeaching English As A Foreign LanguageEnglish language teachingDiscourse Competence
This article reports on the results of an action research study that aimed to determine the effect of a thinking routine in the development of coherence in speaking interactions. The study was carried out with two groups of second year... more
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      Discourse CompetenceInteractive Communication
Искусни писци академских текстова увек у својој свести имају циљаног реципијента, те због тога настоје да остваре тематску кохезију и логично организују свој текст, знајући да интерпретација текста и интерактиван однос између писца и... more
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      Discourse CompetenceCommunicative CompetenceCoherenceCohesion
El propósito de este estudio es doble. Por un lado, delimitaremos el concepto de secuencia didáctica para distinguirla de otras nociones concurrentes (como secuenciación, técnica didáctica y estrategia metodológica) y presentaremos cinco... more
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      Spanish as a Foreign LanguageDiscourse CompetenceTextbook AnalysisCommon European Framework of Reference for Languages
Реитерација као кохезивнo средство у усменој реализацији академског дискурса 1 Друштвена условљеност дискурса упућује на чињеницу да се комуникација било писаним, било усменим путем мора одвијати у условима сарадње емитента са... more
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      Discourse CompetenceCohesionReiteration
This article reports on the results of an action research study that aimed to determine the effect of a thinking routine in the development of coherence in speaking interactions. The study was carried out with two groups of second year... more
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      Discourse CompetenceInteractive Communication
PRE PRINT This study reported here investigated the effect of pre-task planning on L2 monologic speaking task performance on features of discourse competence. 40 undergraduate international students from different L1 backgrounds at a... more
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      Discourse CompetenceTextual Cohesion
The subject of legal interpretation is the text of a legal act as the source of law. Adequately ascertaining the substantive contents of the law therefore requires knowledge of the intrinsic characteristics of the act of law as a form of... more
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      Legal interpretationDiscourse CompetenceLegal competence