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Polychlorinated dibenzo-p-dioxins/furans (PCDD/Fs) are toxic and persistent pollutants that raise concerns due to their accumulative characteristics in the environments and biota. Atmospheric PCDD/Fs can enter various recipient... more
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      Depositional EnvironmentDioxins Pcb FuransPersistent Organic Pollutants (POPsDioxins and Furans
Direct dry deposition measurement of PCDD/Fs was achieved by employing a WSS. • Seasonal fluctuations of PCDD/Fs fluxes were observed depending on residential heating. • Gas phase PCDD/F fluxes were measured for the first time. •... more
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      Dioxins Pcb FuransPersistent Organic Pollutants (POPsFurans
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      Environmental ScienceOceanographySedimentCHEMICAL SCIENCES
The paper takes the issue of thermal utilization of sewage sludge as a priority methods of disposal operations for coal and biomass. It should be emphasized that, for example, in Poland in the years 1999-2013, the amount of sludge from... more
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    • Chemistry
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      Environmental ScienceMunicipal Solid Waste ManagementAlternative EnergyMunicipal Solid Waste
Dioxins are highly toxic and persistent halogenated organic pollutants belonging to two families i.e., Polychlorinated Dibenzo-p-Dioxins (PCDDs) and Polychlorinated Dibenzo Furans (PCDFs). They can cause cancer, reproductive and... more
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MicroRNA (miRNA), noncoding segments of RNA involved in post-transcriptional regulation of protein expression are differentially expressed in eutopic endometrium of women with and without endometriosis compared to endometriotic lesions.... more
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Emission rates of main air pollutants for ArcelorMittal Poland S.A. Unit in Krakow installations were compared with analogous rates characteristic for iron and steel industry in West Europe. In the comparison four installations (to coke,... more
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      EngineeringEnvironmental Science
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    • Endometriosis
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Risk evaluation of complex environmental mixtures of polychlorinated dibenzo-p-dioxins and related halogenated aromatic hydrocarbons (polychlorinated dibenzofurans, azo-and azoxybenzenes, naphthalenes and some of the biphenyls) is... more
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      PharmacologyChemistryMedicineLiver diseases
STUDY QUESTION: Are melatonin receptors (melatonin receptor 1A (MR1A) and melatonin receptor 1B (MR1B)) expressed in human endometrium and endometriotic tissue, and does melatonin affect endometrial cell proliferation? SUMMARY ANSWER:... more
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      MedicineMelatoninHuman reproductionEndometriosis
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    • Environmental Science
Polychlorinated dibenzo-p-dioxins (PCDDs), dibenzofurans (PCDFs), and coplanar polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs), collectively referred to as dioxin-like compounds or dioxins, are of concern because they are toxic, persist in the... more
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      ResearchEnvironmental SciencesDemographicsRECREATION
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Landfill management usually entails dealing with the production of leachate and the formation of biogas, with the related environmental and public health concerns. One element that tends not to be investigated, is the risk of a fire with... more
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      Environmental ScienceChemistryFireWaste Management
Polychlorinated dibenzo-p-dioxins (PCDDs), polychlorinated dibenzofurans (PCDFs), and polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs) are toxic and persistent organic pollutants that are able to enter the food chain, accumulate in the fat tissues of... more
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      Environmental SciencePersistent Organic PollutantsEnvironmental MonitoringEnvironmental Chemistry
Increasing concentration trends of PCDDs/Fs were observed for three sediment cores from Mexico suggesting the growing importance of local sources.
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      Environmental ScienceEnvironmental ChemistryEnvironmental PollutionMedicine
In Thailand, glyphosate is popular herbicide to control pests in the agricultural sector. This study aimed to measure glyphosate exposure concentrations through inhalation, dermal contact, and urinary glyphosate concentrations among 43... more
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      Environmental ScienceBiologyEcologyMedicine
We investigated changes in some laboratory indices and the liver histology of chronic hepatitis patients who were exposed to dioxin. In 2014, we collected liver biopsy samples for histopathological examination from 33 chronic hepatitis... more
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      GastroenterologyHistologyMedicineInternal Medicine
We report the results of environmental sampling and modeling in a neighborhood adjacent to a wood processing plant. This plant used creosote and pentachlorophenol (PCP) to treat wood for over 70 years. Between 1999 and 2001, environmental... more
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      Environmental ScienceEvaluationEnvironmental ChemistryEnvironmental Pollution
Organochlorine compounds are a class of pollutants considered toxic to humans, fish and wildlife, and show great potential for accumulation and persistence in the environment. In May 1995, the United Nations Environmental Program (UNEP)... more
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      Environmental ScienceMARINE POLLUTIONEnvironmental MonitoringEnvironmental Chemistry
Increasing concentration trends of PCDDs/Fs were observed for three sediment cores from Mexico suggesting the growing importance of local sources.
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      Environmental ScienceEnvironmental ChemistryEnvironmental PollutionMedicine
Water contact recreation REC1 Uses of water for recreational activities involving body contact with water where ingestion of water is reasonably possible. These uses included, but are not limited to, swimming, wading, water-skiing, skin... more
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This review compiles information on PCDD/F- and PCB-contaminated eggs from 20 years of global egg monitoring around emission sources in four continents conducted by the International Pollutants Elimination Network (IPEN) and Arnika as... more
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      Waste recyclingChickenBiomonitoringPlastics
Polymerase chain reaction and chemometrics detected several Pinus species including Pinus armandii involved in pine nut syndrome. Nicolai Z. Ballin & Karin Mikkelsen. Food Control; 61 (2016) 234-239 Identification of Baltic Sea salmon... more
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      Environmental ScienceFood ScienceBiotechnologyFraud Detection And Prevention
n the United States and elsewhere, 2,4-D is one of the most widely used herbicides for control of broadleaf weeds in agriculture, forestry, and rightof-way applications. 1-4 Chlorophenoxy herbicides are also among the most commonly used... more
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HPA-ZSM-5 nanocomposite as a green heterogeneous catalyst was utilized for the synthesis of furans by the three-component reaction of phenylglyoxal, dimethyl acetylenedicarboxylate and primary amines. The best results were obtained in the... more
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      ZeolitesNanocatalystDioxins Pcb Furans
The remediation of dioxin-contaminated soil of a specific coastal area previously employed for the manufacture of pentachlorophenol (PCP) in southern Taiwan's Tainan City has attracted much attention of researchers there. This work... more
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      ChemistrySoilEnvironmental RemediationEnvironmental Chemistry
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Endometriosis is a common reproductive disease with a heterogeneous presentation. Classification attempts have thus far not offered insight into its cause or its symptoms. Endometriosis may result from the migration of shed endometrium to... more
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W praktyce stosowania symulacyjnych modeli złożowych do prognozowania pracy złóż naftowych stosunkowo często napotyka się na problemy związane z realizacją różnorodnych warunków i ograniczeń eksploatacyjnych, narzuconych przez inwestora... more
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This allowed the quantitative characteristics of displacement mechanisms to be determined and the correctness of the used approach to be verified. The oil displacement mechanisms characterized in this way were implemented in the numerical... more
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Too small size of particles (dust materials) or too large moisture (fodders or waste materials e.g. sawdust, crumbled straw often has moisture above 20 %) very often constitute a large problem which makes direct utilization of plant... more
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    • Materials Science
Wpływ pH środowiska na dezaktywację katalazy…………………………………. 3.5. Dezaktywacja termiczna oraz dezaktywacja równoległa substratem……….…… CZĘŚĆ DOŚWIADCZALNA 4. Analizowany model matematyczny izotermicznego reaktora do
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Słowa kluczowe: gazomierze miechowe, trwałość gazomierzy, skrajne temperatury otoczenia, wpływ temperatury otoczenia. The results of durability tests of diaphragm gas meters, obtained using different methodologies-comparative analysis The... more
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Zarys treści. Problem negatywnego oddziaływania zanieczyszczeń powietrza na drzewa został szerzej rozpoznany już ponad sto lat temu, jednak dopiero od lat 1970. w badaniach zaczęto stosować metodę dendrochronologiczną. Dowiedziono, że... more
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      GeographyHuman GeographyEnvironmental ScienceDendrochronology
Natural radiation has been accompanying humans since its inception. They are present in the air, in water, soil or rocks, as well as in building materials that are used to erect building objects. However, a person may be exposed to a... more
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    • Architecture
Red. serii : Wodziński, PiotrPraca ta powstała w wyniku rozpoczętych przeze mnie w 2000 r. badan nad suszeniem para przegrzana zainicjowanych przez współprace z firma ITM Poland z Radomia. W wyniku tej inspiracji oraz owocnej współpracy... more
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      DryingSuperheated Steam
Wpływ pH środowiska na dezaktywację katalazy…………………………………. 3.5. Dezaktywacja termiczna oraz dezaktywacja równoległa substratem……….…… CZĘŚĆ DOŚWIADCZALNA 4. Analizowany model matematyczny izotermicznego reaktora do
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In the north of the Netherlands, in the environment of Harlingen, an industrial waste incinerator was installed in 2011. The population in the region is concerned about adverse health effects related to possible emission of dioxins. This... more
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      BiomarkersSamplingIncinerationDioxins Pcb Furans
S t r e s z c z e n i e W artykule przedstawiono ocenę zasadności budowy dodatkowo ogrzewanych słonecznych suszarni komunalnych osadów ściekowych w oparciu o zebrane doświadczenia eksploatacyjne z pracujących w Polsce obiektów. Wskazano... more
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    • Environmental Science
Jednym z celów dotyczących poprawy jakości wód, wynikającym bezpośrednio z Ramowej Dyrektywy Wodnej 2000/60/WE, jest osiągnięcie w 2015 r., co najmniej dobrego stanu wszystkich wód w kraju. Przyjęcie przez Polskę tej Dyrektywy zastąpiło... more
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    • Environmental Science
This paper presents the technology of solar drying of sewage sludge in wastewater treatment plant in Żary. Analysis of 18 months operation of the system showed that the effect of drying was achieved by 5-fold de-crease by weight of... more
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    • Environmental Science
In 2002, a cross-sectional study designed to compare the serum dioxin toxic equivalent concentrations (TEQ) of a population-based sample of Calcasieu Parish, Louisiana residents, to Lafayette Parish was conducted. The mono-ortho... more
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      DemographyEnvironmental HealthAdolescentMedicine
Presently, emissions of dioxins are mainly from incinerators, domestic and industrial coal combustion, and traffic. However, the major public concern and research effort are associated with the emissions of organic micropollutants from... more
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      EngineeringEnvironmental ScienceCoalWaste Management
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    • Materials Science
polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs). Determinants of the serum concentrations were assessed using linear regression. Results The 60 men who had worked in the phenoxy/ TCP production area had a mean TCDD serum concentration of 19.1 pg/g... more
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      ChemistryMedicineMultidisciplinaryNew Zealand
W pracy przetestowano skuteczność różnych mieszanin i rozpuszczalników w oczyszczaniu próbek okruchowych i rdzeniowych zanieczyszczonych składnikami płuczki olejowej. Przeprowadzone testy wykazały, że w żadnym przypadku nie uzyskano w... more
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    • Environmental Science
Celem niniejszej pracy jest przedstawienie szybkiej metody oceny typu wolnych węglowodorów, występujących w profilu otworu, wykorzystującej jako narzędzie pirolizę połączoną z chromatografią gazową (Py-GC). Metoda ta, jako alternatywa dla... more
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